
Seven years later, she is finally going to marry the hero in her heart, and the instructor husband will give me more advice for the rest of his life!

author:Sunshine sheets
Seven years later, she is finally going to marry the hero in her heart, and the instructor husband will give me more advice for the rest of his life!

The picture comes from the Internet

The Mu family did have a lot more guests than everyone had planned before.

Not only because of the relationship between Peng Lao and Mu Celadon and a group of senior brothers and sisters, there are many professors from the same department, but also many professors from the side department who are close.

In addition, the leaders of the province and the city, the principals and school leaders of the ten miles and eight townships, and many colleagues of [Ancient and Modern Appointment].

There are also neighbors in the town, people who usually have a good relationship with Meng Meilan.

For a while, the whole town became lively and crowded because of the upcoming wedding banquet.

Fortunately, with the help of the leaders of the school in this town and Mu Qingci's senior brothers and sisters, plus Feng Lie sent Xiao Mo and a group of brothers over, whether it was entertaining guests or arranging banquets, they were all in order.

When the festive firecrackers were set up at the school gate, a large group of children gathered around the neighborhood clapping and laughing, and the guests walked towards the banquet shed one after another.

Jiang Zheng pushed open the door of the school's large conference room at this time, walked next to a group of professors, and reminded them with a smile: "Professors, the banquet is about to begin." ”

A professor smiled and said, "Is it about to start?" The day went by so fast. ”

Jiang Zheng: "Yes, the banquet starts at five o'clock, and it's already four forty o'clock." ”

Professor Peng was about to stand up.

Mu Celadon helped him.

After the two stood up, Mu Qingci smiled and said to the professors: "Professors, then let's go to dinner first, and it's not too late for everyone to get together after eating." ”

The professors agreed, and they walked downstairs together.

As soon as I walked out of the office building, the laughter came to my face, and the banquet shed was even more crowded, laughing constantly, some children were still hiding and hiding between the red tarpaulins and bouquets everywhere, of course, there were also many people standing next to Mu Celadon and Feng Lie's wedding photos, talking about how good-looking the bride was and how handsome the groom was.

When Mu Celadon and a group of old professors walked to the gate of the greenhouse, the greenhouse, which was still very noisy, suddenly quieted down.

Jiang Zheng led a group of old professors to sit at the front tables.

Mu Celadon helped Professor Peng Lao and walked towards the wedding stage together.

Today, Mu Qingci wore a set of red Hanfu horse-faced skirts, and her hair was half-bundled with a red hairpin, which looked particularly delicate and smart, plus the smell of books, and then supported Peng Lao, who was wearing a Mao suit and exuding a strong academic atmosphere.

When the two walked together, the entire banquet hall became silent, and the pins could be heard.

At this time, the voice of the master of ceremonies sounded: "Now we have the beautiful bride, her mother and teacher on the stage!" ”

"Ms. Meng Meilan is a great mother and an admirable woman who, with her perseverance and boundless love, has single-handedly taken on the responsibility of raising a bride. Her hard work, kindness, and intelligence were all key factors in her success in raising her bride. It is because of her words and deeds that the bride has grown into an outstanding woman who is gentle, kind-hearted and independent. ”

Meng Meilan had been in the banquet hall for a long time, and when Mu Qingci and the others walked over from the gate, she walked up from the side.

Applause rang out.

After the applause stopped, the master of ceremonies spoke again: "Just like the ancients: "One day is a teacher, and a lifetime is a father", Mr. Peng, who accompanied the bride, is not only the indisputable Taishan Beidou of the history department, but also the guide and life mentor on the bride's academic path. With his outstanding wisdom and profound knowledge, he led the bride to continue to explore and move forward in the academic field; He taught the bride how to behave by his words and deeds. ”

Applause rang out again.

Amid applause, the three of them stood together in the middle of the wedding stage.

Then the master of ceremonies asked the three to speak.

Meng Meilan and Peng Lao pushed each other, and in the end, Meng Meilan spoke first:

"Thank you all the guests who came from afar to attend my little girl's wedding today."

"My porcelain porcelain is very well-behaved when she was a child, when her father was sick, she accompanied me to bear all the mental pressure, and never let me worry about learning, I have always been proud of her, in my heart, she is the best, tomorrow is a good day for the little girl and Feng Lie to tie the knot, as a mother, I sincerely wish them to be able to grow old together, and Meimei, and accompany each other for a lifetime!"

Meng Meilan said that her voice was suddenly choked.

Mu Celadon also unconsciously turned red in his eyes.

The master of ceremonies hurriedly took the microphone to enliven the atmosphere, and then asked Professor Peng to speak.

Professor Peng took the microphone and said with a smile: "Xiao Porcelain is my youngest student, and I am also my close disciple, I was ready to stop accepting students before I met Xiao Porcelain, but this girl has a sweet mouth, a very flexible brain, and can play chess, can draw, can play the piano, such a student, I think if I don't accept it, it will be taken away by other peers, and then bring it to me to show off, I will definitely regret it." ”

"Facts have proved that my original decision was correct, Xiao Porcelain itself is really excellent, and it is also a rare pillar of the material, so I hope that she can become a person who plays an important role in both the family and society in the future."

