
Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"

author:Chongzhou highlights

The party flag fluttered

We have always had such role models around us, who have firm beliefs, will always appear where the people need them, and write extraordinary achievements in ordinary posts. They have a common name, and that is the members of the Chinese Communist Party. This year is the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and "Chongzhou Today" has opened a column of "Party Flag Flying" to bring everyone to know the outstanding Communist Party members and excellent party organizations around us.


In the residential area, streets and alleys of the concentric community of Chongqing Street

You can always see an energetic figure

She was smiling

With piles, heart-warming things

Let residents jointly build a "concentric circle" of community governance

She's just-

Long Xiaoqin, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Tongxin Community and deputy director of the neighborhood committee

Cleverly implant "new spaces" to enhance residents' well-being

In the Tongxin Xinyuan Community of Tongxin Community, Chongqing Street, residents are sitting in a spacious and bright leisure area, laughing and laughing, sharing life and spending rare leisure time together.

Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"

A year ago, it was still an empty space, a place for residents to pile up sundries and park non-motorized vehicles at will, which not only affected the overall environment of the community, but also brought a lot of inconvenience to residents' lives. As a result, Long Xiaoqin and her team made many on-site visits and decided to place the "Six Sames Culture" innovation in the idle Tongxin Garden overhead layer to create a vibrant and warm community shared space.

Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"
Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"
Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"

The construction of the overhead layer renovation project of Tongxin Xinyuan will be launched in December 2023. During the construction of the project, Long Xiaoqin's figure frequently appeared in the community. She often goes to the construction site to communicate with the workers to understand the construction progress and difficulties encountered, and ensure that the project can be carried out smoothly according to the plan. At the same time, she also actively communicates with residents and listens to their opinions and suggestions, so as to make the renovation project more relevant to the needs and expectations of residents.

Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"

Tongxin Xinyuan resident Wang Xiaoli

Secretary Long often comes to our Tongxin Garden, listens to our opinions, and cares about us. We ordinary people are very satisfied with her.

Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"
Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"
Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"

Today, the nearly 2,000-square-meter overhead floor of the four buildings in the Tongxin Xinyuan community has presented a public space integrating family style, family training, leisure and entertainment, and was completed and put into use at the end of May.

Injecting "new vitality" into governance, everyone is a "grid member"

Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"
Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"

The living environment and leisure space of residents are getting better and better, but how to let everyone spontaneously participate in community environmental governance? In order to allow residents to change from "standing and watching" to "working together", Long Xiaoqin and his colleagues innovated and launched the model of integral governance supermarket.

Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"
Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"
Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"

+10 points for volunteering and +10 points for activity teaching...... The community will send out a notice in advance before each activity, and publicize the points of community residents every month, so that the points system is open, transparent, fair and just. Residents who participate in volunteer services can use their points to exchange for community property service fees, laundry detergent, hand sanitizer, shampoo and other corresponding daily necessities.

Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"

Wan Shuqing, a resident of Tongxin Community

I participate in volunteer service activities organized by Harmony Community, and I accumulate hundreds of points a year. This time I accumulated more than 200 points. This point event is very good, and I will continue to participate in the next time I organize the event.

Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"
Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"

Since 2020, Tongxin Community has opened a points exchange supermarket, and it is now in its fourth year. The number of volunteer residents has increased from more than 10 at the beginning to more than 500 now. Nowadays, in the work of community governance, residents are striving to be "grid members" and jointly dedicate their strength to the construction of a better community.

Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"

Long Xiaoqin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Tongxin Community and Deputy Director of the Neighborhood Committee

Through this initiative, more and more of our backbones, party members, and volunteers have come to participate in community governance, contribute to the development and construction of the community, and jointly build our beautiful home.

Promote the introduction of "new equipment" for the elderly to ask for help "one-click call"

Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"

Long Xiaoqin has always been concerned about the needs of residents, especially the difficulties and risks that may be encountered by the elderly group with limited mobility. She actively promoted the community to introduce "one-touch smart bracelets" through the Red Cross's "Fraternity Home" project. For the jurisdiction of 60 people over the age of 60 with reduced mobility issued bracelets, the elderly in the event of an emergency, press the (SOS) button, can call their family or microgrid staff at the first time.

Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"

This innovative measure not only provides the elderly with the convenience of emergency help, but also allows community workers to keep abreast of the physical condition of the elderly and provide them with necessary help and support by uploading health data such as sleep, blood pressure, and heart rate in real time.

Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"
Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"
Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"

Tongxin Community also pays great attention to the mental health of residents, and builds a community soul station of "Talking to the Heart of the Same Dream" according to local conditions. In order to build the post station more warm and more in line with the needs of community residents, Long Xiaoqin hand-painted the first draft of the design, and communicated with professionals many times, and finally presented an area of more than 600 square meters, with 12 functional areas of the "Dream Heart" community soul station. At present, more than 500 people from more than 100 households have benefited from the Soul Station, including more than 50 teenagers.

Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"

Long Xiaoqin's dedication to doing practical things and doing good things for residents deeply infected her colleagues.

Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"

Li Feixia is a member of the Party Committee of Tongxin Community

Long Xiaoqin is a good party member with ideas and attitudes, who is usually very concerned and caring for the residents, and is also very serious and attentive to community construction and governance, which is worth learning from us.

Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"
Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"
Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"

Because of her outstanding work, Long Xiaoqin has successively won the honorary titles of Advanced Individual in Chengdu Community Red Cross Work, Top Ten Community Full-time Workers in Chongzhou City, Spokesperson of the Most Beautiful Community in Chongzhou City, Advanced Individual in Chongzhou City's Modern High-quality Ecological Livable City, and Chongzhou 38 Red Flag Bearer.

Intimate and innovative..." "Little housekeeper" has "big deeds"

Long Xiaoqin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Tongxin Community and Deputy Director of the Neighborhood Committee

As a party member and a grassroots worker, I want to use what I have learned to do my best for the development and governance of the community. In the next step, we will go to the residents, listen to their voices, and continuously optimize our services, so that the community residents can live in Tongxin with a sense of happiness and belonging.

Reporter: Li Ting, Li Ying

Editor: Yu Xia Zhou Hong

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