
After watching the Chinese women's basketball team lose to Belgium 63-78, I found that these three should be eliminated

author:Spend a lot of money on the event
After watching the Chinese women's basketball team lose to Belgium 63-78, I found that these three should be eliminated

In a recent international warm-up match, the Chinese women's basketball team suffered an unexpected defeat, losing 63-78 to the world's sixth-ranked Belgian women's basketball team. This game exposed serious problems with the Chinese team, especially the back line. Han Xu and Sun Mengran performed well on the inside, but the team's defenders failed to live up to expectations, especially Wu Tongtong, Li Yuan and Jin Weina, who performed disappointingly.

Wu Tongtong was once known as the "little steel cannon", but in this game, she only relied on free throws to score 2 points, and she couldn't score goals in sports battles, and her three-point shooting was blocked by the opponent. Her form has dropped significantly, causing a lot of trouble for the team's attack. Similarly, Li Yuan's performance was disappointing, as she missed all four shots on the court and did not score a point, which was in stark contrast to her previous excellent performance in the finals.

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team lose to Belgium 63-78, I found that these three should be eliminated

Netizens reacted differently to the matter. Some netizen "Basketball Fan 123" commented: "Wu Tongtong's game is simply a parallel import, how can he not even score free throws?" Her style was so tough before, how did it become like this now? Another netizen named "Hearing on the Field" wrote: "Li Yuan is really disappointing, I watched her play so well before, but this time it suddenly became a stumbling block." ”

Some fans also have different opinions about Kim Weina's performance. Some people think that her age has affected her form, "Veterans such as Jin Weina should really consider letting young players practice more." And some other netizens commented more bluntly: "Jin Weina is just an ornament on the field, either retire or let her coach." ”

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team lose to Belgium 63-78, I found that these three should be eliminated

This game is not only a loss, but also a timely warning, reminding the Chinese women's basketball team that there is a long way to go on the road to preparing for the Olympic Games. The aberrations in the back line had a direct impact on the overall pace of the game and the tactical implementation, making it extremely difficult for the games that should have been won. In the future, the Chinese women's basketball team needs to seriously summarize the lessons of this loss, especially adjust and improve its technology and mentality to cope with the upcoming challenges of important competitions.

From the discussion of netizens, it can be seen that everyone has their own views and suggestions on the guard issue of the Chinese women's basketball team. Some people believe that it is a decline in the player's individual form, while others point to the overall tactical and coaching staff problems. A netizen "basketball lover Xiao Liu" left a message on social media: "This game made me see the weaknesses of the Chinese women's basketball team on the guard line, and I hope the coaching staff can adjust in time and find a better solution." ”

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team lose to Belgium 63-78, I found that these three should be eliminated

On social media, netizens expressed their views and opinions on the performance of the Chinese women's basketball team. Some netizen "Basketball Fan 456" said bluntly: "I have said a long time ago that Zhang Jingyi should be used to replace Wu Tongtong, why is it so difficult?" We obviously lack an outside player who can consistently shoot threes. This remark immediately sparked resonance and discussion among many fans, who believed that Wu Tongtong's performance in the game was far from meeting expectations.

Other fans more directly questioned the team's tactical set-up. 'The defeat in this game was not just because of mistakes in the back line, but the lack of a real leader. A netizen named "Basketball Spectator" left a message on social media.

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team lose to Belgium 63-78, I found that these three should be eliminated

Regarding the performance of Li Yuan and Jin Weina, many netizens also expressed disappointment and concern. "Li Yuan had a good performance in the finals before, but this game was a disaster." A fan who calls himself "Basketball Lovers 789" expressed his opinion in the comments. As for Kim Weina, some fans have even begun to question whether her continued playing is necessary. "Kim is getting older and her performance doesn't bring enough support to the team."

This warm-up match between the Chinese women's basketball team and Belgium actually revealed the team's serious shortcomings in key positions. In the middle of the game, Wu Tongtong, a player who was once known as the "Little Steel Cannon", faced the toughness of the opponent's defense, and even scored 2 points with only free throws. The result made her a little flustered, especially since every time she tried to make a shot, a Belgian player flew up and slapped her shot into the audience. She had hoped to show her attacking skills in this matchup, but reality proved that her form was very different from what she expected.

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team lose to Belgium 63-78, I found that these three should be eliminated

Li Yuan, as a backup point guard, was even more defeated in this game. She missed all 4 shots, and every time she threw a shot, she felt her hands tremble. A great performance in the last race gave her a lot of confidence, but today's defeat made her feel like she was in a nightmare. She recalls the Finals, when she could shoot every ball to the basket, but today, every defense of the opposing player makes her feel like she is being preyed.

Kim Weina, as a veteran of the team, her performance has not been able to bring support to the team. She felt a little heavy on her pace, and every time she was on the pitch she felt like she was dragging the team forward. Her physical strength and reflexes seemed to be declining at this age, which made her feel a little remorseful. She had hoped to showcase her experience and skills in this match, but it backfired and her performance became the focus of criticism from fans.

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team lose to Belgium 63-78, I found that these three should be eliminated

On social media after the game, fans expressed their disappointment and concern about the team's performance. Some fans commented: "Wu Tongtong and Li Yuan's performance today is really disappointing, we really need a more stable outside three-point shot." The remark struck a chord with many fans, who began to question the team's tactical arrangements and player selection in key positions.

Other fans were more direct critics of the team's lack of preparation and ability to deal with unexpected situations. "The defeat in this game was not just a problem with the back line, but also the mentality of the whole team at a critical moment." A fan named "Basketball Fanatics" said in a message on social media. He was very disappointed with the team's performance and felt they didn't have enough fighting spirit to fight against the Belgian squad.

This game is not only a loss, but also a timely warning, reminding the Chinese women's basketball team that there is a long way to go on the road to preparing for the Olympic Games.

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team lose to Belgium 63-78, I found that these three should be eliminated

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