
"If you can help people with blood diseases prolong their lives, it's worth it!"

author:COSCO Shipping

"I'm just one of thousands of volunteers who can help people with blood diseases live longer in the hope that it's worth it! I have made up my mind that what needs to be done by me, I will actively cooperate, and I hope that patients can regain their lives as soon as possible, return to normal life, and live every day happily. ”

"If you can help people with blood diseases prolong their lives, it's worth it!"
"If you can help people with blood diseases prolong their lives, it's worth it!"

June 24th

COSCO SHIPPING Container Lines "post-00" guy Jiang Ziyi

Cashed in on himself when he was 18 years old

A solemn promise to life

- Donation of hematopoietic stem cells

Joined the Chinese Bone Marrow Bank

At the beginning of June this year, he was notified

A hematologic patient in Zhejiang who is in urgent need of hematopoietic stem cells

Successfully matched with him

Jiang Ziyi did not hesitate

Rush to this covenant of life

It also became Shanghai this year

The 34th case of hematopoietic stem cell donation volunteer

"If you can help people with blood diseases prolong their lives, it's worth it!"

Jiang Ziyi, 23, is a young employee of COSCO SHIPPING Container Lines Computer Center. At work, he is conscientious, down-to-earth, helpful, humble and low-key, and is deeply loved by his colleagues. As early as 2019, Jiang Ziyi chose to join the China Bone Marrow Bank and become a hematopoietic stem cell donation volunteer at her eighteen-year-old coming-of-age ceremony.

At the beginning of June this year, after receiving the notice of successful matching, Jiang Ziyi did not hesitate to make a donation decision without hesitation. Due to the high physical requirements for donating hematopoietic stem cells, Xiao Jiang actively adjusted his physical condition and made various preparations for donation before the formal collection.

"If you can help people with blood diseases prolong their lives, it's worth it!"
"If you can help people with blood diseases prolong their lives, it's worth it!"

After the donation ended, Xiao Jiang received a letter of thanks from the staff entrusted by the recipient.

Jiang Ziyi said that she hopes to use her feelings to dispel everyone's doubts about donating. At the same time, I also hope that more friends will join the big family of hematopoietic stem cell donors and give patients more hope for life.

He said that as a young employee of a central enterprise in the new era, he will demand himself with higher moral standards, and will continue to contribute to social welfare undertakings in the future.