
Wang Xiaofei quit and asked Big S to endorse the company Wang Xiaofei quit to build the S tea brand company


Tianyancha App shows that recently, there has been an industrial and commercial change in Herunlin (Beijing) Food Co., Ltd., Wang Xiaofei withdrew from the ranks of shareholders and stepped down as a supervisor, and Qin Letian was added as a shareholder and took over as a supervisor.

Herunlin (Beijing) Food Co., Ltd. was established in April 2013, the legal representative is Wang Xi, with a registered capital of 10 million yuan, and is now held by Qin Letian and Wang Xi 92% and 8% respectively. It is worth mentioning that during the marriage between Wang Xiaofei and Da S, the company announced that Da S was the spokesperson of its tea brand, and also applied for the registration of the trademarks "S tea" and "tea S", and successfully registered the trademark "Herun Linjia Tea S".

Wang Xiaofei quit and asked Big S to endorse the company Wang Xiaofei quit to build the S tea brand company
Wang Xiaofei quit and asked Big S to endorse the company Wang Xiaofei quit to build the S tea brand company
Wang Xiaofei quit and asked Big S to endorse the company Wang Xiaofei quit to build the S tea brand company

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