
Lin Gengxin's company added brokerage business Lin Gengxin Holding Company added live broadcast business


Tianyancha App shows that recently, Beijing Ruiquman Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd. has undergone industrial and commercial changes, and its business scope has added cultural and entertainment broker services, personal Internet live broadcast services, film production services, etc. The company was established in January 2021, the legal representative is Wang Linhan, with a registered capital of 5 million yuan, and Lin Gengxin and Wang Linhan hold 70% and 30% of the shares respectively.

Lin Gengxin's company added brokerage business Lin Gengxin Holding Company added live broadcast business
Lin Gengxin's company added brokerage business Lin Gengxin Holding Company added live broadcast business
Lin Gengxin's company added brokerage business Lin Gengxin Holding Company added live broadcast business

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