
The surface of the sun is close to 6000°C, and the earth is hot, why is space close to absolute zero?

author:Keen starry op


The temperature difference between different planets is very large, and even for the same planet, the temperature of different regions can vary greatly.

But the whole universe is called the "sun", so for the temperature of the sun, we will also be curious, how hot is the sun?

The surface of the sun is close to 6000°C, and the earth is hot, why is space close to absolute zero?

Generally speaking, the temperature of the sun is more than 6,000 degrees Celsius, so what is the state of this temperature relative to the earth?

Solar temperature.

As the star of our planet, the sun is always the end of planetary evolution, everything starts from the sun, so the temperature of the sun is very important, so what is the temperature of the sun?

According to the data calculated by scientists, the temperature of the sun has reached more than 5,800 degrees Celsius, and we all know that the higher the temperature, the greater the energy, and when the temperature reaches a certain level, the molecules of matter will begin to accelerate.

So in general, high temperatures have a great impact on matter, so the temperature of the sun will reach this value, so why does the sun have such a high temperature?

The surface of the sun is close to 6000°C, and the earth is hot, why is space close to absolute zero?

That's because the sun itself is a huge star, and the temperature of the star is much higher than that of the planet we are on, and it is precisely because of the high temperature of the sun that it can shine on all the planets, so that the creatures on the planet can live with peace of mind.

The energy released by the nuclear fusion reaction of the sun in a high temperature state is also very large, and we also know that the temperature of the star will become higher and higher as the potential of the star can continue to burn.

After reaching this value, the temperature of the sun did not continue to grow upward, mainly because the hydrogen burned by the sun itself was used up, and at the same time, a part of it was annihilated, so the temperature of the sun was maintained at this value.

The surface of the sun is close to 6000°C, and the earth is hot, why is space close to absolute zero?

The surface temperature of the sun is more than 5,000 degrees Celsius, and the outer atmosphere of the sun is also very high, with a temperature of more than 6,000 degrees Celsius, and the distance between the earth and the sun is about 150 million kilometers.

This distance is very long, so the heat of the sun can be scattered, and the temperature will also drop, so the real temperature of the sun is on the surface of the sun.

The principle of the heating of the sun.

So what is the source of the sun's high temperatures?

In ancient times, people usually thought that the sun could be a huge fireball that was burned, so the temperature of the sun was so high, but later with the continuous development of science and technology,

The scope of human exploration has gradually expanded, and people's understanding of the sun has become clearer, and human scientists have a certain understanding of the temperature and composition of the sun after a long period of exploration and experimentation.

The surface of the sun is close to 6000°C, and the earth is hot, why is space close to absolute zero?

Human scientists have discovered through telescope observation that there are sunspots and flares on the sun, and through the huge energy release of sunspots and flares on the sun, the sun is in an extremely high temperature state.

The high temperature of the sun can be explained in two ways, on the one hand, it is formed by local energy concentration, and on the other hand, the surface of the sun is in a state of high temperature.

The surface of the sun is close to 6000°C, and the earth is hot, why is space close to absolute zero?

The high temperature of the sun is the energy released through the reaction of nuclear fusion, and it is also the way to maintain the temperature of the sun, so the energy of the sun is released through nuclear fusion, and nuclear fusion is a very high temperature.

Only in the environment of nuclear fusion reaction can the surface temperature of the sun reach more than 6,000 degrees Celsius, nuclear fusion is the fusion of two hydrogen nuclei to form helium atoms, and at the same time release a very large amount of energy in the process.

The surface of the sun is close to 6000°C, and the earth is hot, why is space close to absolute zero?

Under the pressure of the internal hydrogen, a very high temperature can be generated, which will cause the electrons of the hydrogen element to detach, thus forming positively charged protons, and at the same time, in order for the protons to be able to undergo nuclear fusion, the energy accumulated by the protons will become the highest temperature.

The radiant temperature of the sun.

At the same time, the energy radiated by the sun is also very large, and the energy irradiated by the sun can make all the planetary creatures photosynthesize, so the energy of the sun on the planet is very abundant.

In addition to solar lighting, it can also allow organisms on the earth to photosynthesize, so the sun is also called the "mother of all things".

The surface of the sun is close to 6000°C, and the earth is hot, why is space close to absolute zero?

The sun's radiation ability will gradually increase with the increase of temperature, and when the temperature is higher, the radiation ability will be stronger, so the sun's radiation ability is very strong, but in general,

The energy radiated by the sun will be carried out on the surface of the sun, so the real temperature of the sun is on the surface of the sun, and the temperature of space will be very different from the sun, and the temperature of space is relatively low.

Because there is no matter in space, the temperature in space is also extremely low, and the temperature in space will vary depending on the planet.

The surface of the sun is close to 6000°C, and the earth is hot, why is space close to absolute zero?

At the same time, the temperature in space may be higher for the ubiquitous solar radiation, because as long as there is matter, there will be air temperature, and at the same time, the energy of solar radiation will be different.

Some may be very hot, even reaching thousands of degrees Celsius, while others may be even colder, even close to absolute zero.

Low thermal state of space temperatures.

So how does the low thermal state of space temperature compared to the temperature of the sun's surface come about?

The main reason is that there are independent substances in space, and the temperature of space will also vary according to the different substances, and the existence of air temperature in space is formed through the interaction between matter and the sun.

The surface of the sun is close to 6000°C, and the earth is hot, why is space close to absolute zero?

At the same time, there is no matter in space, the temperature in space is relatively low, and the heat of matter is mainly dissipated by thermal radiation.

At the same time, the energy of matter is mainly stored in the form of atoms, and the storage mode of atomic energy is formed by the movement mode of particles, and the movement mode of particles will also be affected by temperature.

The velocity of the particle is directly proportional to the temperature, the higher the temperature, the faster the velocity of the particle, so the temperature can be used to measure the average kinetic energy of the particle, and the radiation energy of the sun is very large,

But in space, there is a limited amount of matter in space, so the temperature in space is also very low, about -270 degrees Celsius.

The surface of the sun is close to 6000°C, and the earth is hot, why is space close to absolute zero?

At the same time, we are on the earth because of the existence of the atmosphere, and the atmosphere can also resist the radiation energy of the sun, so the temperature behind the atmosphere is also different from the temperature in space, and the temperature behind the atmosphere will not be so low.


The temperature in space and the temperature of the sun will also be different, the temperature in space is relatively low, the temperature of the sun will vary according to the state of the sun, in short, the temperature of the sun is very high.