
is more beautiful than Li Zi, stunned Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, is it okay now

author:Mango Literary Society
is more beautiful than Li Zi, stunned Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, is it okay now
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to

In the starry world of the Hong Kong entertainment industry, there was once a dazzling star named Yuan Jieying. She shocked the film industry with her amazing beauty, and was even considered even more beautiful than Li Zi.

Her charm not only fascinated many audiences, but even "Heavenly King" Aaron Kwok could not resist her appeal. However, as fate would have it, she experienced the pain of being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, a wealthy businessman, and fell into the whirlpool of rumors of homosexuality.

Now, Yuan Jieying, who is over half a hundred years old, has long faded out of the public eye. Her story is like a legend of ups and downs, from the bright peak to obscurity, which makes people wonder: what kind of life does the goddess of the past live now? Let's unveil the mystery of her life journey and explore the girl who once shined in the entertainment industry.

In 1985, the Hong Kong entertainment industry ushered in a dazzling new star. 16-year-old Yuan Jieying, with her unique charm, was caught by Huang Baiming, known as the "golden finger".

is more beautiful than Li Zi, stunned Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, is it okay now

It was a chance encounter in Lan Kwai Fong, where the young Yuan Jieying was arguing with her boyfriend, and her rebelliousness and agility immediately attracted Huang Baiming's attention. This chance encounter became an opportunity for Yuan Jieying to step into the showbiz.

Subsequently, Yuan Jieying participated in the movie "Happy Ghost Summer Vacation" directed by Huang Baiming. In the film, she shows the unique naughtiness and pungency of adolescent girls, as if she is acting out her own true story.

This movie not only achieved amazing box office results, but also made Yuan Jieying famous in one fell swoop, becoming the "short-haired goddess" in the hearts of many boys and girls.

Yuan Jieying's beauty not only fascinated the audience, but even Li Zi, who is known as "Hong Kong's first beauty", is slightly inferior in front of her. At the filming site of "Leaping Antelope", 17-year-old Yuan Jieying's pretty short hair and immature melon seed face have already revealed the rudiments of the goddess.

is more beautiful than Li Zi, stunned Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, is it okay now

In contrast, Li Zi, who was in the same scene, also had a little baby fat, which was difficult to compare with Yuan Jieying's delicate and heroic spirit.

With the passage of time, Yuan Jieying's acting skills and charm have become more and more outstanding. She was fortunate to cooperate with top male stars at the time, such as Jacky Cheung, Tony Leung, Louis Koo, Stephen Chow, Chow Yun-fat, Leslie Cheung, etc., and created one after another deeply rooted roles.

Whether it is "Blue Phoenix", "Big Shuang'er" or "Little Fish", each character has left an indelible impression in the hearts of the audience.

Yuan Jieying used her strength to prove that she not only has a beautiful face, but also an actor with great potential. She can easily control a variety of roles, showing both a lively and cute side, as well as a mature and charming style.

is more beautiful than Li Zi, stunned Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, is it okay now

In that star-studded era, Yuan Jieying was undoubtedly one of the most dazzling new stars.

With her excellent appearance and constantly improving acting skills, Yuan Jieying quickly became a hot actress in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. Her career is thriving, and she continues to shoot works, each of which has won the love of the audience.

At that time, no one seemed to doubt that Yuan Jieying would be the next legend in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. However, the twist of fate is often unexpected, and her life is about to usher in a series of ups and downs.

Yuan Jieying's love life is like a movie with ups and downs, full of dramatic twists. The first thing that caught the audience's eye was the scandal between her and the "Heavenly King" Aaron Kwok.

is more beautiful than Li Zi, stunned Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, is it okay now

The two have worked together in "Knife of the Wind" and "Running on Fire", which makes people wonder if they have been in love for a long time. The tacit interaction inside and outside the screen has made this rumor even more intense.

However, this much-talked-about relationship was not all smooth sailing. Aaron Kwok's avid fans have shown strong dissatisfaction with the relationship, and some have even taken extreme actions.

The appearance of threatening letters and blades cast a shadow on Yuan Jieying's life. In the face of such a predicament, the stubborn Yuan Jieying did not retreat, but chose to stick to this relationship, showing her unyielding character.

It's a pity that in the end, it was Aaron Kwok who chose to let go. He was worried that this relationship would affect his acting career, so he took the initiative to break up. This was undoubtedly a heavy blow to Yuan Jieying, and her mood fell to the bottom.

is more beautiful than Li Zi, stunned Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, is it okay now

originally thought he had found true love, but unexpectedly encountered another emotional setback.

Just when Yuan Jieying was trying to get out of her emotional wounds, Liu Luanxiong, a wealthy businessman, appeared in her life. The business tycoon, known as the "female star sniper", was attracted by Yuan Jieying's pure and rebellious temperament.

Liu Luanxiong's pursuit method can be described as large-scale: luxury houses, sports cars, stock investment, everything is extreme. Under such a fierce offensive, Yuan Jieying's heart was melted again.

Just when Yuan Jieying was at the lowest point in her life, a person named Ruan Jiaxin appeared by her side and gave her meticulous care. The two were inseparable and spent seven years together.

is more beautiful than Li Zi, stunned Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, is it okay now

However, this deep friendship was misunderstood by the outside world as homosexuality, which once again pushed Yuan Jieying to the forefront of public opinion.

