
It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

author:Separate fish


This year's Magnolia Awards has finally come to an end.

From the nomination to the announcement of the winners, it was really a bloody journey.

Even now that the award has been decided, the doubts have not stopped.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

Among them, the most fierce artillery fire is the farce around the TV series "Wind Chaser".

At the beginning of the month, the shortlists for the major awards were announced.

Fans of the show's starring Wang Yibo were dissatisfied with the nominees, questioned the injustice, and set off a war of condemnation.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

From tearing apart actor Wang Yang, he questioned that he was originally a supporting role, but he applied for awards more and more, and took qualifications to oppress others.

After tearing up the director and producer of the drama series and taking advantage of Wang Yibo's traffic, he did not admit his starring identity, which is really crossing the river and demolishing the bridge.

After that, the drama party, the iQiyi platform party, and the organizer of the Magnolia Award all escaped the attack.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

The flames of war burned all the way to the live broadcast on the day of the Magnolia awards.

There was an influx of fans so much that the organizers closed the comment section.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

Immediately afterwards, actor Wang Yang attended the ceremony and aroused dissatisfaction among fans.

"The male protagonist is the male protagonist, and he still has the face to attend."

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end
It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

In addition, "The Wind Chaser" was shortlisted for five items this time, but it was not received, and it was ridiculed by the group again.

Everything has become evidence of injustice in the eyes of fans that the organizer and the drama party are "thieves".

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

The farce is still a bit ridiculous.

Awards are questioned, actors are attacked, creators are crusaded, and everyone is thrown into a war of scolding.

The most wronged thing is actually the drama itself that has long been buried by gunsmoke.

And what this drama can talk about is far more than a farce -

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

To tell the truth, Uncle Yu didn't expect this farce to last so long.

Not only did it show no signs of subsiding, but it fermented for more than a month, and gradually went out of control.

In the end, why is it so far, there is obviously more than one absurdity of internal entertainment behind it.

Like, runaway fans.

In all fairness, Uncle Yu was able to understand the reason for the fans' dissatisfaction at first.

Wang Yibo finally has a trend of improving his acting reputation, and it is reasonable for fans to reasonably ask questions about the doubts in the awards.

The platform and the producer of the drama responded later, and this is quite normal.

Who knows, all parties involved were soon scolded for commenting.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

Wang Yang is not closed, but the painting style is miserable.

Questioning slowly turns into mere emotional catharsis, personal attacks, and ridiculous questioning of political positions.

P black picture digging black material, even after the award ceremony is over, it is still continuing.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end
It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

The crazy side of the fans is the powerless idol.

The war spread, and Wang Yibo also issued a statement.

It is true that the official language does not offend either party, but ambiguous positions do not help to de-escalate the situation.

even counter-abused fans, replacing their distressed grievances and fueling fans' emotions.

Writing about this, Uncle Yu even wondered if it had become too much to expect today's idols to play a positive role in guiding fans.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end
It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

Also, the platform side on the tuyere.

The competition on the video platform is fierce, and iQiyi's results in the first half of the year were disappointed.

Only one "Wind Chaser" has exceeded 10,000 popularity, and the intertwining of traffic behind it can be imagined.

But it is precisely because of this that the platform has made its attitude clear early.

Respond to the issue of award-winning and take responsibility against thunder.

But it is easy to please God, and it is difficult to send God, and a small statement in the runaway turbulence is a drop in the bucket.

"I made a report for each of the leading actors to fight for honor."

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

And the weak response is even more difficult to hear when it encounters the silent organizers.

There is already a backlog of questions related to the Magnolia Award, so the matter is once again in the dust.

However, the details of the relevant award instructions are basically dug up by fans, and the organizer loses the right to take the initiative to interpret.

The most recent response is that Yan Jiangang, chairman of this year's Magnolia Jury, talked about the award criteria.

"There is no absolutely fair award, all ten works have the quality of the award, and if one is satisfied, there must be nine other dissatisfaction, and there is no possibility that everyone will be satisfied. Our selection of awards is, firstly, the comprehensive professional presentation of the works, and secondly, whether the award-winning drama will play a good role in promoting the development of the entire industry."

