
Xiaohongshu Station B announced the layout of the short drama Pinduoduo added a new "order grabbing artifact"丨Retail e-commerce weekly

author:Ebang Power

[Yibang Original] Xiaohongshu Station B announced the layout of short dramas; Pinduoduo added a new "order grabbing artifact"; Taobao web version adds a private domain entrance.

Finish丨Li Mengqi

It's time to review the week's e-commerce events with Bang Xiaobai! This has happened in the retail e-commerce space over the past week.

# Platformer actions #


1 Taobao web version opens a new entrance for DingTalk scan code login, and in the future, it can directly access the merchant's private domain group

On June 26, at the DingTalk 2024 Ecological Conference, the person in charge of the Taobao website business department did not disclose that Taobao has opened the DingTalk entrance, and users can use the DingTalk account to scan the code to log in to the Taobao web version. After logging in through DingTalk, the "Enter DingTalk Fan Group" entrance has also been added to some product detail pages on the Taobao web version, and merchants can establish their own private domain groups through the Taobao portal. At present, the "One-click Nail Group" function is in the testing stage, and it is expected that more merchants will gradually open up the number of experience registration places from July.

2 Tmall announced the "Interpretation of Tmall's Rules for Inducing Third Parties" to strengthen the control of merchants' "external drainage"

Tmall released the "Interpretation of Tmall's Rules for Inducing Third Parties", which clarified the definition of "inducing third parties". According to examples, it is illegal to guide consumers to add WeChat or phone contact within Tmall, guide them to Xiaohongshu, and carry third-party platform information through physical packages.

According to the interpretation, "inducing a third party" refers to publishing or pushing third-party goods or information that is likely to lead to transaction risks in scenarios such as store pages, product pages, promotion pages, Want Want, live broadcasts, physical packages, etc., such as publishing the names, logos, QR codes, hyperlinks, contact accounts and other information of third-party websites or clients such as social networks, shopping guides, group purchases, promotions, and shopping platforms; or induce consumers to jump to third-party websites or clients through other means (e.g., inducing consumers to provide third-party contact information such as phone calls and WeChat, or through phone calls, text messages, etc.); It may cause harassment of consumers, affect the security of consumer transactions and other behaviors that harm the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

3 1688 Extension of Wow Customized Service Fee Discount Period

1688 issued an update to the "Wow Customized Technical Service Fee Collection Instructions", which was originally planned to end the 6% discount on the fixed commission model of Wow Custom from June 30, 2024. However, considering that more and more merchants have obtained online light customization business opportunities and business by joining Wow Customization, and at the same time, in order to repay the trust and support of merchants, we will extend the discount period of Wow Custom Service Fee and continue to implement the standard of "Wow Custom Technical Service Fee Charging Instructions" during the service fee discount period, so as to better help merchants reduce operating costs and enhance the experience of participating in Wow Customization. The end time of the discount period of the customized service fee is subject to the subsequent platform notice.

4 Xianyu launched the new function of "Xianyu resume".

A few days ago, a new entrance to "engage in side hustles" was launched at the bottom of the home page of Xianyu APP, and after clicking to enter, users can create their own graphic or video resumes. In the categories that come with resume editing, there are a variety of side job classification labels such as skills training, errand agency, consulting and planning, etc., which users can check independently when publishing.


1 Pinduoduo added a new "order grabbing artifact": merchants can intercept peers from multiple scenarios such as order search after use

A few days ago, Pinduoduo launched the "Order Grabbing Artifact" tool, which will be opened to all merchants one after another. According to Ebang, when merchants use the "order grabbing artifact", they can push the products of the store to consumers who have recently consulted, collected, and browsed the same products of the same peers, and comprehensively seize the traffic of peers in 10 major scenarios such as consumers looking at the pictures of peer products, visiting the details page of peer products, and buying peer goods without paying.

At the same time, when the merchant uses the "order grabbing artifact" to copy and generate a new link product, the new product only needs to reduce the price a little bit to get multiple times the traffic, thereby increasing sales, and the new product does not affect the sales of the original product.

In addition, Ebang exclusively learned that when consumers and other peer merchants are chatting with other merchants, when merchants grab the same order, the platform will provide additional platform subsidies for the order-grabbing goods to achieve lower prices, of which the cost is borne by the platform; Merchants can use the "order grabbing artifact" to copy the generated new link products, and they can also directly enter the homepage recommendation pool, so as to skip the cold start and quickly get traffic. At present, the 10 major resource slots of the tool are also being opened one after another, and merchants are on a first-come, first-served basis, and the products that are given priority registration will receive higher weight after the subsequent resource slots are fully opened.