These words made everyone laugh knowingly.

Meng Meilan couldn't help laughing.

After the two finished speaking, Mu Qingci spoke.

She thanked the two of them, thanked the many people, and thanked everyone present.

Finally, Meng Meilan announced the beginning of the banquet.

I saw countless young men in uniform red aprons coming in from outside the gate with dishes on trays, and they delivered each dish to every table in an orderly and fast manner.

When the food was served, the three of Mu Celadon sat down at the main table.

The scene became lively again.

As soon as the dishes were finished, Meng Meilan hurriedly sandwiched some dishes for Mu Celadon in a small bowl, and said to her: "Porcelain, you eat first, otherwise you will go to toast later, you will be hungry." ”

Mu Celadon was already hungry, and as soon as Meng Meilan put the bowl in front of her, she picked up the chopsticks and ate it.

By this time, many people had already poured their drinks.

Jiang Zheng came over with a group of junior brothers and sisters, ready to ask her to go to the toast together.

When everyone saw her eating, they didn't rush her.

Jiang Zheng also said: "You eat the bowl first, if it's not enough, you can eat more, we will wait for you." ”

Mu Qingci definitely couldn't let them wait all the time, quickly ate the contents of the bowl, and then picked up the corn juice specially prepared for her.

Then under the leadership of Meng Meilan and Jiang Zheng, a group of people toasted table by table.

Everyone saw Mu Celadon holding corn juice, even if they didn't know that she was pregnant, no one said anything.

After all, Mu Qingci will get married tomorrow, and she will get up very early in the morning, and there must be no one who has not seen her to drink at this time.

Jiang Zheng and a group of people could talk, thank everyone for coming to the wedding and drink with everyone, so that all the guests felt their enthusiasm, and the atmosphere remained warm.

Looking at the large group of toasters accompanying Mu Celadon, Chen Zhiyi smiled and said to Su Qingmeng: "Sure enough, porcelain porcelain is the real winner in life, you see her group of wine groups, it is simply the ceiling of the wine group, there is such a group of powerful people toasting, no one is embarrassed to let them drink more, this is the deterrent effect brought by academic celebrities!" ”

Su Qingmeng smiled and nodded: "Yes, porcelain porcelain is originally the master who can walk sideways in the historical world." ”

After saying this, both of them couldn't help but laugh.

It just so happened that Mu Celadon and they toasted to this table.

When they toasted, Chen Zhiyi took a piece of vegetable and fed it to Mu Celadon to eat, and then asked in her ear with a smile: "Porcelain, while your senior brother and sister are talking, what else do you want to eat, I will clip it for you." ”

Mu Qingci covered his mouth with a cup and ate the dish, and said with a smile: "No need, I'm full of corn juice." ”

When Su Qingmeng heard this, she saw that the corn juice in her cup was about to run out, so she added it to her, and also whispered: "You will definitely be hungry if you drink this, wait for me to find Brother Xiao to go to the kitchen to get you some food back, you can eat when you are hungry at night." ”

Mu Celadon was also polite: "Okay." ”

After this table, a group of people went to the next table.

Chen Zhiyi took out his mobile phone when he was about to eat, only to find out that Feng Bijun had sent her a message before, asking her to take some videos and send them to her.

Chen Zhiyi simply called her a video.

Feng Bijun was still holding a wedding banquet manor tomorrow at this time, and she opened her mouth and asked: "Zhiyi, where is the porcelain?" ”

As she asked, her grandmother's face appeared in the video.

Chen Zhiyi said hello to them, and then turned the video to Mu Celadon who was toasting at a table.

Seeing a large group of people around Mu Qingci, Feng Bijun turned his head to Feng Lie, who was obviously standing not far from her, and said, "Boss, look at how powerful the porcelain wine group is, what kind of water is that porcelain porcelain is carrying?" ”

Chen Zhiyi replied: "Corn juice." ”

"The corn juice is good, then we will prepare corn juice for her tomorrow." Then he said to Feng Lie: "Tomorrow, your wine group will be as powerful as the porcelain wine group, don't get drunk." ”

Feng Lie replied: "Mom, don't worry." ”

Feng Bijun was obviously relieved of Feng Lie's wine group, she chatted with Chen Zhiyi for a while, suddenly called Xue Yin, and then said to Chen Zhiyi: "Zhiyi, you and Xiaoyin can talk." ”

After speaking, regardless of whether the two parties were willing or not, he directly stuffed the mobile phone to Xue Yin.

Xue Yin was forced to take the phone and look over.

Eyes facing each other......

Chen Zhiyi's side was too lively and noisy, so it seemed that the two who didn't speak were a little too quiet.

Especially face-to-face in the video.

Chen Zhiyi suddenly took a good look at his face unscrupulously.