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

It is conceivable that the relevant words will only have the opposite effect when there are many doubts.

"There is no absolute fairness" in the eyes of fans, but it confirms unfairness, which further aggravates the situation.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end
It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

After that, any media will also affect whether they sort out or express their stance on this matter.

In the cracks, it has also become a battlefield.

Now that fans have "killed crazy", it seems that everyone is guilty and no one is not scolded.

Even the lack of harvest of the work has become deserved.

After all, if Wang Yibo doesn't come, "the others are not worthy, and they will die together".

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

Up close, it's ridiculous.

The actor acts seriously, the director takes over the play normally, and even the production responsibility statement does not include the award application.

Everyone focused on their own work, their works were also recognized, and even Wang Yibo's reputation for acting skills in this drama has improved.

Everyone should be happy, why is it scolded like this?

The grievances of the "original sin of traffic" have become the firepower to convict others.

Tearing up to now, who really got what?

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end
It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

But in the final analysis, it is the work itself that is most wronged.

It seems that it's all about scolding, and no one cares about the quality of the episodes.

So how is this drama filmed, is it worth tearing up like this?

Uncle Yu selfishly thinks that he can indeed recommend it.

Let's put it this way, this is even the highest-rated film and television work starring Wang Yibo.

Even many passers-by who are not used to watching the scolding war can't deny the quality of the series itself.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end
It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

And the reason why Wang Yibo's acting reputation has improved is also due to the reasonable design that makes the characters vivid and vivid.

This is precisely what "The Wind Chaser" does well.

For example, take the role of Wei Ruolai played by Wang Yibo.

He is a financial genius from the bottom, but his family is poor.

lived in an old alley and worked several jobs to barely survive.

The creator is not lazy in the details, and uses lens information instead of lines to present the living environment and economic status of the characters, which is more real and direct.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

Fortunately, in Shanghai in the thirties, turbulence and opportunity coexisted.

Wei Ruolai's life also changed as he seized the opportunity to enter the central bank of the Kuomintang.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

He was full of youthful enthusiasm and wanted to serve the country with what he had learned.

After being appreciated by Bole Shen Tunan (played by Wang Yang), who is a senior adviser to the central bank.

The two are also teachers and friends, and they have risen through the ordeal.

We want to work together to stabilize the national financial situation with Shanghai as the core, revitalize the national economy, and achieve the goal of saving the country.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end
It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

It can be seen that this is a work that closely combines the personal growth of a small person with the changes of the big times.

The original plot of the screenwriter's pen was more inclined to a cool story of a genius who opened his golden finger.

But after adjustment, Shan Wei Ruolai's growth is divided into many aspects.

On the one hand, expand his workplace part.

It not only has the refreshing feeling of overcoming obstacles, but also better reflects the multi-dimensional character habits of the characters, making the characters more vivid.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

The transformation of the characters' ideologies is promoted by specific plots one after another.

In the counterfeit money case, Wei Ruolai saw that the innocent coachman was used as a scapegoat for the big man.

In the bond case, his neighbors and friends were all played with by the economic means of the national government until their families were ruined.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

Aware of the corruption of the Nationalist Government, he went from doubting, vacillating, struggling, and finally resolute in anger.

The character arc is complete and natural, making the choice of going to communism more convincing.

The play is solid, and it also makes it easier for the audience to enter the story and empathize.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

As an intertextuality of Wei Ruolai's "change", Shen Tunan is set up as a rather contrasting character.

Because more often than not, Shen Tunan is resistant to change.

He is in a temple, has status and power, and also has the ideal of saving the country.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

But in the face of an equally corrupt Nationalist government, his transformation was accompanied by more struggles and concerns.

In order to ensure the safety of his relatives and Wei Ruolai, he needs a position that can save the situation.

Because of his original vision of the Three People's Principles, he still had residual trust in the Nationalist Government.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

But it is precisely his struggle to "remain unchanged" and resist stubbornly that compares the simplicity and vitality of the young Wei Ruolai.

