
Dong Shuaigen: The needs of the masses are my pursuit

author:Chongzhou highlights

The party flag fluttered

We have always had such role models around us, who have firm beliefs, will always appear where the people need them, and write extraordinary achievements in ordinary posts. They have a common name, and that is the members of the Chinese Communist Party. This year is the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and "Chongzhou Today" has opened a column of "Party Flag Flying" to bring everyone to know the outstanding Communist Party members and excellent party organizations around us.


"The needs of the masses are my pursuit." As a party member, Dong Shuaigen returned to his hometown with such a belief, and in his 8 years of work, he has been practicing the original intention and mission of a Communist Party member. Dong Shuaigen is now the secretary of the party committee and director of the village committee of Chongfu Village, Jiangyuan Street, he is guided by party building, through the "sharing" model to drive the masses to develop the vegetable industry, through the "small points" to guide the masses to participate in rural governance, beautify the rural environment, so that the people of the whole village can stride forward on the road of co-construction and sharing.

Dong Shuaigen: The needs of the masses are my pursuit

Party building leads from "shared vegetable garden" to "common wealth vegetable garden"

In 2022, in Chongfu Luyuan Community, Chongfu Village, Jiangyuan Street, many villagers who moved into the community hope to have their own vegetable plots. Chongfu Village adheres to the guidance of party building and plans a "shared vegetable garden" according to local conditions, so that villagers can realize "freedom of growing vegetables".

Dong Shuaigen: The needs of the masses are my pursuit

This year, Dong Shuaigen relied on the party building to build a "common wealth vegetable garden" for the villagers, and ran out of the "acceleration" of the village's collective economic development.

Dong Shuaigen, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Village Committee of Chongfu Village, Jiangyuan Street

"When we paired with the first branch of Yizhou Prison, we took them to visit our "shared vegetable garden", and they felt that the land in Chongfu Village was fertile and the vegetables were better grown, so they wanted to lead the people in the village to increase their income and get rich from the aspect of party building pairing. ”

Under the leadership of Dong Shuaigen, Chongfu Village sorted out the land resources of the whole village, planned about 50 acres of land next to the forest pan, divided it into 100 vegetable plots, and built a "Gongfu Vegetable Garden".

Dong Shuaigen: The needs of the masses are my pursuit

At present, a 300-square-meter demonstration vegetable garden has been preliminarily built, including peppers, eggplants, peanuts and corn...... In the "Gongfu Vegetable Garden", a variety of vegetables are growing well. The vegetable plot is managed by villager Zhu Jianhua, which is a piece of cake for him.

Dong Shuaigen: The needs of the masses are my pursuit
Dong Shuaigen: The needs of the masses are my pursuit
Dong Shuaigen: The needs of the masses are my pursuit
Dong Shuaigen: The needs of the masses are my pursuit

Villager Zhu Jianhua

Growing vegetables is my forte, and I can earn money "at my doorstep", so we are very willing to participate.

In order to manage the vegetable garden, the village invited large vegetable farmers and vegetable planting experts to train the low-income people in the village, so that they can participate in the management and maintenance of the "Gongfu vegetable garden", which not only increases their income, but also provides high-quality ecological vegetables to the twinning units. Dong Shuaigen said.

It is understood that the "Gongfu Vegetable Garden" adheres to school-local cooperation and strengthens cooperation with Sichuan Agricultural University to provide scientific and technical support for soil improvement, planned planting and breeding of self-retained seeds.

Dong Shuaigen: The needs of the masses are my pursuit

In the future, on the basis of the "Gongfu Vegetable Garden", Chongfu Village will also launch the "Gongfu Restaurant" to allow the villagers in Linpan to participate in the production of farm dishes. When villager Zhang Lijun heard the news, she said that she had prepared two "specialty dishes", braised pork and back pot meat, and looked forward to participating in it.

"Will" become "exquisite" and "small points" in exchange for a new world of governance

At present, the villagers of Chongfu Village have changed from "willingness" to "particularity" in terms of living habits and environmental sanitation, and have changed from "I want to participate" to "I want to participate", and the neighborhood relationship has become more harmonious.

Dong Shuaigen: The needs of the masses are my pursuit

During the interview, Dong Shuaigen showed his own trick - points supermarket. A year ago, Dong Shuaigen led the village "two committees" to promote rural governance and adopted the method of "integral supermarket" to stimulate the enthusiasm of the masses to participate in governance. Villagers can get points for participating in the village's environmental sanitation rectification, volunteer service activities and various civilized behaviors, and then go to the village's "points supermarket" to choose to exchange their favorite items.

