
The Shenzhou-18 "post-80s crew" was stationed in the space station for two months, and the work in orbit was carried out in an orderly manner

author:Golden Sheep Net

CCTV News: Pay attention to China's space station. It has been two months since the Shenzhou-18 crew was stationed on the space station, and one-third of the six-month space journey of the three astronauts of the "post-80s crew" Ye Guangfu, Li Cong, and Li Guangsu has been completed. At present, the three astronauts are in good physical and mental condition, and their work in orbit is being carried out in an orderly manner. In the past two weeks, the crew has carried out a number of space science experiments and experiments.

During this period, the Shen 18 crew regularly carried out operations such as replacing the burner of the combustion science experiment cabinet and vacuuming and exhaust gas. In 2023, the first on-orbit ignition experiment was successfully carried out in the combustion science experiment cabinet, and a number of combustion experiments have been carried out in the past year, which are expected to produce a number of representative scientific research results, which are of great significance for improving the basic theory of combustion and developing advanced combustion technology.

The Shenzhou-18 "post-80s crew" was stationed in the space station for two months, and the work in orbit was carried out in an orderly manner

Recently, the crew installed a slide rail positioning assembly for the scientific glove box. The scientific glove box can provide a closed and clean operating space for space science experiments, and astronauts can use it to complete the delicate operation of various experiments.

The Shenzhou-18 "post-80s crew" was stationed in the space station for two months, and the work in orbit was carried out in an orderly manner

The crew regularly carried out the replacement of experimental samples, the cleaning of the experimental cavity, and the maintenance of the electrodes of the axis mechanism in the containerless material experiment cabinet, so as to ensure the continuity, accuracy and safety of space science experiments, ensure the stability of experimental equipment and experimental environment, and the smooth progress of related experimental projects.

The Shenzhou-18 "post-80s crew" was stationed in the space station for two months, and the work in orbit was carried out in an orderly manner

The crew also replaced the experimental samples in the fluid physics experiment cabinet. The experimental cabinet can carry out on-orbit microgravity experiments on the dynamics, diffusion processes, phase transitions and self-organizing behaviors of different fluid systems.

The Shenzhou-18 "post-80s crew" was stationed in the space station for two months, and the work in orbit was carried out in an orderly manner

In addition to carrying out various space science experiments and experiments, the Shenzhou-18 astronaut crew made preparations for the second out-of-cabin activity and carried out on-orbit rendezvous and docking operation training. During the training, the astronauts can monitor the azimuth and pitch angles of the target spacecraft from the display screen, track the relative distance and speed between the spacecraft and the target vehicle, and use the translation handle and attitude control handle to carry out speed control and attitude control and other operation skills training.

The Shenzhou-18 "post-80s crew" was stationed in the space station for two months, and the work in orbit was carried out in an orderly manner

In addition, the astronaut crew also carried out a sports cardiopulmonary function test, and detected and evaluated the functional reserve and regulation ability of the astronauts' cardiovascular system and respiratory system through the method of exercise respiratory metabolism, so as to make corresponding preparations for the subsequent out-of-cabin activities.

Editor: Liu Jiawen

Source: CCTV


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