
Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

author:Japan Savvy

Recently, many friends in the north should have received a reminder of the "high temperature warning", and 38 degrees every day almost bakes people! (Of course, it's still much better than the nearly 50 degrees heat in India next door, let's thank the Himalayas!) )

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

In such a hot day, it coincides with the summer vacation, and all places have officially entered the tourist season, so the choice of travel destination is particularly important. If you're looking to travel abroad to Japan, consider Karuizawa, Japan's "summer resort".

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

Hearing the place name "Karuizawa", friends who are familiar with Japanese entertainment may immediately think of those Japanese stars who are keen to buy villas here.

For example, Sho Sakurai, who bought 1,000 tsubo of land in Karuizawa and gave it to his parents as a retirement gift, Ken Watanabe, who stuck to Karuizawa's real estate after the divorce...... Even Bill Gates, the super-rich man everyone knows, owns a property in Karuizawa.

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

Picture丨Bill Gates's Karuizawa Mansion Aerial View Although everyone may choose to buy a property in Karuizawa for different reasons, what kind of charm does Karuizawa have that can be favored by these celebrities?

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

Overview and History

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

Karuizawa (かるいざわ) is a town located in Saku-gun, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. Although it is surrounded by the high mountains and hills of Nagano, Karuizawa is located on a relatively flat plateau with abundant forest and water resources.

Karuizawa's high altitude makes it a summer retreat in summer, and with little snow in winter compared to other parts of Nagano, Karuizawa is also a resort for all seasons.

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

Karuizawa has a long history of development, and it flourished as a post station until the Edo period, before gradually declining in the Meiji era. In the 80s of the 18th century, British Canadian missionaries fell in love with the climate similar to that of the West, and described Karuizawa as a "hospital without a roof". From the Meiji era to the early Showa period, many foreigners such as clergy and diplomats took refuge in Karuizawa every summer. Karuizawa became one of Japan's most popular summer resorts for foreigners, and in the process, some Western cultures, such as religion, gradually infiltrated and became a part of Karuizawa. After the Taisho period, Japanese people began to emulate foreigners, and many high-class people, members of the imperial family, and important figures in politics and business built villas here, which also made Karuizawa a stage for social circles for a time.

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

Picture丨Karuizawa's first Japanese villa

"Hatta Villa" (built in 1893)

In addition, many scholars, novelists, painters, musicians, and other cultural figures resided here during the same period, and Karuizawa was often transformed into a cultural salon venue. In 1952, after the war, the Karuizawa town government opened five new ice rinks in the town to attract winter tourists, and ice skating became a popular sport for the whole people at that time, just like cycling and tennis in the summer. Today, Karuizawa has developed into Nagano's number one tourist destination, with around 8.5 million people visiting each year. In 1997, the Hokuriku Shinkansen opened, providing a one-hour drive from Tokyo to Karuizawa.

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

Picture丨Karuizawa Station

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

A guide to the four seasons

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?
Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

Harukaruizawa has a higher altitude, so spring comes late. Around Golden Week in May, wildflowers are just starting to bloom in the sun, more than a month later than in cities like Tokyo. At this time, the fields and mountains are full of trees that look dry, but if you look closely, you can see that the young shoots of the trees have begun to sprout. On a sunny day, the weather is warm and there are not many tourists, so you can enjoy a quiet walk without being disturbed. However, there is still snow on the trail, so this is not a good time for novice climbers.

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

SummerIn the cool air of Karuizawa, people can spend a very refreshing summer here. Even on a sunny day, you won't feel the heat when walking through the unsheltered city streets or hiking in the tree-lined mountains.

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

Heading into the summer holidays, the number of visitors to Karuizawa increases while some museums, galleries and shops are only open during this time. Summer is also the peak of traditional festivals in Japan, and from late July onwards, people can enjoy the atmosphere of summer in Japan by attending festivals and watching fireworks displays in the streets of Karuizawa.

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

In autumn and September, the crowds receded, and Karuizawa returned to its former calm. The trees on the mountain begin to change color in mid-September, and the best time to see the autumn leaves is usually around mid-October, and the colorful leaves on the surface of the mountain are like oil paintings.

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

When the autumn is high and the weather is clear, looking into the distance, it also has a unique flavor. In late autumn, you can take a stroll through the forest with fallen leaves and a view of the mountains and the blue sky.

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

The first snow in Karuizawa usually falls around the end of November, and winter in Karuizawa begins at this time. The intimate illumination and other winter-only events will last until mid-February.

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the entire town, buildings, and trees are covered in snow. Karuizawa generally enjoys good weather in winter, and those who prefer static sightseeing can enjoy the silver peaks of Mount Asama or bird-watching at Kumba Pond and Wild Bird Forest. Of course, if you're a sports enthusiast, traditional winter sports such as ice skating or skiing are also worth trying.

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?
Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

What to do in Karuizawa

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?
Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

Everyone who comes to Karuizawa will probably have a variety of different purposes, but also because there are so many surprises to be discovered in this land. So, beyond the usual travel routes, what else can Karuizawa have that you don't expect? Immersed in the atmosphere of a fairytale town, Karuizawa has been favored by Westerners for a long time, and later Japanese people imitated Westerners' styles, so a large number of Western-style buildings have survived here.

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

However, unlike true Western architecture, these villas in Karuizawa may look very standard Western-style on the outside, but the interior may be a tatami mat room with a strong retro Japanese style.

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

Most of these historical, but beautifully restored Western-style buildings, some of which are museums, some of which are hotels or restaurants, are open to the public. But that's not all that makes Karuizawa feel so sweet-tale that it all has its part, with local residents and small businesses all having their own to contribute.

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

As you walk along the forest trails of Karuizawa, you can see objects placed in the glades everywhere, ranging from cute animals and dwarfs to romantic white statues. If it's autumn and winter, people might think that they have strayed into the fairy tale of the German Black Forest.

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

Diverse Shopping ExperiencesWhen it comes to shopping, you may have heard of Karuizawa's outlets. It is the same outlet mall that is different from other outlets with the same European decoration, and chooses the simple atmosphere of Karuizawa Prince Shopping Plaza (軽井沢プリンスショッピングプラザ) standing at the foot of the lakeside mountain.

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

The shopping mall is conveniently located next to Karuizawa Station. It is also very large, has all the infrastructure such as restaurants and shops, and is surrounded by beautiful natural scenery, so you can enjoy it at any time. There are also festive and seasonal events, the most popular of which is the Christmas Lights Display.

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

Karuizawa Prince Shopping Plaza can be said to have broken the traditional impression that outlets are only for shopping, and people can come here on weekends to take a walk, enjoy food, and participate in fun activities, making the shopping experience more relaxed and enjoyable. In addition to the well-known outlets, Karuizawa also has a treasure shopping spot hidden in the forest. The bright and warm lights are faintly reflected in the wooden house, like a stop for travelers.

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

Harunire Terrace (ハルニレテラス) is managed by Hoshino Resorts and aims to allow all who visit the area to experience Karuizawa local cuisine in its purest form, while also providing the opportunity to purchase local artworks.

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

If you feel that life is full of stress and you can't breathe, come to Karuizawa. Whether it's a breath of fresh air in the forest, shopping or sports, you're sure to find your share of fun here.

Japan has its own "summer resort"! What's so special about the town where Bill Gates is going to buy a house?

※ The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Nippon Street.


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