2 Pinduoduo's "automatic price following" was exposed to adjustment, and the platform can change the price of all products of merchants

Pinduoduo issued an announcement on June 20, announcing that it had adjusted the previously launched "automatic price matching" service, further expanding the platform permissions, and the new agreement will officially take effect on June 28.

To put it simply, the new agreement allows the platform to change the price of all products of authorized merchants (who agree to enable the "automatic price matching" function), whereas previously only the event price of the event product could be modified. Pinduoduo officially stated that the "automatic price follow-up" service (hereinafter referred to as the "service") is an important marketing service for the platform to improve the operational efficiency of merchants and provide consumers with more competitive prices.


3 Tencent Holdings spent about HK$1.004 billion to repurchase 2.66 million shares

A few days ago, Tencent Holdings announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that it would spend about HK$1.004 billion to repurchase 2.66 million shares of the company on June 24, 2024, at a repurchase price of HK$374.2 per share - HK$381 per share.

4 WeChat video account tightens public offering live broadcast You need to apply for qualifications in advance

A number of public offering institutions have reported that the live broadcast of WeChat video accounts has been tightened, and if there are no relevant qualifications, there is a risk of being closed. "The supplier of the live broadcast reminded us that in view of the stricter live broadcast review of WeChat Channels, it is best to apply for financial live broadcast qualifications in advance." A staff member of a public offering institution in South China said, "However, the application process is not cumbersome, and the waiting time is not long, and the application is basically half a day." (CSI Taurus)

5 In 2024, the GMV of brand merchants on Channels will increase by up to 226%

On June 26, Weimob and Baizhun jointly released the "2024 Channels Commercialization Trend Insight Research Report". According to the report, the GMV of brands on Channels increased by 226%, and the number of brands increased by 281%. Brand merchants accounted for 15% of the total GMV of Channels transactions, and the number of brand stores with GMV exceeding 10 million increased by more than 860%.

【Little Red Book】

1 In order to continue the growth momentum of 618 store broadcasts, Xiaohongshu announced the mechanism of daily store broadcast qualifying

Xiaohongshu announced the launch of the daily storecast qualifying mechanism for merchants, namely the storecast GMV climbing challenge, and merchants who complete the designated GMV tasks can receive traffic coupon incentives. It is understood that merchants with a GMV greater than or equal to 5,000 yuan can participate in this activity and register. From June 20th to July 20th, eligible merchants can register for the event through the entrance of Qianfan APP/PC - Marketing - Inventory - Store Marketing Campaign Registration.

According to the information officially released by Xiaohongshu, the purpose of the daily store broadcast qualifying event launched by the platform is to help merchants continue to rely on store broadcast sprints and accelerate traffic conversion in their daily operations after 618. A few days ago, Xiaohongshu released data during the 618 period, showing that as of 23:59 on June 18, 2024, the number of live broadcast orders on Xiaohongshu reached 5.4 times that of the same period last year, and the GMV of store broadcast was 5 times that of the same period last year.

2 Xiaohongshu announced that it will invest heavily in the micro-short drama business and provide 50,000 traffic incentives for exclusive accounts

On June 25, at the Shanghai Micro Short Drama Conference, Xiaohongshu announced that it would vigorously invest in the micro short drama business, focusing on high-quality short dramas as the core to open a new content ecology, and at the same time released the "Red Short Drama" support plan to launch 100 million-level advertising support and advertising resource support.

Previously, Xiaohongshu announced the platform short drama support plan: from June 15th to August 31st, different degrees of incentives will be given to TOP content, potential content, and high-quality authors. Among them, 10,000 traffic incentives are provided for TOP20 notes; Provide 5,000 traffic incentives for 10 high-quality notes every day; 50,000 traffic coupons will be given to exclusive short drama accounts every month.


1 Kuaishou e-commerce 618: small and medium-sized merchants created 16 tens of millions of explosive products and 679 million single products

Kuaishou e-commerce small and medium-sized merchants continued to break the peak after the release of 618: During the event period from May 20 to June 20, the number of new small and medium-sized merchants increased by 43% year-on-year, of which the average operating income per store increased by 35% year-on-year; New merchants and small and medium-sized merchants have brought richer new categories to the platform, and the number of product types has increased by 40% year-on-year.