In the face of disturbing speculation, Ruan Jiaxin never gave up and accompanied Yuan Jieying through the most difficult period. Her support and care allowed Yuan Jieying to gradually get out of the haze of being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong and regain her strength.

However, fate always seems to like to joke with Yuan Jieying. In the seventh year, the two broke up peacefully due to personality differences.

After so many emotional setbacks, Yuan Jieying seems to have lost confidence in love. From the king to the wealthy, to the same-sex scandal, every relationship has left a deep scar on her.

is more beautiful than Li Zi, stunned Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, is it okay now

These experiences may have made her realize that instead of trusting her to others, she should manage her life well. So, she decided to devote all her energy to her career, hoping to find new value and meaning in her work.

Yuan Jieying's career is like a roller coaster, full of ups and downs. At the peak of her acting career, a pivotal decision became a turning point in her career.

At that time, Yuan Jieying was preparing to enter the music world, hoping to make achievements in the field of music. At this critical moment, she met the talented musician Xu Riqin.

Attracted by Xu Riqin's musical talent, Yuan Jieying made an unexpected decision: she turned down the opportunity to play the role of "Zhao Min" in "Heaven and Dragon Slayer", and chose to devote her energy to music creation.

is more beautiful than Li Zi, stunned Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, is it okay now

However, this decision ended up being one of the biggest regrets in her career. Ye Tong, who replaced her as Zhao Min, became an instant hit with her wonderful performance, and this drama is still talked about by the audience today.

Yuan Jieying missed the opportunity that might make her popular again, and she couldn't help but sigh.

In the music career, although Yuan Jieying and Xu Riqin came together, they failed to achieve the expected success. Faced with doubts from the outside world that she was only with Xu Riqin for the sake of music resources, Yuan Jieying chose to break up and prove her determination with her actions.

However, this attempt did not bring a breakthrough to her career, but instead put her in an awkward position in both the fields of acting and music.

is more beautiful than Li Zi, stunned Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, is it okay now

Frustrated, Yuan Jieying had to return to the film and television industry. However, fate always seems to work against her. Just when she fell ill due to overwork, the casting of the remake of "Heaven and Dragon Slayer" began.

This time, her former friend Li Zi successfully won the role of Zhao Min and became the leader of TVB in one fell swoop with her outstanding performance.

Watching her former friend Li Zi rise to the top, Yuan Jieying's heart couldn't help but have mixed feelings. She knows that her glory days are gone. Since then, her acting career has begun to decline sharply, and she has gradually lost her motivation to struggle.

This series of setbacks made Yuan Jieying realize that in the ever-changing entertainment industry, one decision may change the direction of her entire career. What she missed was not just a role, but an opportunity that could change her fate.

is more beautiful than Li Zi, stunned Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, is it okay now

This experience also made her reflect on her career choices and life direction, laying the groundwork for her future life changes.

In 2013, for Yuan Jieying, who has faded out of the public eye for many years, it is an opportunity to start anew. With the matchmaking of Zeng Zhiwei, an old friend in the entertainment industry, she took over the filming of the TV series "Women's Club".

This drama brings together a number of well-known actresses, including Li Ruotong, Li Lizhen, Jiang Xinyan and Chen Huishan, etc., and the lineup can be described as luxurious. For Yuan Jieying, this should have been a great opportunity for her to return to the entertainment industry.

However, it backfired. Despite the strong cast, due to the poor quality of the script, "Women's Club" received a meadow response after it was broadcast. Yuan Jieying's comeback did not attract as much attention as expected, and her performance seemed to be overshadowed by the glow of other actors.

is more beautiful than Li Zi, stunned Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, is it okay now

What's worse is that during the filming, Yuan Jieying and the crew producer Chen Weiguan had an affair. Although both denied it, this rumor still cast a shadow on Yuan Jieying's comeback.

This failed comeback attempt made Yuan Jieying have to re-examine her position in the entertainment industry. She realizes that the glory of the past is difficult to recreate, and the audience's eyes have turned to the new generation of stars.

This experience has become another turning point in Yuan Jieying's acting career, and it may also be her last attempt to return to the stage of the entertainment industry.

Today, 52-year-old Yuan Jieying has long faded out of the public eye and stayed away from the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry. The years have left a ruthless mark on the face of this former "short-haired goddess", and her once delicate and moving face is now difficult to find its former brilliance.

is more beautiful than Li Zi, stunned Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, is it okay now

Yuan Jieying admits that she suffers from anorexia, and each meal takes up to three or four hours. This kind of physical distress may also reflect her inner struggle.

She used to be infinitely beautiful, but now she is skeletal, her cheeks are sunken, her body is thin, and she can no longer find the energetic girl she was back then.

It is worth noting that Yuan Jieying is still single and has never entered the palace of marriage. Perhaps because she experienced too many emotional twists and turns when she was young, she seems to have lost her expectations for love and marriage.

In order to find inner solace, Yuan Jieying chose a completely different life path from the past - taking refuge in Buddhism. She is far away from the distractions of the world and seeks peace of mind.

is more beautiful than Li Zi, stunned Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, is it okay now

Yuan Jieying said that this lifestyle makes her feel extremely happy, and she can maintain an open-minded mindset even when she encounters setbacks.

The labels of the past, such as "short-haired goddess", "love king", and "wealthy family", have faded with the passage of time. Today's Yuan Jieying is continuing to write her life legend in another way, looking for her own happiness in tranquility.

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