Every time she looked at his face, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart: It's a pity for this face! If only I didn't have a mouth!

Maybe it was because the two of them stared at each other for a little long, and Feng Bijun said Xue Yin's voice over there: "Stinky boy, don't you have a long mouth?" Talk to Zhiyi, you're all two, what are you still dragging in front of her! Believe it or not, the old lady pumped you! ”

Xue Yin glanced at Feng Bijun, then retracted his gaze, looked at Chen Zhiyi, who was holding back his smile and was a little painful, and said lightly with a stiff face: "Don't just care about eating." ”

Chen Zhiyi: "......"

What does this man mean?

"If I don't eat, do I follow them to drink?"

She drinks a lot, but she will get up with Porcelain at four o'clock tomorrow morning, she is still a bridesmaid, and she can't delay things because of drinking.

Xue Yin looked at her who was angry when she said she was angry, and her tone was very calm: "I didn't ask you to drink." ”

Chen Zhiyi: "......"

So what does this man mean.

At this time, Xue Yin was obviously walking.

There was also a happy voice from her grandmother behind her: "Xiaoyin should be embarrassed, so I want to find a place where no one is there to talk to Zhiyi." ”

Chen Zhiyi looked at Xue Yin's tense face, he really couldn't hold back, and laughed directly.

Xue Yin's face tightened a little, he walked for a while, and finally stopped, before he spoke: "Don't forget that we will get married next month, learn more, and you will know what to do when the time comes." ”

Chen Zhiyi: "...... Did you take the wrong medicine? ”

"Chen Zhiyi."

"Okay, okay, you didn't take the wrong medicine, but Mr. Xue, you care so much about what I did when I got married, do you know what to do?"

The man was not involved in anything, and she suspected that he was worse than her!

Xue Yin stopped talking.

Chen Zhiyi felt that this man definitely didn't want to talk to her, so he said these words, so he said: "If you don't have anything to say, then hang up, anyway, I'm still very busy here." ”

As soon as she finished speaking, someone came to her for a drink.

Chen Zhiyi said a word to the man immediately, and then said to Xue Yin: "Then I'll hang up first, I'm very busy here tonight, I have to help Porcelain Porcelain entertain guests." ”



Although Chen Zhiyi was surprised why Xue Yin didn't hang up the video directly when she said this, she didn't care, and after hanging the video, she picked up the wine glass and stood up.

There were too many guests tonight, in addition to a group of Mu Celadon brothers and sisters to help entertain them, Chen Zhiyi, Su Qingmeng and Xiao Mo couldn't escape.

Except for Su Qingmeng, Chen Zhiyi and they are all good at talking, so when they got to the back, Xiao Mo simply took Su Qingmeng to help entertain the guests.

With Xiao Mo by her side, Su Qingmeng only needs to be responsible for smiling, and she only speaks when someone talks to her.


Everyone took care of Mu Qingci, the bride, who had to get up early tomorrow morning, so at more than eight o'clock, Jiang Zheng and the others asked Mu Qingci to go back to rest first.

Jiang Zheng said: "Here we are, you can rest assured to go back and rest, as our little junior sister, tomorrow you must show the best state to marry." ”

The other brothers and sisters said the same.

Even Mr. Peng, who had been talking to a group of old professors, asked her to go back first.

Meng Meilan also came out of the guest pile, found her and said, "Porcelain, you go back to rest first, so that you can sleep for at least a few hours." ”

Mu Qingci was indeed tired today, and with the baby in her belly, she didn't refuse.

Meng Meilan also called Chen Zhiyi and Su Qingmeng to accompany her back.

Mu Celadon went over to say hello to everyone, and walked outside with his two girlfriends.

As soon as they walked out of the school, Xiao Mo followed.

Chen Zhiyi said unexpectedly: "Xiao Mo, why did you come out?" ”

Xiao Mo showed the food box in his hand, and said to the three of them with a smile: "Mengmeng asked me to bring some food for my sister-in-law, just so I will send you back first, and then go outside the town to see if the other brothers have eaten." ”

Mu Celadon said: "Then you help me thank them well, and their meals must be arranged." ”

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, I'm in charge of this side, and I will definitely satisfy you and the boss."

"Thank you."

Xiao Mo waved his hand heartily, and suddenly asked with a smile: "Tomorrow I will also be the best man, sister-in-law, what questions will you give the boss here, can you reveal a little bit to me?" ”

Chen Zhiyi said to him with a smile: "It turns out that you want to find out the news, that's not good, the eldest brother wants to marry the porcelain, it has to be a little difficult." ”

Xiao Mo scratched his head, with a helpless expression on his face: "If you say that, then I can't do it, I just hope that tomorrow's topic is not too difficult, it is best to drink, we are all good at drinking." ”

These words directly amused the three of them.

Xiao Mo and Chen Zhiyi both drank wine tonight, so Xiao Mo called someone out and drove them to Mu Qingci's house first.

All the neighbors on the street of Mu Celadon House went to the school to sit at the seat, and the whole street seemed to be a little quiet at the moment.

