
The top copywriter in the mentally handicapped bar is crazy!

author:Words and snow

Life is full of jokes, and people who can write their lives into jokes must be a group of very interesting people.

In Baidu, there is a post bar known as "Qinglongshan Royal Sanatorium, the original joke hand incubator" called the mentally handicapped, although it is called "mentally handicapped", but it has nothing to do with the medical "mentally handicapped", high-quality jokes are passed in and out here, attracting countless onlookers and reprints, the current number of followers of the mentally handicapped bar is 320w+, and the latest popular words seen on the Internet, many of which are the masterpieces of the mentally handicapped bar friends.

The top copywriter in the mentally handicapped bar is crazy!

I thought it was a meeting with a patient, but I didn't expect it to be an undercover party. There is a saying circulating on the Chinese Internet: There is no mentally handicapped in the mentally handicapped bar.

Bar friends are keen to create some content with logical traps, such as "Walnuts that have been caught by the door, can they still make up for the brain?" ”。 They are jokers, poets, philosophers, but they are not mentally retarded.

The top copywriter in the mentally handicapped bar is crazy!

Many people were shocked by the copywriting in the mentally handicapped bar, let's take a look at what other classic god copywriting in the mentally handicapped bar.

Those shocking philosophical copy


Caffeine comes from coffee fruit, coffee fruit is the cause, and caffeine is the effect.


The world is an elephant, we are all blind people touching the elephant, abstraction is a whip to the world.


Fish is called fish sheng by Ling Chi, and people are Ling Chi is life.


Sashimi is a fillet of dead fish.


I'm not afraid of death because there are my families on both sides.


Life is a continuation of death, a faint light that illuminates the future of nothingness.


Many people don't see the future, but they actually see it.


My latest photo, in fact, is my oldest.


When I was being teased, my smile was taken away.


Suffering is the anti-addiction system of life


When a worker stops working, he becomes a man.


The crash of adults starts with the count, and the crash of the computer starts with the counting.


I dreamed that I moved, but fortunately the dream and reality were the opposite, and I worked overtime.


Children can only go home if they have no money, and adults cannot go home without money.


Seek marriage in the temple of asceticism, and ask the abbot who does not go out for the way forward.


Two words are three words


The high-rise building made of reinforced concrete is the resurrection of the corpse of the mountain.


The last stroke of life is the first stroke of death.


Eat what you make up, so you can become a superior person by eating people.


Coffee is actually a type of soy milk


Seeing a doctor is actually being seen by a doctor


The class photo is a posthumous photo of the class


The spring breeze in February is like scissors, so is the spring breeze in April just two?


There is a space station in space, and there is no space station if it is too crowded.


A qualified funeral is not only to bury the body of the deceased, but also to bury the sad emotions of the living.


When we register an account for Life,

Must have agreed to some kind of terms of use:

We just got the right to use life,

But never had it.


The class room is also called a prison cell, why is it not called a prison sentence when you go to work?


Everyone works to make money,

So who's losing money?

Funny joke copywriting


The whereabouts of a 9-year-old girl who used the skincare product "Can Make You 10 Years Younger" are still unknown.


Xiao Ming was sentenced to 15s in prison by the advertiser because he did not buy VIP.


90 degrees of water can not be drunk directly, because the right angle stuck in the throat.




"You go, yours." Yangguan Road.


"Hurry up and pull it out!" It's a prayer sentence.


When you go to someone else's house, you never bring anything,

That's my karate.


Mencius believed that sex is inherently good,

Xunzi thinks that sex is evil,

And the Northeasterners think

Ginkgo biloba is something that gradually rots and stinks.


The most abundant gas in the atmosphere is nitrogen.

It turns out that the essence of human beings is potato chips.


Human beings sleep under the quilt every day,

So humans are angiosperms.


Why feel sad,

Isn't your life ridiculous enough?


Was "Truman's World" specially filmed for me to make me believe that I am not Truman?


Once you live one more day, you live one less day.


Ten years later, I miss the time I had twenty years ago,

I will remember that distant afternoon ten years ago when I was looking forward to twenty years later.


I'm studying the human body.

What's wrong with 70% moisture?


So many people who play cosplay,

Why doesn't anyone play sinplay and tanplay......


Since the stage is on the stage for a minute,

Ten years of work off the stage,

So why not just practice on stage?


"Report to the boss,

We have found a competent employee according to your requirements. ”

"I knew we had ghosts in the morning!"


Ice cream, so how can ice have calories?


The ancients handed over grain to resist servitude,

Is it a type of McDonald's?


My puppy is lost and can't be found by Sogou, so I'm in a hurry.


Every time I run, I think about how valuable this bus is when so many people chase the bus together!

Poetic copywriting

In addition to the philosophical copywriting and paragraph copywriting with logical bugs, there are also a lot of poetic copywriting in the mentally handicapped bar.


Mountains are extremely slow waves of geological age


Wrinkles are ripples that time throws across the body.


Walking in the rainstorm, the umbrella is a boat hanging upside down in the sky.


After a rain,

The sky and the ground swapped identities,

Look up and be dim, and the stars shine under your feet.


I wrote my dreams in the water, and they drifted with the flow and eventually became part of the sea.


The switch is the sunrise of the lights, and the sunset is the switch of the lights.


I killed the sun and spent the night in jail.


The shadow is the corpse of light, and the current is the wind of the fish.


The human heart is on the left, how do we embrace it to be heart-to-heart.


Memories are nothing but carving boats and seeking swords in the long river of time.


All the bridges are warm because they make the river no longer sad.


The night was quiet, so I turned on the tape recorder and recorded it, waiting for it to be played when it was noisy.


I wrote my secret on the kite, flew it, and now the whole sky knows it.


I told a lie in the mirror and watched it become real.


I closed my eyes and touched the starry sky and read the braille that the universe had left me.


The future is hidden in dark corners, some people don't see it, others look forward to it.


Listen to the radio in the dead of night, and the noise of the day lingers.


Adults start to give up, and computers stop crunching.


Life is about planting roses in a rice jar.


Lighthouses are decoys on land.

The copywriter in the mentally handicapped bar, which sentence amazed you?