
Wonderful! In order to prevent tenants from using the air conditioner, the landlord not only took away the remote control but also locked the plug!

author:Mo knows one or two

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Wonderful! In order to prevent tenants from using the air conditioner, the landlord not only took away the remote control but also locked the plug!

For today's people, air conditioning has become one of the indispensable household appliances in summer, and it has a very high status like refrigerators. However, someone uploaded a short video on the Internet about a landlord in Guangdong who did not allow tenants to use air conditioners.

As soon as the short video was posted on the Internet, it sparked heated discussions, and people were upset about the tenants. The reason is that in such a hot summer, sometimes it can really heat people to death if you don't turn on the air conditioner. But the landlord is only thinking about his own interests, and he is not saying that the tenant does not pay the electricity bill.

Wonderful! In order to prevent tenants from using the air conditioner, the landlord not only took away the remote control but also locked the plug!

It is worth noting that the behavior of this Guangdong landlord who does not allow tenants to use air conditioning is a must in the rental industry. Not only did the remote control of the air conditioner be taken away, but the air conditioner socket was locked. The intention is obvious, that is, there is no way back.

Without an outlet, you can't turn on the air conditioner even if you use a mobile phone remote control. The question is, if there is air conditioning in the rented house but it cannot be used, will the corresponding rental cost drop? Is the denial of air conditioning a situation in which the house itself restricts electricity?

Does this landlord use such a silky little combo for every tenant? If the tenant is killed in the house, who is responsible? ...... These questions are very close to daily life, hasn't the landlord considered accordingly?

Wonderful! In order to prevent tenants from using the air conditioner, the landlord not only took away the remote control but also locked the plug!

The netizen who uploaded the video may have hidden some information. In this regard, some netizens began to analyze from the perspective of the landlord. It is said that this is a daily rental house, and the electricity bill has been calculated. The air conditioning fee is not included in the electricity bill, and if you turn on the air conditioner without permission, it will be a loss.

Air conditioning is not available in day rentals

If you have friends who have stayed in that kind of small family hotel or a small hotel converted from a former guest house, you will understand that these business travel service providers who have not been upgraded to hotels only earn a room usage fee, and many of the electrical appliances in them cannot be used.

Wonderful! In order to prevent tenants from using the air conditioner, the landlord not only took away the remote control but also locked the plug!

For example, the TV may not turn on, and the phone is just a decoration. The only thing that can be turned on is the electric water heater for bathing. Of course, the socket is still energized and can be used to charge the mobile phone. This kind of most simple and cheap housing can usually be lived in for a few dozen dollars.

It is likely that this tenant is staying in a room like this, although there is air conditioning in it, but the electricity bill of the day rental does not count the air conditioning fee. Therefore, having an air conditioner can only be a furnishing, and if you want to turn on the air conditioner, you have to find the landlord to coordinate another money.

Without coordinating with the landlord, it basically defaulted to the clause that the air conditioner could not be used. However, summer and winter are the two seasons when temperatures are more extreme. In order to save money, many people will choose to live in a daily rental house and turn on the air conditioner, and if they are discovered, they say that they do not know.

Wonderful! In order to prevent tenants from using the air conditioner, the landlord not only took away the remote control but also locked the plug!

The landlord can't help it; If it is not discovered, it is equivalent to buying more services for the least amount of money. For tenants, it's a blood gain. Some landlords may have fallen victim to this trick and will choose to take precautions before or during the tenant's move-in.

Everything is negotiable

Whether you rent a day or not, you can actually negotiate the use of air conditioning. As a landlord, he must know how uncomfortable it feels to be without air conditioning in summer. As global warming intensifies, air conditioning becomes even more indispensable.

Wonderful! In order to prevent tenants from using the air conditioner, the landlord not only took away the remote control but also locked the plug!

If we can think of others, the world will undoubtedly be more harmonious. As a tenant, if you want to use the air conditioner, you must not hide it, and how embarrassing it would be to be caught. Reverse derivation, there is no negotiation and no renting of this house.

In the case that it has been discussed, it should not be difficult to talk about the use of air conditioning. Of course, the netizens who posted this short video may not have the intention of "accusing" the landlord. He probably just thinks it's funny that the landlord has such an up-and-coming attitude.

I may not have seen such a battle as the landlord before. Some people say that the uncle in Guangdong is generally divided into two situations. One is the Buddhist rent-collecting system, which will treat the tenants very well. Tenants will rush to deal with any problems as soon as they have them.

Wonderful! In order to prevent tenants from using the air conditioner, the landlord not only took away the remote control but also locked the plug!

for fear of dissatisfying tenants; One is to collect rent for the sake of collecting rent, and treat tenants very harshly. Such a landlord has already regarded rent collection as a kind of work, and if you meet such an uncle, you still have to stay away. I just don't know if this uncle is this kind of person.

Renting may become the norm

It is worth noting that under the current situation of a hard landing in the property market, renting is likely to become a norm in the future. As Jack Ma said, the house of the future is not worth much, it is the young people who are valuable. Young people don't have to pay for all the costs of a house.

Wonderful! In order to prevent tenants from using the air conditioner, the landlord not only took away the remote control but also locked the plug!

but also to support the elderly. Coupled with the current economic downturn, it is becoming more and more difficult for young people to find satisfactory jobs. No one is going to put everything on the line for an uncertain future, so it should be unlikely that the previous property speculation boom will occur, and renting is more popular.

What's more, there are already a large number of houses that are uninhabited. One of the most prominent manifestations is that young people's favorite e-sports hotels will choose to rent relatively cheap 4th and 18th floors in the commercial CBD, and then decorate them to attract young people to live in them.

In this way, making money not only revitalizes the unpopular floors and real estate in the commercial CBD, but also connects with the trendy lifestyle that young people like, and also makes money to create taxes for the country. It can be said that this is a successful example of "killing three birds with one stone" for renting and monetizing.

Wonderful! In order to prevent tenants from using the air conditioner, the landlord not only took away the remote control but also locked the plug!

Of course, this is an example of commercial renting. There will be more examples of individual rentals, and there are many of them that are rented by individuals and then renovated into homestay hotels and other types of hotels open to the outside world. Others are used to meet personal living needs.

In such a situation, the relationship between landlord and tenant is particularly important. Both landlords and tenants have reached the point where they are largely inseparable from each other, and harmony has become the best reason for making money.

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