
Pursue the spirit of the Long March and gather the strength of women

author:Huaxia Interview Network

At 10 a.m. on June 18, 2024, the Yongshunli community launched a meaningful red education activity of "Pursuing the Spirit of the Long March, Women Striving to Be the First". On this sunny day, the people of all ethnic groups came to the Red Army's Long March Xiaosongyuan Battle Memorial Hall with reverence, and embarked on a sacred journey to pursue the red memory and forge the sense of community of the Chinese nation.

Pursue the spirit of the Long March and gather the strength of women

Under the vivid narration of the narrator, everyone seemed to travel through time and space and walked into that period of revolutionary years filled with gunpowder. The heroic scene of the Red Army's Long March in Xiaosongyuan and the touching story of the Red Army's Long March through the rich people are like a vivid picture scroll slowly unfolding in front of you. In the face of precious historical pictures, red cultural relics and the touching deeds of the revolutionary ancestors, all party members were immersed in it, reviewed the magnificent and bloody history together, and were deeply baptized and edified by the red culture in the depths of their hearts.

Pursue the spirit of the Long March and gather the strength of women
Pursue the spirit of the Long March and gather the strength of women
Pursue the spirit of the Long March and gather the strength of women

Time flies, time flies, but the spirit of the Long March will always shine brightly. Through this red education activity, all women compatriots and the masses of all ethnic groups have profoundly realized that it is by no means easy to understand the magnificent work of the history of the Communist Party of China, and it is necessary to work hard and hard. It is a treasure book full of wisdom and strength, containing the struggles and sacrifices of countless martyrs, shining with the light of ideals and beliefs.

Everyone expressed that they should take this event as a new starting point for in-depth study of party history, speed up the pace of party history study, draw rich nutrition from the party's century-old red epic, and inherit and carry forward the noble qualities and heroic and tenacious sacrifice spirit of the revolutionary martyrs. It is necessary to integrate this spiritual strength into daily work, meet challenges with a more high-spirited attitude, and contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Pursue the spirit of the Long March and gather the strength of women

Looking forward to the future, the Yongshunli community will continue to carry out various forms and rich content of "red education" activities. Through these activities, we will guide the residents of the jurisdiction to continuously cultivate the excellent qualities of sharing honor and disgrace, life and death, breathing, destiny and heart-to-heart. Let the red gene be passed on from generation to generation in this land, and let the spirit of the Long March become a powerful driving force to inspire people to move forward, and jointly write a new chapter of national unity, prosperity and development.

Pursue the spirit of the Long March and gather the strength of women

On the journey of the new era, we are pursuing the glory of the spirit of the Long March, working together, forging ahead, and creating a better tomorrow!