
Biomedical strategic highland, accelerate the rise!


Since the beginning of this year, Xinxing Town has taken project breakthroughs and style improvement as the starting point, focused on the "1+5" modern industrial layout, continuously extended the industrial chain through a grain of corn and a stevia, and gradually developed a high-tech professional park based on corn starch deep processing, dominated by the biomedical industry, and focused on the production of biological products and health care products.

Biomedical strategic highland, accelerate the rise!

Walking into the construction site of the ecological co-production project of the second phase of Shandong Guyu Biotechnology Co., Ltd., I saw that the machinery and equipment did not stop, and the workers came and went, performing their duties, and the construction scene was in full swing.

Guan Yanchun, general manager of Shandong Guyu Biotechnology Co., Ltd., said: "Since the beginning of this year, we have been equipped with sufficient equipment and personnel, and we have worked overtime to catch up with the construction progress. At present, the liquid sugar function workshop beam plate formwork and steel structure pouring construction, on-site installation and production of sugar reaction tank. The project has more than 300 people and more than 100 sets of machinery. ”

Biomedical strategic highland, accelerate the rise!

The second phase of Guyu mainly builds corn deep-processing products with an annual output of 100,000 tons of maltodextrin, 20,000 tons of allulose, and 230,000 tons of glucose. Since February this year, the four workshops have started at the same time, and the equipment is about to enter the site, and strive to be put into operation by the end of the year. Guan Yanchun told reporters: "It is expected to be completed and put into operation by the end of the year, which will achieve an annual production capacity of 780,000 tons of corn intensive processing and provide employment opportunities for more than 300 people." ”

Since 2024, Xinxing Town has taken the implementation of the service enterprise commissioner system as the starting point, carried out the whole process of tracking services from the project investment to the production and production, established the "three ones" project steward direct connection mechanism of "one project, one housekeeper, and one grasp to the end", and continuously accelerated and increased the efficiency of project construction through "moving forward, door-to-door service, and early intervention", and empowered the development of enterprises.

Biomedical strategic highland, accelerate the rise!

Wang Hao, executive deputy mayor of Xinxing Town: "We firmly establish the concept of 'service project is service development', set up a special class for project promotion services, take the initiative to connect and provide front-line services, help enterprises comprehensively solve the difficulties and pain points in project construction, improve the guarantee of funds, land, infrastructure and other elements, and help the project to be quickly constructed, put into production and achieve results." ”

Biomedical strategic highland, accelerate the rise!

In recent years, Xinxing Town has focused on the goal of "strong industrial town, project is king", adhered to the list of projects, special classes of projects, special class responsibilities, cohesion to grasp the project, through the "pass forward, door-to-door service, promote help and handling" and other ways, accelerate the promotion of Dongxiao Biotechnology, Haotian Pharmaceutical, Xingmao Corn and other enterprises to deepen the corn starch deep processing chain, the 50 billion level biomedical industry cluster is accelerating its rise.

Biomedical strategic highland, accelerate the rise!

"In the next step, we will continue to adhere to the list of projects, special classes of projects, and special class responsibilities, concentrate on projects, help enterprises to break through difficulties and pain points, dare to try, and make every effort to promote the smooth construction of the project." Wang Hao said.