
【Blockbuster】The second season of the intelligent era special is pre-sold, the AI wave is accelerating, and the intelligent era is in a new era

author:Liuhe Business Research Selection
【Blockbuster】The second season of the intelligent era special is pre-sold, the AI wave is accelerating, and the intelligent era is in a new era

A new wave of AI has swept the world, leading mankind into a new era of intelligence. The concept of AI was first proposed in 1956, and in the following more than half a century, it has experienced many highs and lows, and at the beginning of the 21st century, the rise of deep learning has injected new vitality into AI.

In 2017, the Transformer model was launched, leading AI into the era of large models. On November 30, 2022, ChatGPT was born, marking another leap forward in AI, which not only attracted more than 100 million users in a short period of time, but also showed the world the infinite possibilities of AI with its powerful intelligence emergence capabilities.

The birth of ChatGPT has accelerated global attention and investment in AI, triggered an unprecedented AI industrial revolution, and heralded mankind's bid farewell to the 30-year development of the Internet industry cycle and ushered in an intelligent era that belongs to the next 30 years.

In the past two years, the global AI industry has been turbulent and transformed. The AI industry is changing rapidly, like a storm of innovation, reshaping the global technology landscape. From Silicon Valley to Beijing, from start-ups to tech giants, they are investing huge resources in the field of AI, trying to grasp the pulse of the times and lead the development trend of technology.

From algorithm optimization to application implementation, the boundaries of AI capabilities continue to expand, the level of intelligence continues to improve by leaps and bounds, and countless fields have been changed and reshaped by AI, bringing mankind closer and closer to the dream of building AGI.

The singularity is approaching, the future has come, and AI+ robots will help mankind expand the new frontier of civilization. Looking forward to the future, AI will be deeply integrated with thousands of industries, stimulate a new evolution of everything, lead human society to achieve intelligent leaps, and push productivity to new heights.

AI+ robots will liberate human beings from tedious and repetitive work, give them more opportunities to engage in creative and strategic work, and open up a more intelligent, efficient and harmonious future society. AI+ robots will also help human beings break through physical and cognitive limitations, open up new fields of human activities, and expand new frontiers of human civilization in the fields of exploring the universe, understanding the deep sea, and protecting the ecology.

On April 24, 2023, Liuhe Business Research and Selection launched the [Intelligent Era Special] to comprehensively sort out the development history, current situation and trends of the AI industry, technology, and representative companies, look forward to the future of the intelligent era, and explore investment opportunities.

In the process of updating the [Intelligent Era Topic], we will work with you to closely track, witness, research, and explore new trends and trends in global AI development in real time, combine industrial development and in-depth research and thinking, and strive to reflect the forward-looking, insightful, and original research on the basis of keeping pace with industrial development.

With the emergence of new theories, new technologies, new applications and new trends, [Intelligent Era Topic] has been greatly expanded to 121 reports, compared with the 61 reports planned at the beginning of the launch, 60 new reports, the number has nearly doubled, and the thematic framework system is more comprehensive and systematic.

As of June 3, 2024, the first quarter of the [Intelligent Era Topic] has been updated, which lasted 13 months, in-depth research on 52 company/industry themes, and 53 reports were released, with a total word count of more than 920,000 words and an average of 17,400 words.

We have launched the second quarter of [Intelligent Era Special], planning 52 issues of reports, which will be updated once a week from July 8, 2024. The second quarter will continue to improve the depth and breadth of research on the basis of the first quarter, witness the development of the global AI industry at the forefront, and gain forward-looking insights into the essence and trends of the industry.

The first and second quarters of the intelligent era are priced at 369 yuan respectively.

Pre-sale period (June 10, 2024 ~ July 7, 2024): Buy in two seasons in a package, enjoy a 6% discount, only 442 yuan; Buy the second season separately and enjoy an 8.8% discount for only 325 yuan.

After the end of the pre-sale period (from July 8, 2024): Buy in two seasons and enjoy a 20% discount, only 590 yuan; Buy the second season separately and restore the original price of 369 yuan.

Subscribe now to lock in a discount. We sincerely invite everyone to continue the journey of AI exploration and open a new chapter in the intelligent era.

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【Blockbuster】The second season of the intelligent era special is pre-sold, the AI wave is accelerating, and the intelligent era is in a new era

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