A few people walked into Mu Qingci's house, Xiao Mo wanted to take Su Qingmeng to meet his comrades-in-arms outside the town, so he put the food box into the kitchen to help her warm it, and when he came out, he said to Mu Qingci: "Sister-in-law, the supper is warm in the pot for you, you can get it if you want to eat." ”

Mu Celadon nodded and said thank you.

Xiao Mo smiled and waved her hand, saying that she was polite, and suddenly asked Mu Qingci again: "Sister-in-law, you will rest later, right?" ”

Mu Qingci glanced at him, then at Su Qingmeng, and said with a smile: "If you want to borrow Mengmeng, I have no objection, but you can't leave for too long, and she will have to get up early tomorrow." ”

Xiao Mo immediately showed a bright smile at her: "I promise it won't be too long, I'll send her back before half past ten." ”


Xiao Mo immediately held Su Qingmeng's hand and said with a smile, "Mengmeng, can you go with me now?" “

Su Qingmeng glanced at the two girlfriends, pursed her lips and smiled a little embarrassedly under the teasing eyes of the two, but did not answer him.

Xiao Mo simply pulled her and walked outside.

Chen Zhiyi deliberately said: "Xiao Mo, don't bully Mengmeng~"

Xiao Mo: "I promise not to bully." ”

After the two left, Mu Qingci and Chen Zhiyi walked upstairs together.

Chen Zhiyi told Mu Qingci about the video with her mother-in-law just now, and Mu Qingci simply sent them a video over.

After a few people said a few words, her grandmother and Feng Bijun urged her to wash and rest.

The other side.

As soon as Su Qingmeng followed Xiao Mo to the outside of the town, he saw several men standing there wearing officer uniforms and obviously waiting for them.

Xiao Mo was worried that Su Qingmeng was nervous, so he clasped her hand and said, "Mengmeng, don't be afraid, these people are all people who have worked with me before, they can coax at most two sentences later, if you don't want to speak, I'll just say it." ”

Su Qingmeng opened her mouth, and she wanted to say that she would be embarrassed if they coaxed her.

But the car had stopped, and several men in officer uniforms were already walking towards them.

Xiao Mo got out of the car, and several people slapped his shoulders at the same time, and he also slapped theirs.

Then they looked at Su Qingmeng and said with a smile:

"Lao Xiao, you are good, you found such a beautiful sister-in-law."

"It's just, the other night you brought someone out and let us see if you still don't want to."

"It turns out that your kid deliberately hid his sister-in-law!"

"Sister-in-law, my name is Luo Gang, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Sister-in-law, my name is Zhang Chenliang."

"Sister-in-law, my name is ......"

Several officers were cheerful.

Su Qingmeng waited for them to finish introducing themselves, and smiled at them shyly: "Hello." ”

As soon as everyone saw her so shy, they didn't make any more jokes about Xiao Mo.

Everyone chatted casually for a while, of course, the most was to talk about Xiao Mo's troubles in the army.

Su Qingmeng knew that these people were actually not the same class as Xiao Mo, but Xiao Mo went to their unit for a few months to work, and then everyone became good brothers, and it just so happened that someone was sent over, and it happened that their unit was nearby, everyone got together and chatted Xiao Mo showed off his girlfriend.

Yes, everyone had to Xiao Mo bring Su Qingmeng over to show them this.

Because they all had tasks on their bodies, a few people chatted for a while and left.

Xiao Mo took Su Qingmeng to the place where various vehicles were parked and took a turn, there were many people from their company here.

Walking all the way, everyone would say hello to Su Qingmeng.

Su Qingmeng asked Xiao Mo: "Instructor Feng sent so many people here, is there enough people over there?" ”

"There are five or six thousand people in our company, and in addition to going out to work, only half of the remaining three or four thousand people have been sent over, and half of them have been kept, which is enough."

Su Qingmeng's eyes widened in shock: "Are there so many people here?" ”

How she didn't see it.

Xiao Mo shook her hand with a smile and said, "Some people are in the dark, and the whole town needs someone to keep an eye on, and reporters and paparazzi are not allowed to enter my sister-in-law's side, so that there will be no chaos, it's normal that you don't see many people." ”

Su Qingmeng nodded, but he was still shocked that Instructor Feng would send so many people.

Xiao Mo took Su Qingmeng around here, walking and walking, there were snowflakes floating in the sky, and the snowflakes were still very large.

Su Qingmeng stretched out his hand to catch a snowflake, surprised and worried: "It's such a big snow, if Porcelain Porcelain and Instructor Feng get married tomorrow, it will be such a big snow, the implication is that it will be white." That's it, will the road be difficult to walk. ”

"Good to go, the boss has thought of this a long time ago, and has made preparations in advance, if this snow really keeps falling, it is indeed romantic enough."

Xiao Mo said, stretched out a hand to block the top of her head, and asked, "Is it cold, why don't we go and sit in the RV?" ”

Su Qingmeng shook his head: "I want to see the snow for a while." ”

After saying that, she reached out again to catch the snow.

