
The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name

author:Park Joo brand design

The classic Chinese logo of the 20th century not only represents the aesthetics and culture of that era, but also the inheritance of the brand's history and spirit. These logos have become classics with their unique design, far-reaching influence, and vitality that keeps pace with the times.

There are many classic logo design cases in China, in fact, these logos are generally recognized as higher, even if they are put into modern times, some are still very professional and classic, they not only have a sense of beauty in design, but also have significant characteristics, and then Pu Zhuo will share with you 15 classic logo designs in China in the last century, welcome to discuss!

The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name

1. Classic logo of Chinese railway

The classic logo of China's railways, known as the "iron boss", is one of the top ten classic signs of China in the 20th century, and the designer of this logo is Chen Yuchang, who designed this logo in 1949.

The design of this logo is profound and full of wisdom. It is composed of the words "worker" and "person", which points out that the railway industry belongs to the working class and embodies the pride and sense of responsibility of railway workers. At the same time, the word "gong" is taken from the cross-sectional shape of the railroad tracks, and the whole composition forms a complete locomotive image, which contains majestic momentum and infinite power.

This classic logo of China Railway not only represents the image of China's railway, but also carries the development process of China's railway industry, and is a valuable spiritual wealth of China's railway.

The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name
The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name

2. China Post classic logo

The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name
The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name

The classic logo of China Post, with its unique design and far-reaching cultural significance, has become an important symbol of China's postal service. The design of this logo blends traditional Chinese elements with modern aesthetics, and conveys the brand philosophy and service promise of China Post through a simple and symbolic visual language.

It usually uses postal green as the main color, which reflects the stability and reliability of the postal system, and at the same time, the use of abstract postal parcel shapes and calligraphy fonts in the logo shows the profound cultural heritage and respect for traditional culture of China Post.

The value of the China Post logo is not only reflected in its role as a tool for brand identity, but also in its mission of cultural dissemination and historical inheritance. It represents the history and authority of China Post as a national postal system, a service commitment to the public, and a symbol of the quality and efficiency of China's postal services.

With the continuous expansion and innovation of China's postal services, this logo will continue to be an important tool for its brand communication, showing the professional image and cultural charm of China Post to the world.

In addition, the logo of China Post has also witnessed the development and changes of China's postal industry, from the traditional letter delivery to the modern express logistics, it has always accompanied the growth of China Post, becoming a bridge connecting the past and the future.

Its existence not only gives the public a deeper understanding and trust of China Post, but also makes China Post's services more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and become an indispensable part of people's lives.

The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name

3. Bank of China classic logo

The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name

With its unique design and far-reaching cultural significance, the iconic logo of Bank of China has become an iconic symbol of China's financial industry. The design of this logo is simple and powerful, with the character "中" as the core element, which intuitively conveys the name and identity of Bank of China, and at the same time, it also has a high degree of global recognition, which is easy to identify in different countries and regions, which is conducive to the brand image building of Bank of China in the international market.

In terms of color, it usually uses a calm blue tone to convey the professional and reliable brand image of Bank of China. The font design of the Chinese and English names is simple and elegant, easy to read, and reflects the international design language.

The value of the Bank of China logo is reflected in many aspects. First of all, it is the inheritance of the 100-year history of Bank of China and reflects the cultural heritage of the bank. Secondly, with the internationalization of Bank of China, this logo has become an important visual identity for its global business expansion, symbolizing an open attitude and international vision.

In addition, as one of the four major state-owned commercial banks in China, Bank of China's logo symbolizes financial security and professional services, providing customers with a sense of trust. Finally, the word "中" in the logo is not only an abbreviation of the bank's name, but also a symbol of Chinese culture, reflecting the status of Bank of China as the representative of China's financial industry.

The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name

4. Pull back classic logo

The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name

The iconic logo of Hui Li is a symbol of the brand's history and culture, and it is centered on a simple and recognizable graphic identity and the brand name "Hui Li", which conveys the characteristics of the brand's resilience and strength.

The classic red and white colour palette not only conveys a sense of dynamism and sportiness, but also reflects the brand's fusion of tradition and modernity. The typeface design is dynamic and powerful, which perfectly matches the attributes of sneakers, showing the brand's dynamic and youthful image.

This logo not only reflects the long history of Huili since the 20s of the 20th century, but also carries the memory of China's sportsmanship and the development of national industry. It helps to increase the market awareness of the brand, enhance the memory and loyalty of consumers to the brand, and for many consumers, the logo of Hui Li is an emotional connection, evoking memories of the good old days.

Over time, the Huili logo has continued to evolve, but its core elements and brand spirit have always remained consistent, witnessing the development of the brand and representing the growth and changes of China's sneaker industry. Today, this classic logo continues to be used as an important tool for brand communication and cultural display, showing the vitality and unique charm of Chinese brands to the world.

The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name

5. Classic logo of Peking University

The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name

The iconic logo of Peking University combines profound cultural heritage with modern design concepts, and is a concentrated embodiment of the spirit of this century-old university. In terms of design, it usually adopts a simple and elegant style, combining the Chinese and Latin school names of Peking University, reflecting the exchange and integration of Chinese and Western cultures. The center of the emblem is often artistically treated with the initials "PKU" of "Peking University" to form a unique visual symbol, and at the same time, the emblem may contain elements that symbolize academic authority, such as books or degree caps, as well as year numbers representing the history of the university.

