
The red flag is fluttering, loyal to the party

author:Defense Times

On the occasion of the 103 rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the People's Armed Forces Department of Dong'an County, Hunan Province, organized all officers and soldiers to carry out various forms of "welcoming July 1st" party day activities, organized all officers and soldiers to review the oath of joining the party, study the history of the party, watch the red film "The Great Cause of the Founding of the Party" and other activities, and build the hearts of all officers and soldiers to the party, the motherland and the people.

The red flag is fluttering, loyal to the party

Take an oath to the party flag

"I swear, I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China......" With the early morning sunshine, all officers and soldiers solemnly swore to the party flag, and the sonorous oath told the infinite loyalty to the party, further strengthened the ideals and beliefs, and inspired all the personnel to show new responsibilities and new deeds on the new journey.

The red flag is fluttering, loyal to the party

Organize the viewing of red films

After the oath-taking activity, all the staff were organized to watch the red film "The Great Cause of the Founding of the Party", and reminded all the staff to remember the war years of the year, keep a clear head at all times, and accept the baptism of the soul, which stimulated the patriotic enthusiasm in everyone's hearts and strengthened the ideals and beliefs of always following the party. In addition to watching the film, all the staff were organized to sit around a table to study the history of the party and explore the glorious footprints of the party. Through abundant video materials and detailed and vivid explanations, all officers and men have a deeper understanding of the revolutionary stories in the eventful years and the revolutionary spirit of the revolutionaries of the older generation of selfless dedication, unremitting self-improvement, and arduous struggle.

The red flag is fluttering, loyal to the party

Study the Red Book

At the exchange and sharing meeting, the representative of the militia party members shared: "I must do a good job in the construction of national defense reserves and contribute my own strength to strengthening the army and rejuvenating the army." Stick to the original intention, take on the mission, carry forward the leading role of a party member representative, love the party more firmly, believe in the party, follow the party, practice hard to win the ability, and stimulate the bloody fighting spirit. ”

After a hundred years of ups and downs, our party has grown from a small red boat in the South Lake to a towering giant ship in China today, and the red flag at that time is still fluttering in the wind, and the heart of the party will never change. After the event, everyone said that they would keep in mind the oath of joining the party, never forget the original mission, inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition of revolutionary martyrs, take responsibility based on their posts, and strive to be a revolutionary soldier in the new era of "four haves".

(Chen Pengbo, Tang Ying)

Source: Defense Times

Editor: Zhou Jialin

Editor: Wang Shuhan

Defense Times Press Center [email protected]