Xiao Mo let go of her other hand, and simply took off the coat she was wearing and draped it over her.

Su Qingmeng didn't: "Don't take off your coat, otherwise what if it's cold?" ”

"It's not cold at all." Xiao Mo simply pressed her shoulder, so that she couldn't take off her coat, and said with a smile: "The coat was originally prepared for you, you see I'm not still wearing a coat now, don't take it off, otherwise I will feel distressed if it gets cold." ”

Xiao Mo was indeed wearing a jacket.

Su Qingmeng's cheeks were red from his words, she was shy and sweet, she glanced at him shyly, turned her eyes away and whispered, "I won't take it off, you let me go." ”

Xiao Mo looked at her delicate face and watery eyes, her Adam's apple rolled slightly, and then let go of her shoulders.

Su Qingmeng was a little uncomfortable when he looked at him, and simply stretched out his two hands to catch the snow.

Pieces of snowflakes fell in her hands, and soon the temperature on her hands turned into water droplets, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously rose slightly.

Under the street lamp, among the snowflakes, Su Qingmeng looked at the falling snowflakes, and Xiao Mo looked at her, unconsciously with a gentle smile in his eyes.

After a while, he suddenly called her, "Mengmeng." ”

Su Qingmeng turned his head to look at him.

Xiao Mo suddenly took her into his arms.

After Su Qingmeng crashed into his arms, his hands subconsciously rested on his shoulders and raised his eyes to look at him.

The two of them pressed their chests to their chests, and their hearts beat wildly at the same time.

Xiao Mo looked down at her and asked secretly, "Mengmeng, can I kiss you?" ”

Su Qingmeng blushed, shy and timid, but still nodded at him in a small arc.

With her permission, Xiao Mo was so excited that he kissed it directly......


"It's snowing."

After Mu Qingci and Feng Bijun video, they saw Chen Zhiyi walking towards the window.

Under the light, large snowflakes fall on the red roof, which looks particularly beautiful.

Mu Qingci also stood up and walked to the window, looking at the snowflakes outside the window with Chen Zhiyi.

It didn't take long for a group of voices to be heard outside the courtyard gate, followed by a knock on the door and the sound of shouting Mu Celadon.

Chen Zhiyi asked Mu Celadon "Do you want to let them in?" ”

It was all a group of young girls who had obviously come to talk to Mu Qingci.

These people are all Mu Qingci's hair, she said: "I'll go down, they come to play, I can't stop them from coming in." ”

"But if you don't rest early, your body will definitely not be able to bear it."

"It's okay, I'll just play with them for half an hour."

Mu Celadon said and walked towards the door.

Chen Zhiyi had no choice but to follow.

Five or six girls came, all of them were neighbors and a few nearby streets, everyone knew that Mu Qingci would get married tomorrow, and it happened to be the weekend, so everyone who was close to the town rushed back.

"We were still thinking about chatting with you after dinner, but we didn't expect you to come back so early, celadon, you get married tomorrow, are you nervous?"

"If you're nervous, we can accompany you tonight."

"Yes, since you went to S City to study, we haven't played together for a long time, so we must have a good chat tonight."

"If it weren't for you as our role model, we would have gone to the factory to make screws a long time ago."

"We thought you would definitely get married in the end, but we didn't expect you to get married before all of us."


Although Mu Celadon is always used as a positive teaching material, everyone still likes her, after all, she has a flexible brain, so that everyone suffered a lot less beatings when they were young, of course, they are less beaten by their parents, and Mu Celadon is also beneficial.

Everyone laughed as they reminisced about the past.

Half an hour passed quickly, and Chen Zhiyi wanted to remind Mu Qingci that it was time to rest, but seeing that she was happy, she felt that she would definitely not be able to sleep if she was asked to rest now, and finally simply joined their chat.

After they came, many young people came to them one after another.

They all rushed back to attend Mu Celadon wedding.

The more everyone talked, the happier they became, when Xiao Mo sent Su Qingmeng back, they had no plans to leave.

Looking at the number of people sitting in the living room, Su Qingmeng was worried: "Why are there so many people, Porcelain is not resting now, and if you get up so early tomorrow, your body will definitely not be able to bear it." ”

Xiao Mo thought for a moment and said to her, "Why don't you let Aunt Meng come back and call everyone away, looking at their posture, it is possible that they are ready to accompany their sister-in-law here for one night." ”

After all, many people play all night before they get married.

But Mu celadon is definitely not good, and he can't bear it physically.

Su Qingmeng nodded, then took out his mobile phone and called Meng Meilan.

Meng Meilan heard that Mu Qingci hadn't rested yet, so she quickly asked someone to drive her back.

She went in and said to a group of young people, "So you're all here, and I just need your help with something." ”

As soon as Meng Meilan said this, everyone actively said that if there is any help, even if they are instructed, they will definitely help.

Then Meng Meilan took them all away.

