
Focus on the Sixth Plenary Session of the Seventh Municipal Party Committee (2)|Pressurize and forge ahead to take the lead and continue to make efforts to "the great man of the country"

author:Dongying Net

In May this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Shandong in person, delivered an important speech and made important instructions, which further pointed out the direction for the development of Shandong. The Sixth Plenary Session of the Seventh Municipal Party Committee held a few days ago made comprehensive arrangements for the implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Shandong and the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 12th Provincial Party Committee, and mobilized the whole city to keep in mind the entrustment, forge ahead, and strive to create a new situation in the construction of a high-level modern and strong city.

In the "great man of the country" strong responsibility, in the province "go ahead, take the lead" in the good deeds. Party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres in the city have expressed that they will keep in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest entrustment, press ahead, strive to be the first, do a more solid and effective job in various tasks, and turn the grand blueprint drawn by the general secretary into a beautiful reality step by step.

Transportation is the basic guarantee of social operation and the "forerunner" of economic and social development. "We will thoroughly implement the spirit of this plenary session, strengthen our mission, and accelerate the construction of a comprehensive transportation system with smooth internal and external connections and efficient connections, so as to help enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency, and citizens travel quickly." Gu Jinzhao, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Municipal Transportation Bureau, said. Recently, the Tianjin-Weihai high-speed railway has officially entered the stage of erecting beams. Next, the city's transportation department will speed up the interconnection of transportation infrastructure, vigorously promote the construction of Tianjin-Weihai high-speed railway, ensure that the Dongying section of Dongqing Expressway is open to traffic in both directions before the National Day, and the west extension of Dezhou Road and the Dongjin Yellow River Bridge project will be opened to traffic at the end of the year, accelerate the construction of the South Outer Ring Project, and broaden the urban development space. The goal of building a 100-million-ton port at the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan period of Dongying Port will be completed and put into use this year, and a special railway line and a 250,000-ton single-point mooring terminal will be completed next year. Solidly promote the adjustment of transportation structure, comprehensively strengthen industry management, focus on creating a new model of coordinated supervision of road transport of dangerous goods in China, and strive to be a good pioneer and make new contributions to the construction of a high-level modern and strong city.

The plenary session emphasized that it is necessary to build the Yellow River Estuary National Park with high quality, systematically strengthen ecological protection and governance, continue to fight the tough battle of pollution prevention and control, strengthen the conservation and intensive utilization of water resources, ensure the long-term stability of the Yellow River, and focus on services to ensure ecological security. The city's water affairs system has the "great man of the country" in mind, and effectively unifies its thoughts and actions to the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the work requirements of the provincial and municipal party committees, and makes every effort to provide water support and guarantee for the construction of a high-level modern and strong city. "We will conscientiously implement the spirit of this plenary session, adhere to forward-looking thinking, overall planning, and overall promotion, focus on 'lasting water security', 'high-quality water resources', 'healthy water ecology', 'livable water environment' and 'advanced water culture', focus on quality and efficiency, focus on difficulties and breakthroughs, focus on highlights and first-class, and provide more solid and reliable water support for the construction of a high-level modern and strong city." Gai Jubo, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Municipal Water Affairs Bureau, said.

The plenum called for "courage and contribution to stabilizing economic growth, thoroughly implementing the major national strategies for the Yellow River, promoting green, low-carbon and high-quality development, further deepening reform in an all-round way, and expanding high-level opening-up." Zhang Zizhu, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, said that the Municipal Bureau of Commerce will conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the Plenary Session of the Municipal Party Committee, consolidate and stabilize the fundamentals, accelerate the cultivation of new kinetic energy, and promote new steps in the high-quality development of commerce. Accelerate the improvement of the consumption promotion mechanism, fully implement the policy of exchanging old consumer goods for new ones, and stimulate the vitality of consumption potential; With the "Dongying Consumption Year" as the main line, multi-level themed consumption activities will be held to mobilize enterprises and businesses to participate extensively and create a good atmosphere. Cultivate new momentum for foreign trade, adhere to diversification and market development, organize and implement the market promotion activities of "Good Products Shandong, Shandong Trade Global", organize and participate in 15 overseas exhibitions, and help enterprises consolidate and increase market share; Accelerate the development of cross-border e-commerce, promote the construction of overseas warehouses, expand the trade of intermediate goods, consolidate the "new three" exports, and stabilize the growth trend of foreign trade development. Promote the steady quantity and quality improvement of foreign investment, rely on dialogue platforms such as the Qingdao Summit of Leaders of Multinational Corporations, hold special investment promotion activities, connect with foreign companies and enterprises, and expand project cooperation; Strengthen the service work of foreign investment, give full play to the role of a platform for double stability, help enterprises solve difficult problems, and coordinate and promote the construction of key projects.

The plenary session fully focused on the implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Shandong, and made systematic arrangements for striving to create a new situation in the construction of a high-level modern and strong city. This points out the direction for the reform and development of the group, and is the work guide of the group at present and in the future. Yu Yonghao, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Municipal State Investment Group, said that as a municipal state-owned capital investment and operation company, in the next step, the Municipal State Investment Group will fully implement the deployment requirements of the plenary meeting, anchor the "go ahead, open a new bureau", adhere to the focus on investment and financing, continuously enhance the core functions, improve the core competitiveness, and strive to contribute to the construction of a high-level modern and strong city. Give full play to the advantages of "double rating" of AA+ subject credit, continue to expand financing channels, optimize the financing structure, and continuously enhance the ability of state-owned capital to serve the real economy; Focus on the city's key industries, strategic emerging industries and future industries to carry out "industrial direct investment + fund investment", and actively promote the effective linkage of state-owned capital and social capital, focusing on promoting high-quality capital such as Shanghai science and technology innovation and SDIC cohesion to land in Dongying, support the development of Dongying industry, and plan to complete 10 project investments within the year; Give full play to the function of state-owned capital as a source of innovation, accelerate the construction of a scientific and technological service platform, focus on promoting the landing of excellent scientific research achievements in Dongying, and better serve the cultivation and development of new productive forces in our city.

"The plenum emphasized that 'we should develop new quality productive forces according to local conditions and promote the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation', which pointed out the direction for us to do a good job in scientific and technological innovation, and also put forward specific requirements." Chen Yongfeng, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Science and Technology Bureau of Hekou District, said that the Science and Technology Bureau of Hekou District will keep in mind the "great power of the country", focus on the implementation of energy efficiency improvement actions of innovation platforms, help enterprises build technology centers, laboratories and other R&D institutions, and realize the construction of R&D institutions of enterprises above the designated size; Accelerate the integrated and coordinated development of the Pioneer Park, the Science and Technology Innovation Park, and the Hekou Digital Economy Industrial Park, and create a collaborative incubation system. Implement the cultivation and promotion of high-quality enterprises, improve the reserve cultivation library of high-tech enterprises, strengthen the echelon cultivation of science and technology enterprises, formulate strategic plans for industrial technology innovation, guide leading enterprises in traditional fields to develop into science and technology enterprises, and achieve full coverage of science and technology leading enterprises in key industries. Implement actions to improve the ability to tackle key technologies, strengthen the guidance of scientific and technological projects, deepen foreign cooperation and exchanges between enterprises, and promote the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements. "By 2025, the number of high-tech enterprises and national science and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises will exceed 70 and 100 respectively, and the provincial key laboratories will achieve zero breakthroughs, so as to achieve full coverage of the innovation platform of chain main enterprises, leading enterprises and key enterprises in future industries, and create a number of innovative industrial clusters with distinctive characteristics and strong innovation." Chen Yongfeng said.

(Reporter Guan Chenxin)