
It was revealed that a student in Daliangshan was corporal punishment by a volunteer teacher for writing I love Japanese, and netizens quarreled again

author:Xiaoxin has an opinion

Event details

In the Daliangshan region of southwest China, a short video has sparked a nationwide debate. A cycling teacher named "Ajie" physically punished a student for writing "I love Japanese" on his work.

It was revealed that a student in Daliangshan was corporal punishment by a volunteer teacher for writing I love Japanese, and netizens quarreled again

The incident quickly caused an uproar on the Internet, with netizens engaging in heated discussions about educational methods, patriotic education, and cultural identity.

The cause of the matter

A student writes the words "I love Japanese people" on his work. When Mr. Applejack saw this, he immediately took drastic corrective action. Teacher Ajie made it clear that Chinese should not make such mistakes and emphasized the importance of cultivating a correct outlook on life from an early age.

It was revealed that a student in Daliangshan was corporal punishment by a volunteer teacher for writing I love Japanese, and netizens quarreled again

The move sparked a polarized reaction online:

Some netizens agreed with Ms. Ajie's approach, believing that it was a necessary means to shape correct values;

Others criticized him for being too blunt and lacking the necessary communication and understanding.

There was another surprising twist in the incident. Attentive netizens found that in the video, Teacher Ajie is wearing a hat with the logo of the American flag on her head. This detail makes the whole affair even more complex and intriguing. Why does a teacher who vigorously advocates patriotic education wear an American hat? Is there some kind of contradiction in this? These questions have further fueled the discussion of the incident.

It was revealed that a student in Daliangshan was corporal punishment by a volunteer teacher for writing I love Japanese, and netizens quarreled again

As the controversy continues to ferment, people have begun to think deeply about the essential purpose of education. Is education about instilling a single point of view, or should it aim to develop students' ability to think independently?

In this case, the little boy who wrote "I love the Japanese" may have been motivated by curiosity or by accident. If the teacher could understand the student's motivation first, and then give appropriate explanations and guidance, the result may be very different.

It was revealed that a student in Daliangshan was corporal punishment by a volunteer teacher for writing I love Japanese, and netizens quarreled again

This incident also triggered a reflection on the way patriotic education is conducted. An excessively harsh approach to education may cause psychological harm to students, and even lead to rebellion;

An overly relaxed attitude may lead to students' lack of awareness of important historical facts and national feelings. How to find a balance between severity and tolerance has become a challenge for every educator.

It was revealed that a student in Daliangshan was corporal punishment by a volunteer teacher for writing I love Japanese, and netizens quarreled again

The American hat on Ms. Applejack's head inadvertently exposes a pervasive problem: educators need to constantly reflect and improve themselves while educating others. There seems to be a contradiction between the message of this hat and the educational philosophy he advocates, which reminds us that education should not be a one-way indoctrination, but a process of learning from each other and growing together.

It was revealed that a student in Daliangshan was corporal punishment by a volunteer teacher for writing I love Japanese, and netizens quarreled again

As the discussion deepened, more and more people realized that the real power of education lies in communication and understanding, not simply criticism and punishment. I hope that educators like "Ajie Cycling China", as well as all those involved in education, can be more patient and tolerant, and have more communication and understanding in the education process. Only in this way can we truly cultivate the next generation who have both the ability to think independently and have patriotic feelings.

The incident also provoked deep thinking about educational methods. In the educational process, the balance between severity and tolerance is crucial. Being too strict may cause students to be fearful, depressed, and even lose interest in learning.

Being too tolerant may lead to a lack of self-discipline and is not conducive to the formation of good habits. Educators need to adopt a way of teaching students according to their aptitude according to the characteristics and needs of different students, and grasp the scale of education.

It was revealed that a student in Daliangshan was corporal punishment by a volunteer teacher for writing I love Japanese, and netizens quarreled again

The incident also touched on the issue of cultural identity. In today's globalized world, how to cultivate students' international perspectives without neglecting the inheritance of their own culture is another challenge faced by educators. Education should help students develop an open and inclusive worldview, while also fostering a sense of identity and pride in their own culture.

The incident reflects that the problem is not limited to the field of education. It reflects the different views of society on issues such as value shaping and cultural identity.

In today's highly developed information world, how to maintain one's own cultural characteristics under the influence of multiculturalism, and how to find a balance between openness and inclusiveness and adherence to tradition, these are all issues that the whole society needs to think about and discuss together.

This incident also reminds us that when it comes to values education, it is equally important for educators to be consistent with their words and actions. Teacher Applejack's practice of wearing an American hat for patriotic education inadvertently exposes this problem.

This reminds us that educators, while imparting knowledge and values, should also reflect on their own actions and ensure that their words and actions set a good example for their students.

Although the Daliangshan Volunteer Teaching Incident was only a small episode, the discussion it triggered involved many important topics such as educational philosophy, patriotic education, and cultural identity. These discussions help us to re-examine the current way of education and think about how we can better nurture the next generation.

It was revealed that a student in Daliangshan was corporal punishment by a volunteer teacher for writing I love Japanese, and netizens quarreled again

In this process, we need to maintain an open and inclusive attitude, and constantly improve our educational philosophy and methods through rational discussion and in-depth reflection.

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