During the promotion period, small and medium-sized merchants created 16 tens of millions of explosive products and 679 million single products, which ultimately brought 20% growth in GMV and order numbers across cycles for small and medium-sized merchants. In 2024, Kuaishou will help merchants expand their business through a new business launch plan of more than 100 billion yuan, a comprehensive global merchant incentive strategy, a billion low-cost commodity subsidies, and 50 million business increment incentives.

2 Kuaishou e-commerce launched a new business incentive plan to support 100 billion traffic throughout the year

Kuaishou e-commerce launched a high-quality new business growth incentive plan - "New Business Sailing Plan", and took out 100 billion traffic throughout the year to help new business with traffic strategy from entry to growth, with specific rights and interests including high-quality traffic support, data tool empowerment and multi-field boost, complete the corresponding task within 90 days of the first broadcast, and share 300 million traffic per day, with a maximum of one million traffic in a single day.

3 Kuaishou audio live streaming will be offline on July 1

Kuaishou E-commerce announced that the "live broadcast selling" capability in the voice (audio) live broadcast "making money" module will be offline on July 1, 2024. After going offline, only the commercial promotion function may be retained in the "Earn Money" module of the voice live broadcast. It is reported that unmanned live broadcast and AIGC have been widely used in this module. However, Kuaishou's revised Implementation Rules for [Publishing Low-Quality Content] (Talents)" on May 9, 2024 have introduced stricter rules and controls on these two ways of bringing goods.

【Station B】

1 Chen Rui, CEO of Bilibili: The average daily active users of Bilibili reached 102 million

On June 26, Station B held its 15th anniversary ceremony. Chen Rui, chairman and CEO of Bilibili, disclosed a series of operational data in his speech: in the first quarter of this year, the average daily active users of Bilibili reached 102 million, and the average monthly active users have reached 341 million, both hitting a record high. The average daily usage time of users reached 105 minutes.

2 Station B layout boutique micro-short drama plans to launch nearly 20 works

On June 25, at the micro-short drama conference of the Shanghai TV Festival, Bilibili (hereinafter referred to as "Bilibili") released the content planning and support plan in the field of high-quality micro-short dramas. This year, Station B plans to launch nearly 20 high-quality high-quality micro-short dramas, covering social, cultural, campus, suspense, comedy, cultural tourism, history, realism and other content themes.

Talking about the reason for the layout of high-quality micro-short dramas on Station B, Hu Hong, general manager of the Entertainment Content Center of Station B, said, "From the current market environment and user portraits, we can find that users have a strong demand for high-quality and retaining high-quality micro-short dramas. We hope that those high-quality micro-short drama content with diverse voices and innovation can find the most suitable soil for them here. (Sina Technology)


1 Meituan launched instant retail cold chain delivery of medicines

On June 24, it was reported that Meituan Buyyao launched instant retail cold chain distribution of drugs. At present, the service covers seven pharmacies in Chengdu, and the distribution range has been expanded from the conventional 3 kilometers to 10 kilometers, achieving full coverage of the main urban area of Chengdu. "From helping users 'find medicines in the city' to launching professional cold chain distribution services, we have always paid attention to the special drug needs of platform users. The person in charge of Meituan said that in the future, the service will be promoted and implemented in other cities.

2 Meituan established a new company in Taizhou with a registered capital of 10 million US dollars

Tianyancha App shows that on June 24, Meituan established a new company in Taizhou, called Taizhou Hanqi Technology Co., Ltd., the legal representative is Sun Keqing, with a registered capital of 10 million US dollars, and its business scope includes the research and development of intelligent robots, Internet of Things technology research and development, artificial intelligence basic software development, engineering and technology research and experimental development, network and information security software development, etc. According to shareholder information, the company is wholly owned by Xigua Limited, a subsidiary of Meituan.


1. The goods said that the Langfang warehouse had resumed and the goods had returned to normal

On June 26, some media broke the news that the warehouse in Langfang was suddenly closed, and the delivery time of some sellers' goods may be delayed. The cause of the incident was that on the payday of the 25th of this month, the wages of more than 300 third-party labor dispatch employees did not arrive as scheduled, which caused a temporary suspension of the warehouse and some goods shipped from Langfang were forced to be taken off the shelves.

