
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations

author:Park Joo brand design

The United Nations (UN) is an international organization of sovereign states that aims to replace the League of Nations and prevent war, and promote cooperation among nations in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and the achievement of lasting world peace. The United Nations now has 193 Member States and is headquartered in New York, United States.

The United Nations logo and its subordinate organizations are very international and global in the brand logo and VI design, and Pu Zhuo believes that it represents a very high level, and it is also the ceiling level of logo and VI design.

No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations

Next, let's take stock of the logo of the United Nations and the following functional departments to omit what is called the logo and VI design of international vision and global thinking, and see what kind of inspiration and help these high-level designs bring to the enterprise.

United Nations Tourism Logo logo

No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations

The new logo and VI design convey a more intuitive, efficient, and international design, which is an innovative design in the tourism industry and a design that breaks the inherent thinking.

No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations

UNHCR Innovation Group

Brand VI logo design

No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations

UN Climate Conference

Series of creative logo designs

No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations

Next, we will take a look at the previous creative logos of the United Nations Climate Conference, and see what are the differences between these logos with different ideas and styles, and which logo do you prefer? Welcome to leave a message to discuss

No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations

UNICEF Viet Nam ZEROawards

Logo and visual VI image design

No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations

UNICEF Vietnam ZEROawards' logo and visual VI logo design is a creative and meaningful design with the top logo design attributes of the United Nations.

He designed a highly recognizable visual strategic symbol "0"

At the heart of the logo is a number zero "0" made up of a number of plus "+", which subtly conveys the purpose of the ZEROawards campaign – to bring together all sectors of society to work together to prevent child mortality and reduce child mortality to zero.

No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations

The VI design color of the whole brand continues the main color of the United Nations emblem logo - blue tone, and the whole design conveys a concise and intuitive visual sense, and conveys a rational and objective visual solution.

No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations
No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization logo

No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations

Logo of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations

World Health Organization logo

No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations

Logo of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

The logo of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is known for its unique design and deep symbolism. The organization's mission to eradicate hunger, improve nutrition and living standards, and improve the efficiency of the production and distribution of food and agricultural products.

FAO's logo design is designed with nature and agriculture as its core theme, often centered on a wheat motif, symbolizing the organization's focus on agricultural production and food safety. The letters "FAO" are prominently displayed in the logo, representing the totemic symbol of the United Nations as a visual symbol of the specialized agencies of the United Nations. The color design of the logo often uses light blue tones to represent the sustainability and science of agriculture and the environment, and the use of blue reflects the unity of color with the visual system of the United Nations brand.

FAO's logo is a highly recognizable and functional visual symbol, allowing people to clearly identify their own attributes and high recognition efficiency. It is widely used in official documents, publications, events and promotional materials to increase public awareness and understanding of FAO's work. The FAO logo is also associated with its representative office in China, which has promoted cooperation between China and FAO in the field of agriculture and food security since its establishment in Beijing in 1983. With the passage of time and the evolution of technology, the FAO logo may have been updated in design, but its core elements and message remain consistent, continuing to serve as a key part of the organization's brand strategy, demonstrating to the world its commitment and influence in advancing global food security and agricultural development.

No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations

World Bank logo

In fact, to sum up, the logo design of the United Nations and other international organizations is mostly based on the earth elements as a creative design, and the whole logo is dominated by circular geometric figures, highlighting the design purpose of globalization and internationalization, and blue as one of the main colors of the United Nations and other functional departments, leaving a strong impression.

As a global non-profit organization and organization, it also has a high level of design in design, and almost every design is relatively perfect, which is also worthy of serious study and research by domestic enterprises in brand logo and Vi design.

No one understands the global mindset and the ceiling of VI better than the United Nations

Brand full-case design and planning + annual service

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