
Tangyin County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau: The scorching sun is scorching, "escorting" outdoor workers

author:Tang Yin melts media

In recent days, the county has continued to have high temperatures, and under the scorching sun, delivery riders and sanitation workers are still running around the streets and alleys of the city, busy to ensure the basic needs of the city's operation. In response to the continuous high temperature since the beginning of summer, the Tangyin County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has carried out a series of heatstroke prevention and cooling work through measures such as "sending coolness in summer" and special law enforcement inspections to protect the rights and interests of workers.

Tangyin County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau: The scorching sun is scorching, "escorting" outdoor workers

On June 20, the Labor and Social Security Supervision Brigade of the County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau went into the community to carry out publicity activities on the theme of heatstroke prevention and cooling. "Today is the ninth takeaway I have delivered, and I was sweating early in the morning," the rider told the staff, adding that the hot weather is the busiest, running non-stop from 9 a.m. to after 7 p.m., and can take more than a dozen orders during peak hours every day. The staff distributed a heatstroke prevention and cooling reminder leaflet, explained in detail the key points of summer heatstroke prevention and cooling to the riders, and reminded them to avoid long-term outdoor activities during the high temperature period, take sunscreen and cooling measures, and carry Huoxiang Zhengqi water and other heatstroke relief supplies. At the same time, there are also sanitation workers and outdoor decoration workers who are busy outdoors, and the staff patiently explain to them the basic knowledge of heat stroke prevention and cooling, and the first aid skills of heat stroke.

Tangyin County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau: The scorching sun is scorching, "escorting" outdoor workers
Tangyin County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau: The scorching sun is scorching, "escorting" outdoor workers

Since the beginning of summer, in order to effectively protect the life safety and physical and mental health of the majority of workers, and prevent heat stroke in summer, the county human resources and social security bureau has formulated a series of measures, which have been well received by workers from all walks of life. (Correspondent: Liu Zhiyuan)

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