In addition, the design of the logo and text not only conform to the modern aesthetics, but also respect the traditional culture of the university, making it an important part of the brand identity of Peking University. This classic logo not only represents the academic status and educational philosophy of Peking University, but also respects the history and cultural heritage of the university, which witnesses the development of Peking University and shows the profound heritage and academic pursuit of this institution to the world.

The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name

6. Kyoto Nenjian

The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name

7. Permanent brand bicycle logo

The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name

The logo of the permanent brand bicycle is a classic symbol of the Chinese bicycle industry, carrying rich historical and cultural values. With its unique design language, this logo concisely and intuitively conveys the brand's core concept and product characteristics.

In terms of design, the logo of the permanent brand bicycle usually uses a circle as the basic frame, symbolizing the durability and eternity of the brand, with the Chinese characters and pinyin of the brand name in the middle, as well as a graphic element of the bicycle, which intuitively indicates the nature of the product. In terms of color, green or blue is mostly used to convey the brand image of environmental protection, health and vitality.

This logo not only reflects the historical heritage of Perpetual Bicycle as a long-established bicycle manufacturer in China, but also shows its unremitting pursuit of product quality and craftsmanship. It has witnessed the development of China's bicycle industry, from the early handmade to modern mechanized production, and the permanent brand bicycle has always been a leader in China's bicycle industry.

At the same time, this logo is also the common memory of generations of Chinese, closely linked to the daily life of countless families, and has become an indelible classic image in people's hearts.

The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name

8. Hongqi classic logo

The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name

The classic logo of Hongqi Automobile is the pride of China's automobile industry, which takes a fluttering red flag as the core element, which not only symbolizes the victory of the Chinese revolution, but also represents the prosperity of the country and the spiritual pursuit of the automobile brand.

The design of this logo uses smooth lines to show the speed and dynamics of the car, while the main color of red conveys enthusiasm, vitality and strength. The word "red flag" adopts a calligraphy font with Chinese characteristics, which further strengthens the cultural heritage and national characteristics of the brand.

As a symbol of China's high-end automobile brand, the Hongqi logo carries the pride and dream of China's automobile manufacturing industry, clarifies the high-end positioning of Hongqi in the market, and conveys a luxurious and noble image. It is not only a commercial symbol, but also the emotional sustenance of China's national brand, closely linked to the memories of countless Chinese.

With the development of Hongqi Automobile, this classic logo has continued to evolve, but its core elements and brand spirit have remained the same, witnessing the transformation of the brand from a national courtesy car to a mass market, representing the independent innovation and sustainable development of China's automotive industry. The classic logo of Hongqi Automobile will continue to be an important tool for brand communication and cultural display, showing the world the power and unique charm of Chinese automobiles.

The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name
The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name

9. Beijing Asian Games logo

The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name


The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name

With its unique design language and distinctive brand personality, Jianlibao's logo has become an iconic symbol of China's beverage industry.

The value of Jianlibao logo is reflected in many levels. It is not only a testimony to the brand's development since its establishment in 1984, but also a symbol of the development and changes of China's beverage market. As a national brand closely linked to China's sportsmanship, Jianlibao logo carries a profound cultural heritage and national pride, and its cooperation with a number of sports events makes it a cultural symbol.

In addition, the design of this logo helps to increase the market awareness of the brand and strengthen the memory and loyalty of consumers to the brand. For the majority of consumers, the logo of Jianlibao not only represents a beverage brand, but also an emotional connection, arousing people's pursuit of a healthy lifestyle and yearning for sportsmanship.

The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name

11. China Unicom logo

The logo of China Unicom is an iconic symbol of China's communications industry, which embodies the brand's culture and development philosophy with its unique design and profound symbolic meaning. Originally designed by visual artist Mr. Li Zhongfa, it is inspired by the Chinese culture of coiling, where the long knot is a traditional Chinese cultural mark, symbolizing information transmission, interdependence and never-ending.

The Chinese knot pattern in the logo, the reciprocating lines symbolize the orderly and smooth flow of modern communication networks. In terms of color, China Unicom's logo used to be "China Red" and "Ink Black" as the main colors, "China Red" represents happiness and good luck, and "Ink Black" symbolizes tolerance and cohesion.

With the renewal of the brand image, the iconic "China Red" brand color has become brighter and more vivid, conveying a younger and more affinity brand image. The brand slogan has also been updated from "Let everything be freely connected" to "Innovation and Wisdom", reflecting the change in brand spirit and attitude.

As a representative of China's communications industry, it is also a symbol of the combination of traditional Chinese culture and modern technology.

The design of the logo strengthens China Unicom's market positioning in the communications industry and shows the brand's innovative vitality and fashion image. For consumers, China Unicom's logo is not only a corporate logo, but also an emotional connection, representing trust and convenient communication. Derivative graphics such as "arrow", "love" and "infinity" symbols respectively imply progress, breakthrough, intentions, responsibility and the ability to create infinite possibilities, showing China Unicom's attitude towards future development and the rich connotation of brand humanistic care.

The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name


The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name

13. Tsingtao Beer logo

The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name

14. Dongfanghong logo

The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name

15. Air China logo

The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name
The 15 classic logos of China in the twentieth century have reappeared, and they live up to their name

Brand full-case design and planning + annual service


Well-known logos, international logos, classic logos, national brands

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