At 10 o'clock in the evening of the 26th, Dewu released a message through Sina Weibo, saying that the service of Langfang warehouse has been restored, 100% of the goods of merchants in the warehouse are receiving and receiving normally, and the timeliness of goods out of the warehouse is the same as before. According to the information posted by users and merchants on Sina Weibo and other social media, the shutdown lasted only half a day, and the previously removed products were put on sale one after another on the evening of the 26th.

According to the announcement issued by Dewu, Langfang Cloud Warehouse is undertaken by a third-party warehousing service human resource service provider to undertake daily warehousing tally work, and the online incident is mainly due to the salary settlement problems between the third-party warehousing human resource service provider and its subordinate employees. Both Dewu and the third-party service provider have clear and clear records of the previous payment.

# Brand Message #

1 Huawei Pangu Model 5.0 was released

At the Huawei Developer Conference (HDC 2024), Zhang Ping'an, Executive Director of Huawei and CEO of HUAWEI CLOUD, released Pangu Model 5.0, which is upgraded in three aspects: full series, multi-modality, and strong thinking. Zhang Ping'an said that Pangu 5.0 has the opportunity to reshape the development of autonomous driving through innovative controllable spatio-temporal generation and large-scale generation of driving video data consistent with actual scenarios. (36 Krypton)

2 Nezha Automobile sprints to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange: 2023 revenue of 13.555 billion yuan and net loss of 6.867 billion yuan

On June 26, Hezhong New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., the parent company of Nezha Automobile, submitted a listing application to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. According to the data in the prospectus of Nezha Automobile, from 2021 to 2023, Nezha Automobile's revenue will be 5.087 billion yuan, 13.050 billion yuan and 13.555 billion yuan respectively, and the losses will reach 4.840 billion yuan, 6.666 billion yuan and 6.867 billion yuan respectively, with a total loss of 18.373 billion yuan in three years. Long-term large-scale losses, and the scale of losses is gradually expanding.

In addition, the prospectus mentioned that the company will continue to actively tap the market potential of Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and other regions in the future, and look for and seize opportunities to enter the European market.

3 He Xiaopeng stepped down as a director of Xpeng Motors Financial Leasing Company

Tianyancha App shows that Guangzhou Xiaopeng Automobile Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. has undergone industrial and commercial changes, and the registered capital has increased from 125 million US dollars to 250 million US dollars, Xia Heng stepped down as the legal representative and chairman, and Han Jian took over as the legal representative and served as executive director, and at the same time, He Xiaopeng and He Tao stepped down as directors.

Guangzhou Xiaopeng Motors Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. was established in June 2018, and its business scope is leasing business, concurrently engaged in commercial factoring business related to its main business, residual value treatment and maintenance of leased property, car leasing, financial leasing services, and purchase of leased property at home and abroad, which is jointly held by Guangdong Xiaopeng Motors Industry Holdings Co., Ltd. and XPeng (HongKong) Limited.

4 ZEEKR Automobile increased its capital to 13 billion yuan

Tianyancha App shows that Zhejiang Zeekr Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., an affiliate of ZEEKR Automobile, has undergone industrial and commercial changes, and the registered capital has increased from 10.5 billion yuan to 13 billion yuan.

The company was established in July 2021, the legal representative and general manager is An Conghui, the chairman is Li Shufu, and its business scope includes information system integration services, electronic product sales, big data services, auto parts retail, auto parts wholesale, automobile sales, new energy vehicle sales, etc., which is wholly owned by ZEEKR Technology Limited.

5 Walmart's response to "planning a new business format for the sinking market": the news is untrue

According to the news, Wal-Mart is planning to make a new format for the third-tier market in the near future, which will "give up" the idea of making a supermarket with fresh food as the main drainage category, and will complement Sam's Club, with the help of Sam's existing supply chain, to make smaller packaging of goods. Walmart responded that the above information was untrue. (Interface News)

6 Sam's total revenue in 2023 will exceed 80 billion yuan, and Walmart will close nearly 60 hypermarkets in two and a half years

A few days ago, Sam's not only expanded its store at high speed, but also opened cross-border direct mail. Following the opening of the 48th Nanjing Jiangbei store in the country, Sam's has 6 new stores to open this year. Up to now, Sam's has 48 stores, with a total revenue of more than 80 billion yuan last year. But correspondingly, Sam's parent company Walmart is shrinking in hypermarkets. According to incomplete statistics, Walmart has gradually reduced the size of its hypermarkets in the past few years, closing 21 stores in 2022, further reducing it by 26 in 2023, and more than 12 stores so far this year. In other words, in the past two and a half years, Walmart has closed nearly 60 hypermarket stores in China. (Southern Metropolis Daily)

7 The first franchise store of Hema NB outlet store was launched

A few days ago, the 110th branch of Hema NB Outlet Discount Store opened in Chongmingbao Town, Shanghai, marking the official landing of its first franchise store.

