
Compensation of 8 million! Fat Donglai still collapsed

author:Words and snow

Why hasn't Fat Donglai overturned?

On the Internet, there are countless examples of characters who stand tall and fall hard.

But if you want Fat Donglai to fall, it's difficult, it's too difficult!!

The current public opinion can't hurt Fat Donglai by half a point at all.

Compensation of 8 million! Fat Donglai still collapsed

The most amazing thing about Fat Donglai is not that he is comprehensive in dealing with crisis public relations, but that he can turn a public relations crisis into a perfect brand marketing every time and deepen the public's favorability.

Two days ago, the hot search # Fat Donglai compensated a total of 8.833 million yuan for customers who bought rolling dough # is another typical one, you don't need to click on the comments, you can know that it is a rainbow fart.

Compensation of 8 million! Fat Donglai still collapsed

Spend 8 million in compensation, I am really willing to do it! No, it should be said that spending 8 million on advertising is really worth it!

The follow-up ended with customers queuing up to receive compensation, and Fat Donglai played a perfect advertisement again:

Come to me to consume, the quality of the goods is guaranteed, and you can make money if you buy a problem!

Compensation of 8 million! Fat Donglai still collapsed

Crisis public relations is the best brand marketing, and Fat Donglai knows this well.

A survey report that is comparable in length to an academic paper is not superficial, but it gives consumers and employees 100% sincerity:

Explain in detail the cause of the incident, the results of the investigation, the analysis of the problem, the corrective action plan, and the results of the treatment.

At the same time, it is reasonable and convincing, and at the same time, it is all exporting the attitude of enterprises to attach importance to consumer opinions and be responsible for food safety issues.

Judging from the processing results:

Compensation of 8 million! Fat Donglai still collapsed

1. For whistleblowers: 100,000 yuan cash reward;

It shows that the brand is not afraid of reporting, and gives everyone a window to express itself, which also promotes the determination of the enterprise: food safety problems are greater than everything else, and must be subject to market supervision.

2. For consumers: refund and compensation of 1,000 yuan, 8,833 copies of a total of 8,833,000 yuan spent;

The compensation amount of more than 8 million yuan alone can discourage 99% of enterprises. But Fat Donglai is simple and direct, with a huge amount of compensation, highlighting the pattern and attitude of the enterprise, not only moving consumers, but also establishing a responsible attitude of the enterprise, and the brand value of "Fat Donglai" has been enhanced again.

3. Internal employees: two employees were dismissed, many squad leaders were dismissed, and four store managers cancelled year-end benefits.

The dismissal and dismissal of relevant staff are not harsh on employees, but clear rewards and punishments, and attention to food safety issues. We all know that people take food as the sky, especially in the catering industry, once there is a big problem with food safety, it is not something that can be solved by a report.

There are many popular people, and too much traffic will attract criticism. Generally speaking, traffic companies don't like this kind of criticism.

Because once you get rid of it, the company's reputation will plummet, but Fat Donglai doesn't seem to be afraid.

In July 2023, when a customer had a dispute with an employee, Fat Donglai issued an 8-page investigation report;

In February 2024, when an employee squatted down to taste noodles and was reported, Fat Donglai issued a 13-page investigation report and used a democratic vote to let the employee stay, which not only respected the public's opinion, but also maintained the dignity of the employee.

Even if it is a small problem, Fat Donglai can show 100 points of attention, and every time he deals with it, he puts the rectification into action, goes deep into the texture, and hits every inch of bones. Even if it is self-directed and self-acting, it can't have such a good effect.

In the long run, Fat Donglai has already formed an impenetrable wall of public opinion, and the crisis has come to the wall and turned into a turning point early.

Looking back on every public relations marketing of Fat Donglai, the traffic password of its out-of-the-circle is emotional value.

Basically, Fat Donglai has a process of dealing with public opinion: first admit his mistakes, then conduct an in-depth investigation, and announce his own rectification plan.

The process is simple, but the emotional value is full.