It also made Shen Tunan's final thoughtful choice more firm.

In the end, Shen Tunan abandoned the darkness and turned to the light, and fought side by side with Wei Ruolai under the pseudonym "Lonely Goose".

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

In addition to the portrayal of the main characters, the portrayal of the drama cluster is also very smart.

is like the show's focus on the details of life and the interaction between neighbors, which makes Qibao Street, where Wei Ruolai live, full of fireworks.

The soft-hearted Aunt Zhou, the righteous Awen, and the legendary uncle.......

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

The neighbors all have warmth and stories, affection and righteousness, constituting a more figurative appearance of the times.

And the collapse of Qibao Street, which is a miniature presentation of the great era, played a role in Wei Ruolai's choice.

The structure is tight, and there is little cost.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

Even the villain Lin Qiaosong is difficult to arouse the audience's pure hatred because of his multi-dimensional portrayal.

He pursued the underground party in every possible way.

But when a foreign enemy comes, he will also ask for his life in prison.

The characters are vivid because of the most simple and real emotions, and the stereotypical perception naturally disappears.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

It can be said that everyone in the play is alive and has gathered into the times.

With the help of the financial perspective built by the development of a bank, it opens up a new window to look back at modern times.

The thrill of spy warfare, the coolness of the little people's counterattack, as well as the appeal of faith, the temperature of history, and even the popularity of financial disciplines are all conveyed with the help of dramas.

The creator's hard work on the theme of the national drama and the creation of characters has made the work itself weighty, and the shortlisting is a real affirmation.

It is even more regrettable that the helpless end of the farce of the dramatic change is even more regrettable.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end
It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

In fact, watching this fork and scolding battle also made Uncle Yu think about a question.

That is, I used to always think that the quality of the work itself was there, and everything noisy did not need to be explained too much, and the audience would naturally understand.

Is this kind of thinking outdated in the age of traffic?

Looking at the attitude of the creative team in this scolding battle, they will not shake the blame or defend themselves.

Low-key acting, deep carving quality.

Just like the scene mentioned above showing Wei Ruolai's living environment, it was originally just a short sentence in the script.

The creative team puts the actors in specific situations and gives them more leeway.

Promote mutual respect, trust, and achievement between the actors and the series.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

Perhaps based on this trust, such a dialogue was even designed in the play.

At that time, Wei Ruolai went to the central bank for the first time to apply for a job, but was rejected because his long-missing brother was suspected of being an underground party and was implicated.

The frustrated Wei Ruolai returned to Qibao Street, and the hidden uncle explained him:

"If your value is enough, even if you are a grenade, they will grit their teeth and hold you in the palm of their hand."

Then, Wei Ruolai was empowered to create more altruistic value and successfully joined.

Outside the plot, combined with the actor's experience, it is almost giving comfort and affirmation.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

But all this was ignored in the war of scolding.

The director was interviewed by Uncle Four-Flavor Poison, and was misinterpreted by fans, maliciously spreading rumors and slandering the series for editing problems.

The decent non-fight back, and the characterization based on professionalism have become thieves in the eyes of fans.

And the response of director Chen Zhixi was misinterpreted by fans as evidence of malicious shielding of Wang Yang.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

Her Weibo has also become another front of fan attacks.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

Dai Ying, vice president of iQIYI, and Wang Yang attended the Magnolia Award ceremony together, and fans turned around and scolded Dai Ying, saying that she abused her power.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

What's even more shameless is to create a yellow rumor about two people.

It's time for the biggest farce in domestic entertainment this year to end

It's bloody and bloody if you don't respond, and it's hard to get what you want if you just want to speak with your work.

Whether it's just a futile effort to make a drama with your heart, after all, a farce is always hotter than a good drama.

In any case, Uncle Yu is still willing to be optimistic about this.

Everyone knows that the traffic will also flow, and the farce will always go out.

The ridiculous fever subsided, and the work was still there at that time.

The winners of internal entertainment are long-distance runners, who look at endurance and strength.

In the end, time will prove right and wrong, and talents with works and strength can really stay and shine for a long time.