
Hehe, how unconvinced No. 8 Wang Jiaxin is!

author:Great exercise
Hehe, how unconvinced No. 8 Wang Jiaxin is!

In the embarrassing game at the Shenzhen Gymnasium, the Chinese women's basketball team lost to Australia, and this game became a hot topic among netizens. During the competition, the performances of Zhang Ziyu and Wang Jiaxin sparked extensive discussion and reflection.

Zhang Ziyu, as an important member of the team, left the game early at a critical moment due to physical reasons, which immediately aroused the attention and concern of netizens. Some netizens left messages on social media: "Zhang Ziyu's departure really made us lose too much. She is not only the core of the team, but also the leader on the field. Without her, we obviously lost an important pivot both offensively and defensively. Another netizen responded: "Her fitness issues did affect the direction of the match, and this defeat also reminded us that fitness and preparation are very important." ”

Hehe, how unconvinced No. 8 Wang Jiaxin is!

Some netizens wrote on social platforms: "Don't scold No. 8, after all, she is still a little girl, dare to perform, dare to shoot, isn't this spirit exactly what is needed on the court?" Although she missed her three-point shot, she at least had the courage to fight for it, and her future development potential should not be underestimated. Hopefully, she can further improve her skills in training and contribute more to the team. This remark resonated with many netizens, and some people liked and commented: "Yes, she is young, and she has such a fighting spirit that deserves encouragement and support." ”

However, some netizens have different opinions on the performance of the No. 8 player. A fan left a message in the discussion forum: "No. 8 played up to 29 minutes, but her shooting percentage was not satisfactory, especially at key moments of the game, her individualism and random play behavior directly led to the final loss." This remark immediately sparked heated discussions, and some netizens expressed their opinions: "Indeed, the team needs more cooperation and wise decision-making at critical moments. "Going it alone is not the solution, teamwork is the most important thing. ”

Hehe, how unconvinced No. 8 Wang Jiaxin is!

The role and decision-making of coaches have also become one of the focuses of netizens. Someone commented on social media: "The point is that the coach really gave No. 8 too many chances, and I think it may have something to do with her background." She has proven her lack of ability many times in the first few games, but the coach has always given her a chance. This situation is not uncommon in Chinese basketball, and there are always players who occupy positions that should not belong to them by virtue of their background and connections. This remark immediately caused widespread resonance and discussion, and some netizens also expressed their concerns and dissatisfaction with the coaching staff's decision-making: "Indeed, coaches should evaluate the performance of players more fairly, rather than being swayed by external factors. ”

On social platforms, some netizens made a more in-depth analysis and reflection on this game. A netizen published a long article saying: "This game is not only a challenge at the technical and tactical level, but also a test of team cohesion and execution. We are clearly lacking in decision-making and execution at critical moments, and this is what we need to seriously summarize and improve. This article quickly sparked everyone's resonance and discussion, and many netizens left messages in the comment area to express their views and suggestions.

Hehe, how unconvinced No. 8 Wang Jiaxin is!

After the finale of the game, more discussion online focused on how to learn from the defeat and prepare for future fights. One fan wrote on Weibo: "Even if we lose this game, we have to learn and grow from it." Teams need to work more closely together rather than relying on individual players. This positive attitude has been supported and recognized by other netizens.

In that game at the Shenzhen Stadium, the Chinese women's basketball team suffered a heartbreaking loss, and the focus of the game was mainly on two players, Zhang Ziyu and Wang Jiaxin. Their stark disparate performances revealed the tension between the team and the individual, sparking widespread discussion and reflection among fans.

Hehe, how unconvinced No. 8 Wang Jiaxin is!

Zhang Ziyu, a tall man, is known as the team's "iron gate" and showed remarkable leadership and teamwork in the game. Not only does she play a key role in on-court defense and rebounding with her physical qualities, but she also inspires her teammates with her words and actions. At the critical moment of the game, despite her poor physical condition, Zhang Ziyu insisted on fighting the court, and her every move reflected the desire and dedication to team victory. Fans off the field watched her unremitting efforts, all moved by her tenacity and tenacity, and left messages on social media: "Zhang Ziyu's fighting spirit is really admirable, she is the mainstay of the team." "We're all proud to see her give her all on the court. ”

In contrast, captain Wang Jiaxin's performance has sparked controversy and questioning. As one of the core of the team, Wang Jiaxin chose to play singles many times in the final moments of the match, rather than looking for the best attacking opportunities through teamwork. This individualistic behavior clearly adversely affects the overall tactical execution of the team. Some fans expressed their opinion on social media: "Wang Jiaxin is the captain, but her individualism disappoints me. At critical moments, she should think more about the interests of the team. "Team basketball is key, and one person's heroism won't help the team win. ”

Hehe, how unconvinced No. 8 Wang Jiaxin is!

The defeat in this game deeply touched the heartstrings of the fans, and made people deeply reflect on the team spirit and tactical execution ability of the Chinese women's basketball team. The lack of adequate tactical execution and team chemistry was cited as one of the main reasons for the defeat. One fan wrote in the discussion forum: "It is clear that our team still has a lot of room for improvement in terms of tactics, and the tacit understanding and cooperation of the team needs to be further strengthened. 'This defeat is a wake-up call that we need to be more united and not rely on individual players to excel. ”

As painful as the defeat is, there are valuable lessons to be learned and grown from. This game provided valuable experience for the Chinese women's basketball team and inspired them to make improvements in future competitions. The fans are confident about the future and they are looking forward to the team finding the motivation and room to improve to take on bigger challenges and put on a better performance. This defeat is not the end, but an important stage on the road to success, let us look forward to the Chinese women's basketball team in the future games, with a more united and firm attitude, to achieve better results.

Hehe, how unconvinced No. 8 Wang Jiaxin is!

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