
After the lottery of traffic, professionals are facing the triple shackles faced by financial IP

author:Everybody is a product manager
In this era, many people choose to embark on the road of personal IP after leaving their jobs and being laid off. In particular, many Internet people, because of their familiarity with the industry and business, choose to transform into financial self-media IP. However, in the current prosperity of self-media, before making personal IP, we still need to deal with these triple shackles.
After the lottery of traffic, professionals are facing the triple shackles faced by financial IP

First, financial IP should not only deliver eggs, but also deliver the hens themselves

A British reader wrote to clamoring to see Qian Zhongshu, and Qian Lao replied: If you eat an egg and think it is good, why do you have to meet the hen that laid the egg?

In the classical period, the creator only delivered the egg itself, regardless of whether the hen was beautiful or not.

In the era of Internet IP, especially in the era of short videos and live broadcasts, creators not only have to deliver eggs, but they have also become an important part of delivery, and under some algorithm preferences, the latter accounts for even a higher proportion.

After the lottery of traffic, professionals are facing the triple shackles faced by financial IP

I remember in 2008, when I was in the university library for the summer, I was looking through some economics and management journals, and I was very impressed that the industry called the "Internet celebrity phenomenon" the "eyeball economy", as an accidental and niche phenomenon.

In the era of mobile Internet, the distribution of traffic has evolved from manual editing and screening to the era of algorithms, and people suddenly found that driven by algorithms, splashing traffic may be smashed on some amateurs like a lottery ticket, and everyone can become a star for a few minutes.

After the emergence of traffic lottery, all content creators will inevitably suffer from a kind of "traffic pink eye", seeing so many people who are not as good as themselves, taking the traffic lottery ticket to exchange for income, they are also gearing up, eager to try, and feel that they must be better than others.

This is what I want to talk about today, traffic thinking needs to be algorithm-oriented to create, behind the algorithm is the brain cognitive virus, professional creators will face many difficulties if they want to go this way, and even steal chickens and rice, and lose their wives and soldiers.

Second, professionals do the three traffic shackles of financial IP

I had the opportunity to talk to a well-known economist in the industry that I respected, and one of the things I talked about was why so few of the people with the highest traffic were professionals.

At that time, he gave the first and most important of the three flow shackles:

Once the financial IP is oriented to traffic creation, he does not need compliance and legal affairs, he will be isolated from the industry and no longer belong to the professional circle.

I couldn't agree more.

Every financial IP with a strong background is the king of volumes in their respective professional fields. In the world of the king of volumes, the strong are respected. Under the general admiration, the chain of contempt is very serious, and once someone makes a mistake and becomes a joke, it will be difficult to have a foothold again.

Margaret Thatcher said: "Holding real power is like being a lady, and if you have to remind people to respect that you are a lady, you are obviously not a lady". It's the same with financial IP, if you can't make your debut at the peak and keep hitting new heights, but you have to keep using your past honors and achievements to remind ordinary people that you are very good, then in the eyes of your peers, this will become self-contemptuous and funny.

In the field of financial content creation, the four consecutive tactics of "advocating conspiracy theories, pandering to populism, creating antagonism, and inciting emotions" can certainly bring traffic, but once they embark on this path, the industry will regard this person as an academic personality bankrupt and leek harvester, and will completely lose his qualification to gain a foothold in the industry.

Take a closer look, the person who is most proficient in the use of the "four consecutive moves" is not a serious industry scholar in the first place, and is naturally not afraid of being laughed at by the academic community. There are also some people who have defected from their teachers and transformed from industry bosses to professional Internet celebrities, and they are naturally not afraid of the industry's pointing.

The vast majority of financial IPs with professional backgrounds only regard self-media as a side hustle, and of course they dare not take the risk of losing their main business to make sacrifices as a side hustle.

The result of this is that in the face of traffic, those who wear shoes are afraid of bare feet, and those with shackles can't beat those who travel lightly.

The second shackle is the "curse of knowledge."

A person, once he is familiar with expressing the world with all kinds of expertise, then these terms become his crutches, forming path dependence, and without these terms, he suffers from aphasia.

When he skillfully uses these terms to express himself, he is not aware of it, which artificially creates cognitive barriers for most of the audience. Others simply don't know what you're talking about, and they don't want to spend too much mental effort to understand it on the spot, and it will soon slip away and naturally become a "bad work" in the eyes of algorithms. This is the "curse of knowledge".

You must first be aware of the existence of the "curse" before you can lift it.

A person who stands on the top of the mountain and overlooks the earth, wants to describe the scenery of the top of the mountain to the person standing at the foot of the mountain and the mountainside, he can't imagine how the person at the foot of the mountain understands the top of the mountain in their minds, which really requires his ability to express himself.

The solution is to polish the tour guide words in more colloquial language, and the part of the terminology should not exceed 10% of the total content, and the new concept should be replaced and explained with concepts that are already known to most people.