Dong Shuaigen: The needs of the masses are my pursuit
Dong Shuaigen: The needs of the masses are my pursuit
Dong Shuaigen: The needs of the masses are my pursuit

Over the past year, the practice of "points supermarket" has indeed increased the enthusiasm of the masses to participate in rural governance, but when Dong Shuaigen solicited the opinions of villagers, he found: "Many villagers think that the 'points supermarket' in the village has fewer types of items, and sometimes they can only exchange items that they don't need, and they can only be exchanged at the village committee, which is not convenient enough." ”

So, he gathered the village cadres, and everyone worked together and decided to cooperate with the other two supermarkets in the village. The specific method is that the village "shelves" the points exchange coupon on the village-level affairs management platform, and the villager can use the points he gets to apply for the points exchange coupon online, and go to the village committee to collect the exchange coupon offline, and 100 points can be exchanged for a coupon worth 10 yuan, which can be exchanged for the items needed at the corresponding supermarket.

Dong Shuaigen: The needs of the masses are my pursuit
Dong Shuaigen: The needs of the masses are my pursuit
Dong Shuaigen: The needs of the masses are my pursuit

Supermarket owner Zhou Guangming

The villagers bring exchange coupons to buy things from us, there is no restriction on any goods, and they can exchange as many coupons as they want, which is really convenient. The most exchanged are grain, oil, rice, soy sauce, toothpaste and toothbrushes, which are daily necessities, and basically villagers come to exchange them every day, and everyone is quite satisfied.

Rebuild the small bridge in the village and build a "connecting bridge" for cadres and groups

There is a small bridge in Chongfu Village, called Yangshi Bridge, which is a convenient road for villagers to pass through every day. At the beginning of this year, the bridge broke and villagers were unable to pass on the bridge. At the same time, the original design of the Yangshi Bridge was too small, and the river would rise in the rainy season. Every year during the flood season, the villagers' homes and fields are flooded.

Sheng Fuquan and his neighbors found Dong Shuaigen and applied to rebuild Yang Shiqiao. After Dong Shuaigen learned about the situation on the spot, he immediately returned to the village committee to organize a meeting of the cadres of the "two committees" of the village to coordinate the solution.

Dong Shuaigen: The needs of the masses are my pursuit

Dong Shuaigen, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Village Committee of Chongfu Village, Jiangyuan Street

"Using the special funds selected and transferred by our village to serve the masses to solve the problem of "urgency, difficulty and longing" of the villagers, the village contributed funds, and the villagers contributed labor to dismantle and rebuild the Yangshi Bridge. ”

Everyone worked together to rebuild the Yangshi Bridge before the rainy season after 20 days of hard work from April 20.

Dong Shuaigen: The needs of the masses are my pursuit
Dong Shuaigen: The needs of the masses are my pursuit
Dong Shuaigen: The needs of the masses are my pursuit

Sheng Fuquan, a villager of Chongfu Village, Jiangyuan Street

After we found Secretary Dong, he immediately helped us find a way, and now that the bridge has been rebuilt, we people are very satisfied, and we don't have to worry about being flooded anymore.

When the example is a demonstration, the entrepreneurial atmosphere is strong

In daily affairs, Dong Shuaigen has always insisted on doing practical things for the people, has the courage to do things, and leads his colleagues to have a strong entrepreneurial atmosphere.

Dong Shuaigen: The needs of the masses are my pursuit
Dong Shuaigen: The needs of the masses are my pursuit
Dong Shuaigen: The needs of the masses are my pursuit
Dong Shuaigen: The needs of the masses are my pursuit

Zhou Xia, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Chongfu Village, Jiangyuan Street

Secretary Dong's leadership ability is outstanding, decision-making is decisive, and he has a lot of ideas, based on the actual situation of Chongfu Village, and actively leads our entire team to successfully achieve the predetermined goals.

As the secretary of the village party committee, Dong Shuaigen is full of confidence in the future development of Chongfu Village and has clear goals.

Dong Shuaigen: The needs of the masses are my pursuit

Dong Shuaigen, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Village Committee of Chongfu Village, Jiangyuan Street

"Now, we are planning to build 100 "common wealth vegetable gardens" through party building pairing to revitalize the forest economy. At the same time, relying on the "Gongfu Vegetable Garden" to launch the "Gongfu Restaurant" and "Gongfu Workshop", the collective economy will be strengthened with the "three Gongfu" and the masses will be led to increase their income and become rich. ”

Reporter: Liu Xiang, Deng Tao

Editor: Zhang Haifeng, Wang Jingxia