
Shocked that the 5-year-old boy was kicked away because of two words, and his mother made an understatement that angered netizens: This is the tutor deserves it

author:It's Mr. Chen


It tells the story of a man in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, who beat a boy because he was inappropriately addressed by a 5-year-old boy. This little argument sparked speculation about education, social rules, and emotional control. Click to read the full article and see how netizens are discussing this incident!

The man assaulted the boy for being called an inappropriate name

Recently, a netizen in Xuanhua District, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province exposed a video of a fight in the community, in which a man in his 30s can be seen beating a very young boy non-stop, while onlookers are persuading the fight. It is understood that the boy is only 5 years old.

At such a young age, you can have conflicts with people in your 30s, and the reason for the fight is naturally a cognitive problem between adults and children. Netizens said that the man and the boy were originally neighbors, because the boy called him "big brother" and ignored it, and the boy called him a few times, but the man still ignored it, and it took a while for the two to have a conflict.

When you see this, you may say that the boy is not calling his brother, it should be polite, why should the man do it?

However, in many places, "big brother" is not used to refer to older brothers, but rather to male friends who are younger than themselves, so in some contexts, the term is likely to cause resentment among others.

Even according to normal logic, adults should not use violence against children under any circumstances, let alone just because of such a small problem.

After the beating, the man left the scene, and the boy was picked up by a neighbor next to him, crying and shouting his name to go home.

Some onlookers stepped forward to comfort him and told the boy that the eldest brother came here on purpose to find fault, and you did nothing wrong, so don't be afraid.

Looking at the direction of the gate of the community, the boy kept shouting "Dad".

Shocked that the 5-year-old boy was kicked away because of two words, and his mother made an understatement that angered netizens: This is the tutor deserves it

Netizens are hotly discussed

After the video was exposed, it quickly set off a hot topic on the Internet.

Most people said they couldn't look past it, and they condemned the man's approach, and some netizens even said that if their children were subjected to such violence, even if they were educated as adults in the future, they would protect their children without hesitation, such an adult was really too much.

There are also some netizens who believe that the boy did not use malice when calling people, but as a child, he may not fully understand the use of the word "big brother", and it is not right to be the big brother who did it first after a conflict.

Some netizens believe that if there is really a conflict because of this problem, then it is completely okay to persuade each other and solve the problem on a case-by-case basis, so why bother?

Just when netizens speculated and discussed, the Zhangjiakou Municipal Public Security Bureau also quickly reported the progress of the treatment, and after investigation, the police have locked up the man who beat people and imposed a punishment of administrative detention on him.

At the same time, the public security department also reminds everyone to try to stay calm when encountering contradictions in daily life, and do not easily act to hurt others.

Even if you are indeed violated, you must pay attention to the ways and means when protecting yourself, otherwise it is likely to backfire.

Shocked that the 5-year-old boy was kicked away because of two words, and his mother made an understatement that angered netizens: This is the tutor deserves it

Education cannot ignore the cultivation of moral character

After learning the result, netizens were also relieved.

However, more people are feeling sorry for the boy, who has experienced beating and scolding at such a young age, how can he play with peace of mind in this community in the future?

Even if he can endure this injury, it is very possible to leave a psychological shadow, which is very bad for a child's growth.

After all, what children at this age need most is love and care, and they should explore the world in an environment without worries, rather than being beaten for a certain mistake.

At the same time, everyone also saw the importance of education from this incident.

In contemporary society, many parents tend to spoil and indulge in their children's education methods, thinking that as long as their children can go to school and learn well, they can let them try other things.

As everyone knows, people need a lot of things in their lives in addition to knowledge, if they don't even have the most basic principles of doing things and etiquette for dealing with people, then even if they have a high degree of education, they will enter the deep pit of society in the future.

What's more, the pressure of competition in society is so great nowadays that if parents don't even teach their children the basic rules, then they are likely to become a joke in the eyes of others.

What's more, children can only go far if they learn to respect others.

If there is a conflict over a trivial matter, or even a problem solved with fists, then even if he succeeds by his own efforts, there will be no friends around him who are willing to go down with him.

This is undoubtedly a very stupid act in the long run.

Shocked that the 5-year-old boy was kicked away because of two words, and his mother made an understatement that angered netizens: This is the tutor deserves it

The results of the investigation showed that it was not a stranger

Subsequent police investigations also confirmed some of the speculations.

It turns out that the man and the boy are not complete strangers, and the reason why they appear together in the video is probably because there were a few pleasantries between the two.

It may have been a playful language that led the boys to call each other "big brother", triggering further conflicts.

But even if it is really unpleasant because of this joke, adults are more tolerant and tolerant than children.

And it is not possible to deprive children of their right to learn and try to communicate, after all, it is only through actual social practice that they can slowly learn the skills of communicating with others.

In addition, as an adult, controlling emotions is a very important ability.

No matter who you have on any occasion, you should not do it lightly, this is the most basic social rule.

What's more, beating and scolding a 5-year-old child not only hurts the child himself, but may also cause trouble in his future life.

Such an inconsequential little thing will leave a bad record because of its own loss of control, which is really more than worth the loss.

Shocked that the 5-year-old boy was kicked away because of two words, and his mother made an understatement that angered netizens: This is the tutor deserves it


This incident is embarrassing, and the growth of children needs more care and guidance. Education is not only the imparting of knowledge, but also the cultivation of moral character. It is hoped that every child can thrive in a warm environment, learn to respect others, control emotions, and go further. What do you think of this incident? Come and leave a comment to share your views!