
Laughed! Sha Yi and Hu Ke co-produced the video, but everyone laughed in their Douyin comment area

author:Hot air balloons
Laughed! Sha Yi and Hu Ke co-produced the video, but everyone laughed in their Douyin comment area

Text: Hot air balloons

Hot air balloon


I can't laugh anymore! Sha Yi and Hu Ke co-produced the video, but everyone died of laughter in their Douyin comment area, there are many "model couples" in the entertainment industry, but there are very few that can really make people's eyes shine. However, the combination of Sha Yi and Hu Ke can always bring unexpected surprises.

Recently, they posted a heartwarming video on social platforms, wanting to show affection, but who thought about it triggered a "national carnival". Netizens have turned into jokers, turning the comment area into a joyful "laughing madman".

What's going on here? Let's find out how the couple inadvertently became comedic leaders. In the video, Hu Ke is as smiling as a flower, young and beautiful, and a beautiful girl.

And what about Sha Yi? But he pretended to be deep, like an old-fashioned uncle. This strong sense of contrast instantly ignited the humor cells of netizens.

Laughed! Sha Yi and Hu Ke co-produced the video, but everyone laughed in their Douyin comment area

Someone joked: "You are like in Paris, he is like in Harbin." "That's a no-brainer! Sha Yi's "comedy nature" blooms again, if you want to say Sha Yi, that's really a treasure boy.

He has been showing people with a comedy image since he was young, and with his innate honesty and cuteness, he has long established a funny comedy uncle image in the hearts of the audience. Do you remember the Bai Zhantang he played in "Wulin Gaiden"? That made countless viewers laugh back and forth.

Nowadays, even if you want to pretend to be old and serious, it still makes people feel a cute sense of failure. Isn't that the beauty of comedy? Some netizens commented: "Teacher Sha's shooting is like an idol film, and Mr. Hu's shooting feels like a bandit turning back!" "Haha, that's just too graphic! When Sha Yi saw this comment, he estimated that he was aggrieved for a while.

However, it is this contrast that makes the whole video a bit of comedy in harmony and beauty, and becomes a sketch that makes people laugh. Speaking of the "contrasting cuteness" of model couples, the couple Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really a clear stream in the entertainment industry.

Laughed! Sha Yi and Hu Ke co-produced the video, but everyone laughed in their Douyin comment area

has been married for so many years, there are no scandals, and they have two cute and handsome sons, who can be called a model couple in the entertainment industry. However, the couple's "model" is not the high-minded, daunting type.

On the contrary, their daily lives are full of joy and fun, which makes people feel intimate and lovely. Just look at the comments of netizens: "The young man's blush is better than all love words."

"The most handsome one is cheaper for you, Hu Ke." "It seems that I met my uncle on the road.

Although these ridiculous words are a little narrow, they are precisely due to the disparity between the two of them. Hu Ke is well-maintained and still young and beautiful; Sha Yi is a real middle-aged fortune.

Laughed! Sha Yi and Hu Ke co-produced the video, but everyone laughed in their Douyin comment area

This contrast not only did not make people feel discordant, but became a highlight of their married life. I have to say, this is the real "contrast cute"! Happy life can also be so interesting Through this video incident, it is not difficult for us to find that Sha Yi is actually a natural comedian.

The comedy physique and comedy genes that he has on his body make ordinary daily life exude a bit of absurd and interesting atmosphere. It is this comedy instinct that makes him and his wife Hu Ke a carnival paradise for everyone.

Some netizens said: "Teacher Sha's photo can be dazzling for a lifetime." Sha Yi estimated that after hearing this, he had to be beautiful for several days.

Although people are now middle-aged and a little greasy, isn't this all a natural law! The important thing is that the couple is still sweet and funny, this is the real "quiet time". Seeing Sha Yi and Hu Ke's daily life, we seem to have seen another scene of a happy life.

Laughed! Sha Yi and Hu Ke co-produced the video, but everyone laughed in their Douyin comment area

It turns out that happiness does not need to be too solemn and solemn, it can also be very lively and cheerful as you like, and enjoy every interesting moment in life. Let's learn to be like Sha Yi and Hu Ke, and use light-hearted comedy to witness and celebrate the bits and pieces of life! Looking back on this "Sha Yi Hu Ke co-production video" incident, we can't help asking: In this impetuous entertainment industry, how many couples like Sha Yi Hu Ke are there? In their own way, they interpret what true happiness is. What kind of inspiration does it bring to us ordinary people? Perhaps, the answer lies in the hilarious comments, in their seemingly ordinary but joyful daily life.


And shouldn't we also learn to look at life with a humorous eye and make every day full of laughter? After all, life is a comedy, so why not face it with a smile?

It's not easy to be original, plagiarism must be investigated!

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