At present, there are three ways to join Hema Outlet, the first is independent cooperation, that is, renting a store by itself to open a Hema NB pick-up store; The second is cross-industry cooperation, that is, adding the Hema NB project to the existing stores to achieve business increment; The third is group point cooperation, which is a Hema NB self-pickup group point at the doorstep, mainly for freelancers who have no funds and time and want to do part-time work.

8 Fast fashion brand UR is rumored to be considering listing in Hong Kong

ACCORDING TO SOURCES, URBAN REVIVO FASHION, A FAST-FASHION GROUP FROM GUANGZHOU, IS CONSIDERING LISTING IN HONG KONG. The company is in talks with advisers about a potential share offering to raise at least $100 million (about 700 million yuan), but these discussions are still in the preliminary stages and the company may also decide not to go public, according to people familiar with the matter. (Interface News)

9 H&M集团将重新推出Cheap Monday品牌

H&M Group has already begun preparations for the relaunch of the Cheap Monday brand. As part of the youth-focused Weekday collection, Cheap Monday will reappear in the market as a denim brand with a limited-edition edition that maximizes the experimentation of denim design. (fashionnetwork)

10 Juewei Investment Fund withdrew its shares and praised its father for fried skewers

Xiamen Wanpisi Food Technology Co., Ltd., an affiliated company of Kuafu fried skewers, has undergone industrial and commercial changes, and the Guangzhou Jueli Phase II Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) under Jue Ye Fund (an investment fund jointly sponsored by Juewei Food and, as well as Shanghai Maihe Catering Management Co., Ltd. and Nanjing Huaying SME Development Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) have withdrawn from the ranks of shareholders, and the registered capital of the company has been reduced from about 549 million yuan to about 280 million yuan. (Hexun)

11 Haidilao: Yang Lijuan resigned as executive director and chief executive officer, and Gou Yiqun took over

Haidilao announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that Yang Lijuan resigned as the company's executive director and chief executive officer, and Gou Yiqun has been appointed as the company's executive director and chief executive officer, effective July 1, 2024.

12 Ma Liu Kee opened its first supermarket store in Beijing, mainly selling the brand's own products

A few days ago, Ma Liuji opened a new "supermarket" with experience function in the Sanlitun area, which mainly sells Ma Liuji's own products, of which hot and sour noodles are the main products, occupying the center of the shelves. In addition to hot and sour noodles, the store also offers cold noodles, crayfish, boiled beef, and more, as well as a branded coffee machine. Non-Ma Liuji brand products include Joyoung soy milk and a variety of ice creams.

According to the staff in the store, this is the first supermarket in Ma Liuji, and all goods can be brewed or cooked on site. The relevant person in charge of Ma Liuji said that this supermarket is an offline experience store for online products, and there are no plans to open similar stores in other regions at present. (Beijing Business Daily)

13 Mixue Bingcheng Dajia International and Mengniu reached a number of cooperation intentions

On June 25, it was reported that the strategic cooperation negotiation meeting between Mengniu Group and Dajia International Food Co., Ltd. was held in Jiaozuo City, Henan Province a few days ago. The two sides conducted in-depth exchanges on brand building, product research and development, market development, user development, chain strengthening, material supply and other aspects of cooperation, and reached a number of strategic cooperation intentions, including reaching a consensus on the supply of raw materials for pasteurized milk, milk powder, large bags of milk and other production raw materials. In the future, the two parties will also explore more cooperation opportunities in IP linkage, R&D resource cooperation, supply and warehousing resource sharing, etc.

14 Social media exposed Bawang Chaji's entry into Hong Kong

There is a picture showing the first store of Bawang Chaji in Hong Kong, which is located on the ground floor of K11 ART MALL at 18 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. According to the fence information outside the store, the first store will officially open in August. Tsim Sha Tsui K11 ART MALL is a trendy shopping mall in Hong Kong that targets young customers, and there is already a Hey Tea and a Nai Xue's Tea near Bawang Chaji.