After the others left, Su Qingmeng hurriedly said to Mu Qingci: "Porcelain, you go and rest." ”

Mu Celadon was actually a little excited and couldn't sleep.

Su Qingmeng said: "If you can't sleep, you have to take a rest, you are not alone now, you can't stay up late, especially if you have to be busy tomorrow, your body will definitely not be able to bear it." ”

Although Chen Zhiyi also felt that he couldn't sleep, he still agreed with Su Qingmeng's words.

Mu Celadon thought about it, and agreed to rest.

When she arrived outside her bedroom door, Chen Zhiyi was about to follow her in to accompany her, but was stopped by Su Qingmeng.

Su Qing dreamed of what Xiao Mo said, so he said to Chen Zhiyi: "Zhiyi, let's go rest too, so that we can be a bridesmaid for porcelain tomorrow." ”

After speaking, he simply pulled Chen Zhiyi and walked towards the bedroom where they lived, and said to Mu Ceci as he walked: "Porcelain, good night." ”

As soon as Mu Qingci saw Su Qingmeng's reaction, he knew that Xiao Mo must have said something to her.

She smiled and said goodnight to the two of them, and then went inside.

It's just that after lying in bed, she can't sleep after tossing and turning.

I always imagined tomorrow's wedding in my head, especially when she promised to show the four famous embroideries to the world, so when the time comes, she will broadcast a live broadcast of their wedding, and she and her baby will not be able to drop the chain during the live broadcast.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but touch her stomach.

At present, the baby is very well-behaved, at least she has not had any pregnancy.

However, the doctor said that it is easy to affect the baby if the rest is not good or the mental fluctuations are too great.

Thinking of this, she hurriedly took a deep breath and reminded herself: "No, I have to rest well, otherwise if the little baby doesn't cooperate tomorrow, it will be troublesome." ”

After saying that, she hurriedly closed her eyes.

It was only after a while that she opened her eyes again, turned over several times on the bed like a pancake, and frowned, "I can't sleep!" ”

She really couldn't sleep.

I just want to find someone to talk to and distract myself.

She simply took her phone, "If it's still early, go find Zhiyi and Mengmeng to chat." ”

Looking at the time, it was past eleven o'clock.

Mu Qingci silently calculated how long he could sleep, and felt a little headache.

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

She hurriedly turned her head to look over, and when she saw Feng Lie coming in, her eyes instantly lit up.

As soon as Feng Lie met her sparkling eyes, he knew that she couldn't sleep.

Closed the door and strode up to her, reached out and touched her head, and asked, "Why don't you sleep yet?" ”

"I can't sleep."

Mu Qingci stretched out his hand and took his hand, emphasizing with a distressed expression: "I can't sleep at all." ”

Feng Lie saw it.

This girl's spirit is very excited at first glance.

Don't talk about her, he's excited too.

After all, tomorrow is their big wedding day.

However, he didn't rush over to be excited with her, he said softly, "I'll go wash up and sleep with you." ”

Mu Celadon nodded at him.

As he turned to walk towards the bathroom, she simply got up and prepared to follow.

As soon as Feng Lie saw her get up, he hurriedly turned back and helped her get a coat to put on, then let her sit and help her put on thick socks.

Mu Qingci looked at Feng Lie, who was squatting in front of her to help her put on her socks, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously rose: "Husband, why are you coming over tonight?" ”

She thought he wouldn't be coming over tonight.

Feng Lie seriously helped her put on her socks and replied, "I'm worried that a little girl won't be able to sleep." ”

Mu Qingci grinned and said, "As a bride, isn't it normal that I can't sleep?" ”

"Well, so I'll have to find a way to get my bride to sleep for a few hours tonight."

"Do you have a solution?"

"I'll try."

Feng Lie said and helped her put on her socks and slippers.

The two of them walked towards the bathroom together.

When he arrived at the bathroom, Feng Lie went in to wash, and Mu Celadon stood by the door and talked to him.

Talking about tonight's banquet, talking about the moving and excitement in my heart.

She was still talking until the two of them were lying in bed.

Feng Lie didn't stop her, after lying down, he put one hand around her, and then put one of her hands on his chest muscles, let her touch it, and the other hand caressed her back.

Mu Celadon was used to touching his pectoral muscles, and as soon as he put his hand on it, he touched it.

Coupled with the caress on his back, the sleepy bug suddenly came up.

She yawned as she spoke.

Feng Lie whispered in her ear in a low-magnetic bewitching voice, "Baby, go to sleep." ”

Mu Qingci closed his eyes, rubbed his cheek against his chest, mumbled, and said before going to sleep: "Husband, you will call me at four o'clock tomorrow." ”

Feng Lie replied with a hello.

Mu Celadon fell asleep.

"Porcelain, get up."

Mu Qingci opened his eyes and looked at his mother standing by the bed, still a little confused.

She subconsciously asked, "Mom, what time is it?" ”

"Five o'clock."


