
There has been a rain on the earth for more than 2 million years, will such weather still occur in the future?

author:Keen starry op


In 1996, French astronaut Biandou Musseba landed on the ground in space.

In intermittent contact with outer space, Biandu did not feel the silence of all things, but the sky with frequent thunder and lightning came into view.

As Biandu's spacecraft prepares to approach the atmosphere, the sudden sound of thunder and lightning stirs up the entire space, which makes Biandu jaw-dropping.

There has been a rain on the earth for more than 2 million years, will such weather still occur in the future?

Satellites that observe the Earth in space also record the density of lightning on Earth every day, indicating that the frequency of lightning on Earth has reached an unprecedented level.

So scientists began to study, what is the reason for this situation?

More than 2 million years of rain.

What happens when it rains on the earth for more than 2 million years?

The rain of more than 200 years occurred in the early decade of the earth, when the earth was still an ancient planet, and the earth's atmosphere was still relatively young, of which carbon dioxide was the main element in the atmosphere.

Oxygen molecules, on the other hand, are mainly found in the ocean.

There has been a rain on the earth for more than 2 million years, will such weather still occur in the future?

Therefore, the earth at this time was a hot and lively place, and the temperature was extremely high.

When oxygen molecules are slowly mixed into the atmosphere, the water vapor content in the earth's atmosphere is greatly increased, and oxygen molecules are also very easy to oxidize with water molecules.

As a result, heavy rain fell on the earth for many years, and heavy rain was often accompanied by thunder and lightning, so the earth's climate at that time was that the rain collected into rivers and seas, and finally a strong air current blew part of the sea water onto land.

There has been a rain on the earth for more than 2 million years, will such weather still occur in the future?

The rain, which lasted for more than 2 million years, later gave scientists hope that it was not responsible for the unusually high volcanic activity on Earth.

At that time, the seawater was not only the crater of the volcano, but also further enhanced the rising effect of the seawater.

When this rain rushes to land, the seawater further strengthens the transpiration of the crater.

The seawater washed directly under the lava, which created huge cavities under some of the craters of the time.

At that time, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere also plummeted, and the greenhouse effect was greatly reduced, so the temperature began to drop sharply, and even during the ice age, the global temperature hit 48 degrees below freezing.

The ocean is developing at a rapid pace.

In the past 10 billion years, the climate on the earth is still relatively stable, but the climate is not static, the mountains and lakes on the earth are constantly changing, so the climate is not static.

As early as prehistoric times, there were 50 million years of ice ages on Earth.

There has been a rain on the earth for more than 2 million years, will such weather still occur in the future?

During these 50 million years, most of the earth was covered by glaciers, and there were frequent iceberg collapses between the peaks and glaciers at that time, and even snow in some places covered the glaciers forever and never been seen again.

Glaciers are natural reservoirs, and in this case, the world's sea levels have been lowered considerably.

During ice age, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere decreases, so the greenhouse effect becomes smaller and smaller.

The temperature on Earth is also gradually decreasing.

There has been a rain on the earth for more than 2 million years, will such weather still occur in the future?

And the ultimate cause of the inability to sustain life on Earth is this extremely cold weather of 48 degrees Celsius.

Nowadays, the temperature of the earth is gradually increasing, and the oceans on the earth are gradually expanding, of course, the increase of the ocean is often at the cost of rising sea levels.

The benefit of rising temperatures on Earth is that the number of organisms is gradually increasing and the rate of reproduction is also increasing.

The marine organisms that live in the ocean are mainly plankton, so the expansion of the ocean means that plankton has more room to grow, and thus more marine life can be reproduced.

Since then, marine animals such as shellfish and fish have gradually appeared, thanks to the development of the ocean.

With the vigorous development of the ocean, human beings can also make better use of the resources of the ocean, which has brought great convenience to human life.

There has been a rain on the earth for more than 2 million years, will such weather still occur in the future?

But if the oceans develop rapidly, the already small amount of land on the earth may eventually be covered by the oceans.

So scientists have calculated that according to the current view, the earth's oceans will expand by thousands of cubic meters every million years, and the increase in the area of the ocean will be added by a few squares.

So even if the ocean continues to develop like this, the sea level will not be much higher than it is now.

Today, 70% of the earth's land is ocean, and there are many more on the earth's land.

Therefore, even if the ocean continues to expand, there will not be a lot of time.

Faster ocean expansion will also take millions of years, provided that the ocean continues to develop at an accelerating rate, which is rare.

What will the weather be like in the future?

So what will the weather be like on Earth in the future?

Carbon dioxide levels in the Earth's atmosphere are still high.

There has been a rain on the earth for more than 2 million years, will such weather still occur in the future?

With 42,000 PPM of carbon dioxide per million species in the atmosphere, and 67% of succinate is in the atmosphere, the global greenhouse effect is still intensifying.

In such a situation, the temperature of the earth continues to rise.

However, human beings have begun to pay attention to environmental protection, and some countries have begun to reduce emissions, which has also reduced carbon dioxide emissions a lot.

Scientists have predicted future temperature changes on Earth based on global carbon dioxide emissions.

There has been a rain on the earth for more than 2 million years, will such weather still occur in the future?

The Earth's temperature rises at different rates under different CO2 emission scenarios.

But no matter what, everyone's goal is to make the earth's temperature rise by 1.5~2°C, and if carbon dioxide emissions are kept at the current level, then the earth's temperature will rise by 1.5~2°C in 80 years.

If the emissions are not reduced, the earth's temperature will rise by 3~5°C in 80 years.

Carbon dioxide emissions on the planet have already begun to decrease, so the rate of warming is slowing down.

If we continue to reduce emissions in this way, the temperature of the planet will not rise again.

From this point of view, the expansion of the ocean will also slow down in the future, so that sea levels do not rise.

There has been a rain on the earth for more than 2 million years, will such weather still occur in the future?

At present, the temperature on the earth is already in a relatively mild state, and the sea water in the atmosphere has not rained for many years.

The increasing proportion of atmospheric oxygen in the atmosphere and the gradual decrease in the proportion of carbon dioxide are a hope for the future of the planet.

In the future, the temperature of the earth will be between 1.5~2°C, and the speed of ocean development is also slowing down, so there will be no ocean expansion in the future, and there will be no large-scale sea level rise.

And the rainfall that has occurred for more than 2 million years in history will not be repeated.

There has been a rain on the earth for more than 2 million years, will such weather still occur in the future?

In the future, the earth will be a warm and livable place.


Earth's climate is diverse, ranging from wind and rain to sunshine.

In the next few hundred years, people will need to take better care of the planet to make it a better place.