
Lin Gengxin opened up a new track, and the cultural tourism in various provinces did not turn hard, netizens: This bend is too big

author:Helpless workers
Lin Gengxin opened up a new track, and the cultural tourism in various provinces did not turn hard, netizens: This bend is too big

I heard that people who like and follow can make their wishes come true and make a lot of money! If you want to make your dreams come true, start by following me!

"The Dream of 900 Million Girls" Lin Gengxin doesn't have a "dream" this time?

The TV series "The Story of Rose" was a hit, and the role of "Fang Xiehe" played by Lin Gengxin in the play, with his "superb acting skills" and "hateful" character image, successfully got out of the circle, and even triggered a boom in playing stalks on the whole network

Lin Gengxin opened up a new track, and the cultural tourism in various provinces did not turn hard, netizens: This bend is too big

Remember that impressive line? "What do you mean by going to Beijing?" , this line has not only become the material for ridicule by netizens, but also a sharp weapon for the propaganda of major cultural and tourism bureaus

Who would have thought that a simple line could make such a big splash on the Internet?

CCTV took the lead in using this line as an opening line to promote Beijing's tourist attractions, and then cultural and tourism bureaus across the country followed suit, combining this line with local attractions to produce a series of hilarious promotional videos

For a while, "Lin Gengxin, where are you going?" It has become an Internet buzzword, and netizens have @林更新, asking him where his next destination is, and some netizens ridiculed: "Lin Dog, you are going to become the rhythm of the wild cultural tourism ambassador!" ”

From "Game Boy" to "Tsinghua Doctor" Lin Gengxin's "counterattack" road

In addition to the new identity of "Cultural Tourism Ambassador", Lin Gengxin also has another identity that has also attracted widespread attention - a doctor from Tsinghua University

Lin Gengxin opened up a new track, and the cultural tourism in various provinces did not turn hard, netizens: This bend is too big

As soon as the news came out, netizens said that their jaws dropped one after another, you know, Lin Gengxin has always been the image of "game boy" and "Internet addicted youth" in everyone's minds, who would have thought that he would be quietly admitted to Tsinghua University?

In fact, Lin Gengxin is not as "unlearned" as everyone imagines, he once said in an interview that he usually likes to read, but he rarely talks about it publicly, he has always been eager to make a breakthrough in his acting career, and further study is undoubtedly a way to improve himself

This time, he was admitted to Tsinghua University, and also let everyone see the "unknown" side of Lin Gengxin, it turns out that he is not just an idol with "good looks online", but also a powerful person with pursuits and ideas

The "shadow" of the "Fang Concord"? Lin update: Character behavior does not rise actors

With the popularity of "The Story of Rose", Lin Gengxin is also facing some controversy, the image of the "scumbag" in the role of "Fang Xiehe" in the play is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and some viewers who are too deep in the play vent their disgust for the role on Lin Gengxin himself

Lin Gengxin opened up a new track, and the cultural tourism in various provinces did not turn hard, netizens: This bend is too big

In this regard, Lin Gengxin also responded in an interview, he said that actors and characters are independent of each other, and I hope everyone can look at it rationally and not bring emotions about the characters into real life

Behind the meme is the deep integration of culture and tourism

Lin Gengxin's line has unexpectedly become the "traffic password" of cultural tourism publicity, which is actually a manifestation of the deep integration of culture and tourism

Lin Gengxin opened up a new track, and the cultural tourism in various provinces did not turn hard, netizens: This bend is too big

In recent years, more and more tourist attractions have begun to try to promote in a younger and more down-to-earth way, and Internet memes and buzzwords have become a bridge for them to communicate with young people

By skillfully combining Internet hot memes with tourist attractions, it can not only enhance the interest and dissemination of publicity, but also allow more young people to pay attention to traditional culture and tourism resources

The value of "traffic" is seen from the "forest renewal phenomenon".

Lin Gengxin's "out of the circle" is not accidental, his sense of contrast from "game boy" to "Dr. Tsinghua", as well as a series of Internet hot stalks he has caused, have brought him huge traffic

Lin Gengxin opened up a new track, and the cultural tourism in various provinces did not turn hard, netizens: This bend is too big

In today's era of information explosion, traffic means attention, means influence, how to make good use of traffic, and transform it into positive energy is worth pondering


Lin Gengxin, the former "dream of 900 million girls", is no longer the teenager who can only "fight and kill" in the game, he continues to break through himself, and has made remarkable achievements in his acting career and studies

Lin Gengxin opened up a new track, and the cultural tourism in various provinces did not turn hard, netizens: This bend is too big

The "cultural tourism fever" and "traffic effect" triggered by him also provide us with a new perspective for thinking: how to make better use of network communication to promote culture and tourism, so that more people can feel the charm of Chinese culture?

I don't know what you think about the "forest renewal phenomenon"? Feel free to leave a message in the comment section below and share your views

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