Seeking truth from facts and admitting mistakes without exaggeration is to appease consumers' emotions in the first place and prevent negative emotions from worsening;

The corresponding punishment is to show that he is standing in the position of consumers: this kind of empathy will make consumers feel valued, and the resistance to Fat Donglai will also be alleviated;

Improving the next catering standards is a demonstration of attitude: the phenomenon of non-compliance will be taken seriously and taken seriously, which completely dispels the negative emotions of consumers.

In February, the employee squatted down to taste the turmoil, Fat Donglai used democratic voting to let the employee stay this step is a stroke of genius, in today's "one-click dismissal" social atmosphere, Fat Donglai showed humanized management immediately won the favor of countless workers.

Compensation of 8 million! Fat Donglai still collapsed

Not caring about public sentiment and standing on the opposite side of public opinion will damage the image built by the brand. This has to mention the "Dong Yuhui Small Composition" incident, there was a major accident in the operation, and Dongfang Selection was stunned not to do a public relations crisis, until the fans lost countless fans, and then responded to the matter in the live broadcast room.

But the response was to start with arrogance, smashing mobile phones and knocking on the table, which not only aroused the negative emotions of fans, but also seriously damaged the brand image with cultural heritage established by Dongfang Selection.

Companies that grasp the public sentiment can always get the "preference" of consumers. Because of food safety issues, Mixue Bingcheng can be said to be a "frequent visitor" of hot searches, but every time, consumers will generously choose to forgive.

The reason for this is that Mixue Bingcheng has always given enough emotional value to consumers: it does not quibble in front of the "real hammer", does not stand on the opposite side of consumers, and actively makes rectification methods. At the same time, Dafang admits that he uses low-cost materials and monitors the hygiene problems of each store in real time.

This practice of not treating consumers as "outsiders" allows Mixue Bingcheng to turn the corner in every accident and let consumers spontaneously do public relations for them.

Compensation of 8 million! Fat Donglai still collapsed
Compensation of 8 million! Fat Donglai still collapsed
Compensation of 8 million! Fat Donglai still collapsed

In the field of market consumption, emotional value has always been an important part. Fat Donglai and Mixue Bingcheng will not only pay attention to the emotional value of consumers in ordinary times, but also put public sentiment first in crisis public relations.

Therefore, they can often turn the "crisis" into a "turning point" and further deepen the publicity of brand reputation.

What inspiration does Fat Donglai's repeated public relations behavior give us?

Consumers are God, but employees are also family.

In the current public opinion, enterprises should remember not to confront the two, and there is no contradiction between attaching importance to consumer opinions and attaching importance to employee feelings.

When encountering conflicts between consumers and employees, enterprises should pay attention to consumer feedback and opinions, but do not rush to cut off with employees, Manner's tragedy has sounded the alarm for enterprises, enterprises are naturally the weak side of public opinion, and they should put themselves in the shoes of the public and employees to think and make the best of both worlds.

Establish an early warning mechanism for public opinion, so that it can respond quickly when a crisis occurs.

Today's enterprises don't pay much attention to public relations, and it will be too late to think of public relations "firefighting" when something happens.

Looking back on the turmoil of Fat Donglai, the brand's public opinion prevention mechanism is still quite perfect:

On June 25, customers reported on Douyin about the hygiene problems of the rolling stalls

Early in the morning of June 26, Fat Donglai discovered the problem and set up an investigation team

On June 27, Fat Donglai closed down the rolling stall, issued an investigation report, rewarded customers with 100,000 yuan for complaints, and gave 8.833 million yuan in compensation

The whole action was done in one go, without a trace of mud and water, and the emotional value of the public was directly full!

Corporate values are consistent with PR statements, don't say one thing and do another.

If PR is just to temporarily avoid the limelight of public opinion, then PR is meaningless.

Enterprises should examine whether corporate values and practical actions are "integrated with action" in crisis public relations.

Fat Donglai's public relations is so successful not because the report is well written, but because the company's values and practical actions are highly consistent over the years.

You can go to the official website of Fat Donglai to see, just the handling of consumer complaints and the process of making the process public is already admirable, they really regard every customer complaint as a mirror to improve the service.