The next moment, Mu Qingci hurriedly sat up, glanced around, and when he didn't see Feng Lie, he covered his forehead and muttered: "Why didn't Brother Lie call me." ”

Meng Meilan looked at her funny and said, "Hurry up, the makeup artist team has been waiting for a while." ”

Mu Celadon lifted the quilt and got up, and asked worriedly while putting on slippers: "Mom, I got up so late, is it too late?" ”

"It's too late, Xiao Lie said that the makeup team and styling team are very professional, and even if Xiao Lie and they come over, you still have time to put on makeup."

When the time comes, everyone will stop the pick-up team on the street, and it will be too late for Mu Qingci to continue to put on makeup at home.

Mu Qingci stopped: "Did you see Brother Lie?" ”

After asking, she walked up to Meng Meilan, took her hand, and looked at her.

Looking at her dark circles, he asked her, "Mom, didn't you sleep last night?" ”

"Slept for a few hours."

Sleeping or not falling asleep was secondary, and she lay down for a few hours anyway.

Mu Qingcai didn't believe her, hugged her directly, and said, "Mom, I'm sorry, I made you work hard alone." ”

Meng Meilan patted her back funny and said, "I'm not hard, it's Xiao Lie who is really hard, so after you get married, you have to be good to him." ”

Hearing this, Mu Qingci couldn't help but laugh and said, "Mom, are you saying the opposite, as my own mother, shouldn't you let him be nice to me?" ”

"He's different." Meng Meilan patted her back again and urged: "Go wash up quickly, otherwise it will be too late to put on makeup." ”

Mu Qingci let go of her and walked towards the bathroom.

Meng Meilan didn't leave in a hurry, followed her to the bathroom door, and said: "Xiao Lie is really hard, he was worried that you wouldn't be able to sleep so late last night, and he had to rush back at two or three o'clock this morning, and he had to be busy for a day today, and he couldn't bear this iron body." ”

Mu Celadon was also a little distressed, so he said, "When today is over, I'll let him rest and rest." ”

The mother and daughter chatted a few words, Meng Meilan explained a few more words to Mu Qingci, and when she washed up, the two went downstairs.

At this time, a lot of people had gathered in the downstairs living room.

Mu Qingci's brothers and sisters all came over.

As soon as everyone saw her come down, they were asking her if she was resting.

Then let her go to the specially vacated room to make up and do the styling.

In addition to Chen Zhiyi and Su Qingmeng, there are a few bridesmaids who have a good relationship with Mu Celadon.

The other bridesmaids are either Mu Celadon colleagues or doctoral students of S University.

Jiang Zheng's group of people are like an old father and mother, standing outside the door and explaining all kinds to Mu Qingci, of course, the most important thing is to let her not be nervous today.

"You have to show the momentum of our Pengmen, even if there are a lot of reporters and cameras at that time, don't worry, you have to know that you are the most beautiful bride today."

"As the editor of [Ancient and Modern Appointment], you still have a task today, which is to show the phoenix crown and the four famous embroideries under the camera, so that everyone can see how amazing our wedding dress in China is."

Mu Qingci responded while letting the makeup artist put makeup on her face.

In that case, I couldn't see any nervousness at all.

A female doctor smiled: "With Celadon character, I think even if everyone is nervous, she will not be nervous." ”

Another person continued: "Indeed, Celadon is not nervous in the commentary field, and he must not be nervous in the face of a few reporters." ”

Everyone talked and laughed, and they all felt that Mu Celadon would not be nervous at all.

Only Chen Zhiyi and Su Qingmeng glanced at each other, and the two didn't say anything.

When the makeup was half past six, Meng Meilan and the eldest aunt brought breakfast to everyone with a group of middle-aged women.

Because Feng Lie will be here at seven o'clock, today's breakfast will start at half past six.

Still in school.

But the people here brought breakfast directly.

The eldest aunt brought a bowl of rice balls to Mu Qingcera.

There is also a red envelope pressed under the bowl of rice balls.

The eldest aunt smiled and said to her: "Porcelain, you are a bride today, so you have to eat a bowl of rice balls in the morning, which means that you and Feng Lie will be happy and harmonious in the days to come." ”

Mu celadon served the rice balls.

The eldest aunt motioned to her to take the red envelope again: "I wish you a prosperous future life." ”

"Thank you, auntie."

It was dawn in the town at six o'clock, but the heavy snow that had been falling since last night had not stopped at this time.

Since half past six, people have come to Mu Celadon one after another.

Except for those who are close to each other, everyone else gathers in the streets.

Chen Zhiyi, who had already put on makeup and changed into a bridesmaid dress, made a real-time broadcast to Mu Celadon while swiping his mobile phone.

"Big brother, they are about to get off the highway, and it snowed heavily last night, but they have already prepared a snow plow, and there is no snow at all on the road from S City to this side."

Someone asked, "How many cars did the wedding convoy have?" ”

Chen Zhiyi smiled and said, "A lot." ”

But the numbers were not said.

This made everyone more curious.

Someone also took out their phone to swipe.

