
WeChat avatar can add "air conditioning", come and try it!

author:Fruit Fans Club

Speaking of which, WeChat really hasn't been updated for a long time.

For example, the iOS version of WeChat, the last version update was on April 19, more than two months ago.

Compared with the usual frequency of WeChat every month, the update interval this time is indeed a bit too long.

This also made many friends curious, is the WeChat official ready to hold a big one?

WeChat avatar can add "air conditioning", come and try it!

Image source: WeChat official website

Although I don't know when the next update of WeChat will be, Xiaoguo still brings you a few avatar setting tips to satisfy everyone's freshness.

This time I mainly introduce three avatar setting skills, namely the air conditioning avatar, the little red flower avatar and an interesting tricky theme avatar.

WeChat avatar can add "air conditioning", come and try it!

The operation method is also very simple, and it can be easily done with just a small tool.

If you are interested, you can enter the official account of the Fruit Fan Club, click "Send Message" at the bottom of the right side, and reply to the keyword "Avatar" to get the tool link.

WeChat avatar can add "air conditioning", come and try it!

Click on the corresponding avatar setting tool link to start making.

If you want to see the avatar skills recommended by Xiaoguo in the past, you can also find the corresponding avatar maker link in the reply.

So without further ado, let's go straight to the tutorial.

Air conditioner avatar

In the hot summer, most of us choose to stay indoors and blow the air conditioner.

In the past, many friends also chose to set up an air conditioning widget on the mobile phone screen, which belonged to the "Cyber Blowing Air Conditioner".

Of course, we can also put the air conditioner in the avatar.

After clicking the link to enter the tool, you can upload an avatar panel from your phone's photo album or by taking a photo.

WeChat avatar can add "air conditioning", come and try it!

Then, pinch with two fingers to adjust the size of the avatar, and you can crop the image according to your needs.

In this step, it is best to choose some pictures with blank tops as the avatar baseboard, and with the theme, the effect will be better.

Finally, long press the generated avatar, save it to your phone's photo album, and enter the WeChat settings to replace it.

If you like this style of avatar, you can set it up now.

Little Red Flower Avatar & Tricky Avatar

If you're not interested in how to play air conditioning avatars, the little red flower avatars and tricky avatars that will be introduced next may meet your expectations.

In terms of operation process, the little safflower avatar is very similar to the air conditioning avatar, upload the avatar and set it.

However, there are two styles provided in the Little Red Flower Avatar Maker, which correspond to the two styles of Little Red Flower icons.

You can choose according to your needs.

WeChat avatar can add "air conditioning", come and try it!

And the tricky avatar is more fun, mainly by adding a hair layer to the avatar.

In the eyes of my friends, it looks like there is an extra hair on the screen of my mobile phone, but I can't wipe it off, which is simply "obsessive-compulsive disorder".

The operation process of setting up the hair avatar can also refer to the air conditioning avatar, and four styles are available.

After the avatar is generated and set, you can use it to trick your WeChat friends.

WeChat avatar can add "air conditioning", come and try it!

The above is the content sharing about WeChat avatar skills this time.

Friends who have learned, you can go and play now!

If you want to know more about the knowledge and skills of Apple devices and inquire about the warranty, you can follow my WeChat public account: cxkj-001 (fruit fan club).

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