
In "The Desire of the Golden Branch", it is Shuning who engages in infighting who really disregards the great cause of his father-in-law

author:Look down on the clouds and look at the Red Mansion
{"info":{"title":{"content":"《金枝欲孽》,真正不顾义父大业的是搞内讧的淑宁","en":"In \"The Desire of the Golden Branch\", it is Shuning who engages in infighting who really disregards the great cause of his father-in-law"},"description":{"content":"宫中药库总管太监徐万田,早年曾经归附和珅一派。当年和珅贪污受贿,嘉庆皇帝登基后怒斩和珅,这让徐万田感觉自己的身家性命也岌...","en":"Xu Wantian, the eunuch in charge of the palace medicine storehouse, once belonged to the Heshen faction in his early years. Back then, He Shen was corrupt and bribed, and Emperor Jiaqing angrily beheaded He Shen after ascending the throne, which made Xu Wantian feel that his net worth and life were also in danger..."}},"items":[]}