
Tangyin Hanzhuang: Organize people's congress deputies to participate in flood prevention plan drills to build a "safety wall" during the flood season

author:Tang Yin melts media

In order to further improve the town's flood prevention and rescue emergency response capacity and give full play to the role of people's congress deputies in flood prevention and rescue work, on June 28, Hanzhuang Town carried out the 2024 flood control emergency drill at the Louwan Village embankment, and the presidium of the town people's congress organized more than 30 county and town people's congress deputies to actively participate.

Tangyin Hanzhuang: Organize people's congress deputies to participate in flood prevention plan drills to build a "safety wall" during the flood season

During the exercise, the deputies performed their duties, responded quickly, assembled their teams at the first time, and under the unified command of the commanders, they completed the key links of flood prevention work in an orderly manner, such as flood information reporting, personnel evacuation and transfer, and emergency rescue and rescue, and interpreted the mission and responsibility of "where there is a disaster, there are people's congress deputies" with practical actions.

Tangyin Hanzhuang: Organize people's congress deputies to participate in flood prevention plan drills to build a "safety wall" during the flood season

Through this exercise, the comprehensive ability of towns and villages to deal with sudden flood situations such as monitoring and early warning, command and coordination, emergency response, emergency rescue and disaster avoidance has been further improved, and at the same time, the awareness and ability of people's congress deputies to serve the masses and rescue and disaster relief have been enhanced, and valuable experience has been accumulated for dealing with possible flood disasters in the future.

Tangyin Hanzhuang: Organize people's congress deputies to participate in flood prevention plan drills to build a "safety wall" during the flood season

In the next step, the Hanzhuang Town People's Congress will give full play to the advantages of the deputies in close contact with the masses, go deep into the village groups to carry out flood prevention knowledge publicity, and further enhance the people's awareness of disaster prevention and self-rescue ability through door-to-door visits, telephone contact, WeChat groups, etc., and build a "safety embankment" for the lives and property of the people in the town with practical actions.

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