
Celebrate the Party Day and practice the precepts to strengthen the party spirit and make new contributions

author:Defense Times

In the middle of summer in July, the sun is blazing

To celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

A certain unit of the signal corps carried out themed party day activities

A birthday gift to the party

Celebrate the Party Day and practice the precepts to strengthen the party spirit and make new contributions
Celebrate the Party Day and practice the precepts to strengthen the party spirit and make new contributions
Celebrate the Party Day and practice the precepts to strengthen the party spirit and make new contributions

Flag-raising ceremony

The bright five-star red flag is rising

The officers and men were in high spirits and high morale

Solemnly salute the national flag and sing the national anthem

With the loudest singing voice and the most solemn military salute

Strengthen the belief in dedicating oneself to national defense and winning wars

Celebrate the Party Day and practice the precepts to strengthen the party spirit and make new contributions

Review the oath of joining the party

Under the wall of precepts

All party members hold their right hands high

Facing the bright red party flag, he solemnly swore again

"I volunteered to join the Communist Party of China......

We are ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people at any time, and never betray the party. ”

A sonorous and powerful oath, the "red spirit" has been passed down from generation to generation.

"Loyalty, cleanliness, and responsibility" are in the brain and heart

The oath shows the eternal original intention, and the action will always maintain the true character of the party members

Celebrate the Party Day and practice the precepts to strengthen the party spirit and make new contributions

Wear a party membership badge

Organizationally, joining the party is once in a lifetime

Ideologically joined the party for the rest of his life

Worn on the chest is the badge of the party member

In my heart is the mission

It further enhances the sense of honor and mission

Celebrate the Party Day and practice the precepts to strengthen the party spirit and make new contributions

Watch themed movies

"The Great Cause of the Founding of the Party" is like a film

A textbook that tells the glorious course of our party

Help officers and soldiers in the enjoyment of art

Learn more about the history of the Party and enhance the Party spirit

Officers and men relive the glorious history of the party

Commemorate the great achievements of the revolutionary martyrs

More determined to make contributions to the youth

A no-regret choice to be a strong army

Celebrate the Party Day and practice the precepts to strengthen the party spirit and make new contributions

Hold an organizational life meeting

Carry out ideological confrontation and temper the cultivation of party spirit

At the party organization life meeting

Party members shall refer to the Party Constitution, Party rules, Party discipline and job responsibilities

Criticism and self-criticism

Further strengthen the foundation of faith

Replenish the calcium of the spirit and stabilize the rudder of thought

103 years of ups and downs

103 years of eventful years

103 years old

Happy birthday to the great Communist Party of China!

(Gao Baoliang, Zhang Jiajun, Song Jun, Wang Xiang)

Source: Defense Times

Editor: Yuan Yi

Editor: Wang Shuhan

Defense Times Press Center [email protected]