
If you want the EV battery to be durable, not bulging, and run far, you must arrange a digital battery!

author:Luyuan electric vehicle
{"info":{"title":{"content":"想要电动车电池耐用、不鼓包、跑得远,必须安排数字化电池!","en":"If you want the EV battery to be durable, not bulging, and run far, you must arrange a digital battery!"},"description":{"content":"大家对自己的代步工具电动车,了解吗?相信很多人就会骑,至于车辆有啥配置、用啥电池、怎么保养,都是一知半解~其中电动车跑不...","en":"Do you know about your own means of transportation, electric vehicles? I believe that many people will ride, as for what configuration the vehicle has, what battery to use, and how to maintain it, they are all half-understood~ Among them, electric vehicles can't run..."}},"items":[]}