For professionals, in order to be compatible with people who don't understand, they have to pick out the words in each sentence and spend time simplifying, concrete, and colloquializing, which is very inefficient in terms of expression efficiency, and it takes twice as much effort than people who naturally use spoken language.

But this is the expression that the "god of traffic algorithms" is happy with.

The third shackle is the "lack of a people-pleasing personality."

Writing a good article is a kind of pure mental work, and to shoot a good short video and make a wonderful live broadcast, in addition to mental work, it is also necessary to mobilize emotions, perform, and pay a lot of emotional labor.

The emotional labor encouraged by the god of platform algorithms mainly comes from "pleasing personality" and "pleasing performance", which provide emotional value.

Many of these financial professionals are scholars and scholars, and they are rare opponents compared to simple mental work, but it is really difficult for him to put down his body to please strangers and ordinary people who he has never met.

First, it cannot be done and lacks the necessary professional training;

the second is that they don't want to do it, and they think that they rely on their talents to eat, rather than by selling their souls;

the third is that it can't be done, and after doing it, it will be more difficult to be accepted by the original professional circle;

Live broadcast is essentially a kind of service industry, information service industry or entertainment service industry.

The show girl also belongs to the entertainment service industry, and her grasp of human nature is grandmaster-level, which can be called the innate holy body of the emotional labor world and the god in charge of emotional labor in ancient Greece. If this crowd is on the live broadcast, no matter what they say, they are almost naturally invincible.

When the IP was live, the middle-aged greasy uncle with a straight face and the D-cup financial female anchor fought for traffic, which was simply a one-sided slaughter in the eyes of the god of the platform's algorithm.

When a professional has three layers of shackles at the same time, it basically means that he will not be favored by the "god of platform traffic", and only by constantly breaking through the shackles can there be development opportunities.

In short, when traffic becomes more and more like a lottery, it will become more and more unfriendly to professionals who can only create and do not know how to operate.

3. Brute-force cracking of algorithms: The proliferation of operational leverage caused by traffic lottery

Anyone who is engaged in creation knows that popular models are often a kind of metaphysics, and it is a very new "god of platform traffic" who is in charge of popular models.

Splashing traffic is splashing wealth, so all creators are offering their own sacrifices (works, titles, covers, and topics) to ask for rain, hoping to gain the favor of the "god of platform traffic" and lower the ganlin of traffic.

In order to prevent the creator from guessing the law of Ganlin, the "god of platform traffic" will put the algorithm into the black box, which is not always effective.

Many people who are good at operation and account making have begun to use various operation methods to increase leverage, trying to brute-force the secret of the "god of traffic algorithms".

The first trick is to copy the title of the hit as it is;

Since others can use this sacrifice to get rain, then I will also use the exact same sacrifice, and the god of traffic algorithms will most likely like it.

The second trick is to change the same content to different titles several times;

Prevent a good content from being dragged down by a bad headline, and use the way of horse racing, with multiple arrows, to go through mines, and to find a way.

The third move, 100 numbers send 100 articles, brute force cracking, saturation attack;

Since the traffic is a lottery, then, others only draw one lottery ticket a day, and I draw 100 lottery tickets a day, so is my probability of winning the lottery 100 times higher than others?

The most important thing about this miracle is to reduce the cost of drawing each ticket, and with the help of AIGC, this is not a problem at all.

At present, in the field of text self-media and short video self-media, there has been a practice of one person managing hundreds of accounts and posting hundreds of pieces of content every day, the words of text are AIGC, and the words of short videos are to talk for 3 hours at a time, and then cut into more than 300 short slices of 30 seconds long, which are launched in batches on dozens of accounts on one platform, and there are always explosions.

Of course, there will be great drawbacks to the lottery of traffic.

On the one hand, it caters to the weaknesses of human nature, which is downstreamed and unfriendly to a lot of serious creators;

On the other hand, the traffic algorithm increases randomness, reduces the strong link between creators and subscribers in the classical self-media era, and the guaranteed salary has all become floating performance, and the whip of the traffic god is equally whipped to every creator's cow and horse.

On the surface, the randomness of the algorithm gives the new number a chance to become a hit, but for many professional creators who mainly pay mental work, it demotes the hard work of history.

In general, serious creators suffer a lot in a completely algorithm-driven platform, but a platform that is manually edited and reviewed and manually distributed is more suitable.

IV. Conclusion

In the new era of financial self-media, it is not only a competition between eggs, but also a competition for the image of a hen. However, professional financial IP has three layers of shackles when chasing traffic, coupled with poor operation, it is in a natural disadvantage. Therefore, for professional financial IP, if there is no strong operation team behind it, the best strategy to develop strengths and avoid weaknesses is not to focus on the platform that is completely driven by algorithms, but to focus on the place where there is manual intervention, can form a guaranteed flow, and long-term accumulation.

This article was originally published by @张看山 on Everyone is a Product Manager and is not allowed to be reproduced without permission.

The title image is from Unsplash and is licensed under CC0.

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