
In 2024, we will concentrate on "feathers" and love each other

author:Huaxia Interview Network

——Huai'an communication industry staff badminton competition ended

In order to stimulate the enthusiasm of employees for sports and promote exchanges and integration, on May 28, 2024, the 2024 "Feather" Love Peer Staff Badminton Competition was successfully held in Huai'an Jinshiyuan Jiajia Badminton Hall. The competition has built a platform for badminton enthusiasts to learn from each other and show themselves, fully demonstrated the team cohesion and positive spirit of the employees of the Huai'an communication industry, strengthened the communication and cooperation between the employees, and also stimulated the fighting spirit of the employees, and created a good sports culture atmosphere in the Huai'an communication industry. (Gui Baolin Photo)

In 2024, we will concentrate on "feathers" and love each other
In 2024, we will concentrate on "feathers" and love each other
In 2024, we will concentrate on "feathers" and love each other
In 2024, we will concentrate on "feathers" and love each other
In 2024, we will concentrate on "feathers" and love each other
In 2024, we will concentrate on "feathers" and love each other
In 2024, we will concentrate on "feathers" and love each other
In 2024, we will concentrate on "feathers" and love each other