
It is time for the enthusiastic youth to forge ahead with the party

author:Defense Times

The military flag follows the party flag, and the sharp knife listens to the party's command

Recently, a certain mobile training detachment of the Central Theater Air Force

Carry out the party day activities with the theme of "remembering the original heart, learning party discipline, strengthening party spirit, and building new achievements".

It will further encourage officers and men to keep in mind their original aspirations and missions

The mission of continuing the red bloodline

Infinite loyalty to the party will be fused into a solemn oath

Turn the affectionate praise of the party into good wishes

I would like to offer my most sincere wishes to the great party

It is time for the enthusiastic youth to forge ahead with the party
It is time for the enthusiastic youth to forge ahead with the party

The stationed training detachment warmly celebrated the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China at the combat position

Original intention, mission, responsibility. Comrade Guo Zhengxin, secretary of the party branch of the detachment, carried out the activity of reviewing the oath of joining the party with the theme of "keeping in mind the original mission and forging ahead on the journey of strengthening the army", and organized all party members to review the oath of joining the party in the battle position. "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China and support the party's program...... "Join the party once in a lifetime organizationally, join the party once in a lifetime ideologically, all party members solemnly swear to the party flag, and in a solemn oath, the ideals and beliefs of listening to the party and following the party are firmer.

It is time for the enthusiastic youth to forge ahead with the party

Comrade Guo Zhengxin, secretary of the party branch, organized the lecture

It is time for the enthusiastic youth to forge ahead with the party

Party members review the oath of joining the party

It is time for the enthusiastic youth to forge ahead with the party

Wear party membership badges for new party members

History, journey, inheritance. In order to inherit the red blood and continue the revolutionary spirit, the detachment organized and carried out the activity of "reading red books", reading red classics and tasting the revolutionary spirit, understanding the century-old history in learning, understanding the eventful years in understanding, and continuing the bloodline inheritance in understanding. In the course of reading, the officers and men embarked on a journey that shook their souls, constantly absorbed the spiritual strength of forging ahead, aroused their sense of pride, strengthened their sense of collective honor, and inspired every officer and soldier's sense of party spirit, and consciously put this consciousness into practice, so as to lay the foundation for the troops to seek and win wars. With a heavy history and glorious traditions, it directly hits the strong background of officers and men who do not forget their original aspirations and are loyal to the party.

It is time for the enthusiastic youth to forge ahead with the party

Look at the Red Books

Responsibility, honor, dedication. At the training site, the detachment organized and carried out the activity of "studying the history of the party, strengthening the party spirit, and repaying the party's kindness." The officers and men sang one red classic song after another with a high-spirited outlook, full of enthusiasm, and incomparably excited mood to express their gratitude to the party and their love for the motherland, and to guide the officers and men not to forget their original aspirations, keep their mission firmly in mind, concentrate on training and preparing for war, and be determined to strengthen the army and win the war.

It is time for the enthusiastic youth to forge ahead with the party

Sing red songs

Loyalty, growth, duty. In order to continuously strengthen the ideological consensus of officers and men to loyally safeguard the core, to strive to strengthen the army, and to gather the majestic strength of fighting, preparing for war, and fighting for war, the detachment organized and carried out the "I have a word to say to the party" story sharing activity. Zheng Xuefeng, a probationary party member, said: "Listening to the stories of my comrades-in-arms, I am very sympathetic, and I will use my youth and blood to inherit the spirit of red blood, strive to learn from party members and comrades, strengthen ideals and beliefs, strengthen the sense of identity and responsibility of party members, and strive to be a qualified Communist Party member." ”

It is time for the enthusiastic youth to forge ahead with the party
It is time for the enthusiastic youth to forge ahead with the party

"I have a saying to the party" story sharing meeting

The flag leads the way, and faith gathers strength

The people's soldiers will always maintain the will of the party

The original intention does not change, and the mission is on the shoulder

We're in the battle position

Happy birthday to the great Communist Party of China!

(Text/Ren Wenjiao, Guo Zhengxin, Zheng Xuefeng, Photography/Huang Kun)

Source: Defense Times

Editor: Zhou Jialin Intern Editor: Deng Yuhan

Editor: Wang Shuhan

Defense Times Press Center [email protected]