
Zhang Ziyu brushed the frontcourt board, won or lost at the beginning, the captain was like an internal ghost, and the coach's tactics were rigid

author:Yangyang Entertainment

Zhang Ziyu performed well, but the technical and tactical literacy of the Eastern Great Power team was not good, and over-reliance led to defeat

Zhang Ziyu brushed the frontcourt board, won or lost at the beginning, the captain was like an internal ghost, and the coach's tactics were rigid


Zhang Ziyu brushed the frontcourt board, won or lost at the beginning, the captain was like an internal ghost, and the coach's tactics were rigid

Recently, a high-profile basketball game has been the talk of the town, the final between the great powers of the East and Australia. In this game, the Eastern Powers lost by a narrow margin of one point, and such a defeat also caused heated discussions among the majority of fans. In this game, Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance became a highlight, and he scored a staggering 40 points in the game, almost half of the team's score, which can be said to be indispensable. Despite having a scoring machine like Zhang Ziyu, the Eastern team still failed to win, but lost to the Australian team by one point, which is also very regrettable.

1. Zhang Ziyu performed well, but the team's overall technical and tactical literacy was poor

In this game, Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance can be said to be undoubted, his scoring ability in the game is very good, almost the team's scoring guarantee. Whether it is in the baseline attack or fast attack, Zhang Ziyu can score easily, and he is also able to step up at critical moments and contribute valuable points to the team. It can be said that without a scoring machine like Zhang Ziyu, it would be difficult for the Eastern Power Team to have a chance to enter the finals, let alone achieve good results.

Despite the scoring guarantee of Zhang Ziyu, the Eastern Great Power team still failed to win, but lost at the moment of the game, which was also very surprising. Looking back at this game, it can be found that the reason why the Eastern great team lost was mainly because the team's overall technical and tactical literacy was not enough, and there was also a certain dependence problem. In the game, except for Zhang Ziyu, there were almost no other scoring points, and the offense of the whole team was mainly handled by Zhang Ziyu alone, while the other players seemed a little at a loss.

It can be said that there are certain problems in the overall offensive of the Eastern powers, the team's technical and tactical literacy is not enough, it is unable to form an effective offensive cooperation, and it also seems a little constrained in the face of the opponent's bag defense. In addition, on the defensive end, the rebounding ability of the Eastern Powers is also obviously insufficient, and such a problem is very prominent when playing against a strong team like Australia, where the opponent can almost easily score through offensive rebounding, while the Eastern Powers have a difficult opportunity to break fast.

Zhang Ziyu brushed the frontcourt board, won or lost at the beginning, the captain was like an internal ghost, and the coach's tactics were rigid

Second, over-reliance on Zhang Ziyu led to defeat

It is precisely because of the lack of overall technical and tactical literacy that the Eastern Great Power team relied too much on Zhang Ziyu in the game, which also directly led to the team's defeat. In the first half of the game, it was obvious that the Australian team focused on Zhang Ziyu's defense, whether it was on the outside or on the inside, Zhang Ziyu would be caught and pressed by the opponent, and such defensive countermeasures also made it difficult for Zhang Ziyu to have a chance to score.

In this case, the other players did not step up and could not form an effective attack, resulting in a very limited number of points for the Eastern powers throughout the first half of the game, while the Australian team managed to take the lead with their overall offensive and defensive capabilities. Although in the second half of the game, Zhang Ziyu still had an excellent performance, and even tied the score for a time, but when the game entered the moment, the Eastern Powers still could not escape the fate of defeat.

It can be said that such a defeat is not because Zhang Ziyu's performance is lacking, but because the whole team is overly dependent on Zhang Ziyu, unable to form a multi-point attack, and unable to effectively deal with the opponent's defensive strategy, such a problem is very fatal when playing against a strong team like Australia.

Zhang Ziyu brushed the frontcourt board, won or lost at the beginning, the captain was like an internal ghost, and the coach's tactics were rigid

Third, Wang Jiaxin's performance is terrible, and the head coach has a lot of responsibility

In addition to the lack of overall technical and tactical literacy and over-reliance, the Eastern Great Power team also exposed some other problems in this game, such as the performance of captain Wang Jiaxin was very bad. As the captain of a team, Wang Jiaxin's performance can be said to be crucial, he not only needs to have an excellent performance on the field, but also needs to stand up at critical moments and give his teammates a certain amount of motivation and encouragement.

In the game against the Australian team, Wang Jiaxin's performance was very bad, whether it was on the offensive end or the defensive end, he failed to make any achievements, but became a big burden for the team. In the first half of the game, it can be clearly felt that Wang Jiaxin's state is very sluggish, unable to effectively lead the team to attack, and there are frequent mistakes on the defensive end, giving the opponent a certain chance to score.

It can be said that Wang Jiaxin's performance directly affected the morale and rhythm of the whole team, and also made the Eastern power team gradually lose its advantage in the game. In addition to the captain's problems, the head coach also had certain problems in the tactical arrangement and personnel decision-making in this game, he did not make timely adjustments, nor did he find effective countermeasures to restrain the opponent, such a defeat also made the head coach shoulder a heavy responsibility.

Zhang Ziyu brushed the frontcourt board, won or lost at the beginning, the captain was like an internal ghost, and the coach's tactics were rigid

IV. Conclusion

The loss of this game is indeed a big blow to the Eastern powers, but it is precisely in such a defeat that the team can find its own shortcomings, and also be able to reflect and summarize. In the future competition, I believe that the Oriental team will learn a lesson, comprehensively adjust their training focus, whether it is in technical and tactical literacy or overall coordination will make a breakthrough, I believe that in the near future, the Oriental team will be able to achieve more excellent results.

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