
Cultural China Tour丨A book, a boat, a poem, Pursue red memories together

author:CCTV News

At the beginning of August 1921, on an ordinary pleasure boat in Nanhu, the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China was successfully concluded. Since then, the Communist Party of China has led the ship of revolution to cut through the waves and break new ground. Today, let's go back to Nanhu and follow a book, a boat and a poem to pursue red memories together.


In July 1921, the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China was secretly held in Shanghai, and was later transferred to a cruise ship on the South Lake in Jiaxing due to interference from the French Concession patrol. In 1959, the Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall was officially established and opened to the public. The photographs, manuscripts, and books displayed here write the glorious course of the Communist Party of China over the past century.

Cultural China Tour丨A book, a boat, a poem, Pursue red memories together

Zhang Xianyi, director of the Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall: I was holding a copy of the Chinese version of the Communist Manifesto published in September 1920, on which I could see a small series of books on socialist studies, and it was determined that the first book was to choose to translate the Communist Manifesto.

Cultural China Tour丨A book, a boat, a poem, Pursue red memories together

At the beginning of 1920, Chen Wangdao started a round-the-clock translation work in his hometown of Yiwu Fenshuitang Village, Zhejiang.

Cultural China Tour丨A book, a boat, a poem, Pursue red memories together

Zhang Xianyi, director of the Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall: More than 100 years ago, when we had to translate this classic work of Marxism, there were no ready-made words available, such as the proletariat, such as the mode of production, etc., these words that seem very common today, at that time, we really needed a certain theoretical level and a deep understanding of Marxism, so we could use them skillfully.

Cultural China Tour丨A book, a boat, a poem, Pursue red memories together

The publication of the first full Chinese translation of the Communist Manifesto profoundly influenced the ideological transformation of a generation of young people and laid a solid ideological foundation for the founding of the Communist Party of China. In August of the following year, a small boat on the South Lake in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province witnessed the birth of this century-old party.

Zhang Xianyi, director of the Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall: Because in early August of that year, Mao Zedong, Dong Biwu, He Shuheng, and Chen Tanqiu, accompanied by Wang Huiwu, first came to Nanhu, climbed the Yanyu Tower to check the terrain, and finally determined that it was in the water area 200 meters southeast of the island in the middle of the lake. It was also raining lightly that year, Wang Huiwu held an oil-paper umbrella and stood on the bow of the ship to do conference security for a large conference.

Cultural China Tour丨A book, a boat, a poem, Pursue red memories together

The red boat on which the deputies were on is no longer available. The first commemorative ship of the Communist Party of China that is now available for tourists to admire was built and launched in 1959, with a total length of about 16 meters and a width of 3 meters. In the pavilion next to the red boat, there is a stone tablet, which is engraved with the inscription poem of Dong Biwu when he returned to Nanhu in 1964: "In the revolutionary sound and painting boat, the Communist Party was born to celebrate the workers and peasants. It is the Qingming Festival again, and the smoke and rain are lost in the old tracks".

Cultural China Tour丨A book, a boat, a poem, Pursue red memories together

Zhang Xianyi, Director of the Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall: (Inscription) Sixty years later, we are very happy to see that what was a small boat and a small red boat is now growing into a majestic giant ship, and it is sailing towards the majestic giant ship of rejuvenation.

Editor in charge: Liu Bo

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