
Switching back from Apple to Android really knew what I needed

author:The husband is a gentleman

Once upon a time, I was part of an Android phone. But two chances gave me a longing for Apple.

First of all, at a friend's party, everyone else used an iPhone, and I happened to have a dead Android phone. At that time, the situation was really embarrassing, and I didn't find the Android charging cable. When friends use Apple mobile phones, they will feel that people around them use Apple, is it better to use Apple?

Switching back from Apple to Android really knew what I needed

The second is that my girlfriend particularly likes the camera function of the Apple phone, she thinks that the photos taken by the Apple phone are more beautiful, while the Android phone is more distorted.

Because of this situation, I decisively bought the Apple 15, and sure enough, the Apple phone is still quite easy to use. It didn't disappoint me, and I could clearly feel the improvement in texture.

1. The system is obviously not as stuck as before, and it is very smooth.

2. The interface will not have a lot of ads like Android phones.

3. The application ecology is more perfect.

Switching back from Apple to Android really knew what I needed

Of course, there are some crazy points about the iPhone.

1. The signal is not strong enough, for example, when you are in the elevator of the underground garage, sometimes you can't receive the signal.

2. I don't know if you will, sometimes WeChat has been turning when receiving messages, and I have never been able to accept it. It takes a long time to update the information.

3. The calculator on the mobile phone can't record the calculation formula, because I need to use the calculator function often for work reasons. If you make a mistake, you have to start all over again, which is very troublesome.

Switching back from Apple to Android really knew what I needed

The Apple mobile phone is indeed very good, the whole system is smooth, and the application ecology is also perfect, which is very good. But now the development of domestic mobile phones is also relatively rapid, that is, it mainly depends on the individual, you prefer Apple, or domestic. Although the system fluency of domestic mobile phones is not as perfect as Apple's, it is harmless.

There is no good or bad mobile phone, only suitable for yourself. Think about one of your own needs and pain points, and choose the right one.

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