Then he exclaimed: "Many websites are talking about the wedding of Celadon and Mr. Feng." ”

"There are already a lot of small videos online."

"Wow! S City seems to be preparing to close the outer ring road from half past ten to half past eleven, and a notice has been issued, do you say that it is specifically to let Celadon and Mr. Feng's wedding car pass by unimpeded. ”

"It's not that exaggerated."


While everyone was speculating, there was a commotion outside the courtyard, and then Professor Peng and several old professors walked in from outside.

As soon as Mu Celadon saw them come in, he stood up and said hello to them.

Professor Peng looked at his youngest student with a smile and said, "It seems that you are not nervous. ”

Mu Qingci replied with a smile: "The students are already nervous. ”

At this time, she only hoped that Brother Lie would come over early.

Others were busy giving seats to a few professors.

Everyone talked for a while, and after Jiang Zheng answered the phone, he said to everyone: "Everyone prepare, the convoy has already gotten off the highway." ”

As soon as they heard this, everyone became excited.

Then except for the bride, bridesmaids, Meng Meilan, several old teachers and makeup team, everyone else went out.

After they went out, the bridesmaids quickly ran to the door, ready to watch the excitement, and when the groom and them came, they closed the door and asked them to give red envelopes.

Several other bridesmaids obviously didn't have Chen Zhiyi's brains active in this regard.

Chen Zhiyi said to them: "Wait a minute, let's not rush to open the door, unless the red envelopes they bring in can satisfy us, you can also make a question to embarrass the groom." ”

Someone said: "Mr. Jiang, they have already set up so many checkpoints for the groom, is it a bit unkind for us to stop the groom from entering?" ”

Several others nodded in agreement.

Chen Zhiyi said to them: "This kind of only one chance to ask for red envelopes, how can you not want it?" I told you, how to be lively today, especially if you can be lively, and you can get a lot of red envelopes with your ability, why don't you want to? ”

Several girls were directly brainwashed by her, discussed it, and decided to follow her plan.

Listening to the plan of a few people by the door, Peng Lao, who was sitting there, said with a smile Mu Qingci: "Little porcelain, whether Feng Lie can pick you up smoothly depends on how capable he is." ”

Mu Qingci also smiled, and said confidently while letting the makeup artist continue to help her put on makeup: "I believe that Brother Lie will pass everyone's test." ”

After speaking, he added a mischievous sentence: "Besides, it is impossible for senior brothers and sisters to let Brother Lie not pick me up today." ”

"Haha...... That's that, you little girl, it turned out that they wouldn't be embarrassed by Feng Lie, so they were so calm. ”

"Hee-hee...... Yes. ”

Meng Meilan and several other old professors couldn't help but laugh as they listened to the conversation between teachers and students.

Mu Qingci asked her to take her tablet over at this time: "Wait a minute, we can take a look at the live broadcast outside." ”

Meng Meilan also wanted to see how those people 'embarrassed' her son-in-law, so she immediately went to bring Mu Celadon a tablet.

At this time, the outside of the courtyard became more lively, and someone broadcast in real time where the pick-up team had arrived.

When someone shouted: "Prepare for firecrackers, they have a kilometer to go!" ”

Then the outside directly boiled: "Everyone quickly stand on both sides and let the people who stop the relatives prepare!" ”

"Firecrackers are ready, as soon as you see the convoy coming, you can set them off!"

A few bridesmaids gathered at the door also became excited.

"Oh, there are so many people that you can't see the streets!"

"Why don't we go out?"

"You can't go out, the companion boy group is very powerful, in case they rush over directly, we won't have a chance to close the door at all."

"What then? I'd love to see how the professors stopped the groom. ”

"I want to too!"

"Xiao Chen, you have to think of a way."

At this time, they all looked at Chen Zhiyi.

Chen Zhiyi thought for a while, and immediately said: "Take your mobile phone and let the person in front of you help us start the live broadcast." ”

Hearing Chen Zhiyi's words, the corners of Mu Celadon unconsciously rose.

Then she quickly connected to the photographer's camera, Meng Meilan held the tablet, and the two looked together.

I saw her brother Lie sitting in the wedding car, wearing a wedding dress, he was domineering, and he was handsome and handsome in good spirits for happy events.

The streets through which the convoy passed had long been guarded by traffic police, so they came unimpeded.

Snowflakes are flying, giving people a very aesthetic feeling.

Looking at the retreating houses, Meng Meilan couldn't help but say excitedly at this time: "It's coming soon!" ”

As soon as she finished speaking, there were voices outside the courtyard gate: "The kissing team has arrived!" ”

"The pick-up team has arrived!"

Then came the sound of firecrackers.

Listening to the sound of firecrackers, a professor said with a smile: "Sure enough, the sound of firecrackers can feel the joy of the wedding even more." ”

Mu Celadon said: "We are generally not allowed to set off firecrackers here, but you can apply for a happy event, as long as you ensure safety." ”


to be continued

If it is invaded and deleted


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