Bawang Chaji posted employee recruitment information on the Hong Kong recruitment website, and store clerks need to undergo training in Shenzhen before joining the company, and the monthly salary during the training period is about 14,500 Hong Kong dollars, and the salary for the store manager position is 18,000-25,000 Hong Kong dollars per month.

15 CoCo都可开放单店加盟

On June 27, CoCo confirmed that it had adjusted its franchise strategy, opened a single store to join, and had a franchised single store officially opened. You can see through the official WeChat account of "CoCo Duke", click on the "Cooperation and Joining" item, and you can jump to the new "CoCo Franchise Cooperation" applet.

According to the homepage of the mini program, the key areas for single-store franchise are Sichuan, Hunan, Shandong, Jiangxi, and Fujian. Through this page, you can view the cooperation instructions, and fill in the online form to apply for joining, and at least 1 store can be opened. (China Beverage Express)

16 "Mo Yogurt" launched a new brand "GOOOLDEN" yogurt bowl

The first store of the new brand "GOOOLDEN", which focuses on yogurt bowls, has recently opened its trial operation. According to industrial and commercial information, the brand belongs to Mo Yogurt. From the point of view of the product, the direction is "yogurt +". Using Greek yogurt + fresh fruits and vegetables + superfood + baked oatmeal, it has launched a series of yogurt bowls such as Field Field, Firework, Ocean Wave, Garden Garden, and Basket, with a unit price of 38-48 yuan, in addition to selling vegetable and fruit shakes, fresh fruit shakes and other series.

It is understood that Mo Yogurt expanded rapidly in stores last year, and 1,303 stores will be opened in 2023, with the peak being in May last year, with 300+ stores opened in a single month.

17 Xiang Piaopiao plans to expand the offline vending machine sales scene

A few days ago, when Xiang Piaopiao communicated with investors online, he was asked about the "company's freezing plan", and the company replied that the company will continue to invest in freezing during the peak sales season of ready-to-drink products, and at the same time improve the quality and quantity of freezing. At present, the company mainly realizes the frozen display of ready-to-drink products through the purchase of frozen resources. This year, the company plans to try to expand the offline vending machine sales scene and expand the frozen sales channel, and at present, about 90,000 vending machines have been laid for frozen lemon tea.

18 Hollyland's Black Swan French restaurant reopened

According to the official WeChat public account of Hollyland, the BLACKSWAN French restaurant under the Hollyland Group officially opened on June 25. Located in the Luohong Photography Art Museum in Beijing, the restaurant is equipped with 11 tables and can accommodate 47 customers, with a total of 4 private rooms, each of which can accommodate 6-12 people, with a total of 90 tables.

The restaurant was founded by Luo Hao, the son of Hollyland founder Luo Hong. Luo Hao is currently the CEO of Hollyland and Black Swan Cake. In addition, Black Swan French Restaurant issued a notice of closure and upgrade last year. According to the notice, the Black Swan French Restaurant will be closed for upgrade on October 7, 2023, and the reservation time will be until October 6, 2023 at the latest.

19 Santa Bella submits listing application to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

A few days ago, Santa Bella, China's largest integrated home care brand group, officially submitted a prospectus to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, which is expected to become the first stock in the field of global home quality care.

According to the prospectus, Santa Bella Group's sales increased from 390 million yuan to 775 million yuan between 2021 and 2023, an increase of 99%. At the same time, revenue also increased from 259 million yuan to 560 million yuan, an increase of 116%. (Finance)

# Miscellaneous #

1 Online retail sales increased by 12.4% year-on-year from January to May

On June 25, the person in charge of the Department of E-commerce of the Ministry of Commerce introduced the development of e-commerce in mainland China from January to May 2024. The Ministry of Commerce guided the holding of the "Double Product Shopping Festival" and the "618" activity in advance, driving the online retail sales from January to May to reach 5.77 trillion yuan, an increase of 12.4%, of which the online retail sales of physical goods accounted for 24.7% of the total retail sales of consumer goods, an increase of 0.8 percentage points from January to April. The growth momentum of service consumption was sufficient, with the consumption of key monitored online services increasing by 23.2%, and the sales of inbound tourism on major online travel platforms increasing by 1.9 times. There were many bright spots in digital consumption, with AI-related products increasing by 20.8%. (Securities Times)


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