
It is said that the fewer friends, the better the life, and now I understand that this is really great wisdom

author:Puffer fish emotion

"The fewer friends, the better off you are." At first glance, this sentence seems to be contrary to the "wide friendship" that we advocate every day, but when you think about it carefully, it contains profound wisdom in life. In the midst of a complex network of social relationships, we often struggle to cope with all kinds of social interactions, but we lose sight of what really matters – the best friends who can connect with us and spend life together.

As the old saying goes: "The friendship of gentlemen is as light as water." The intention is to show that between true friends, there is no need for too much material exchange and superficial liveliness, but to see the truth in the ordinary. Just like a glass of clear water, it seems simple, but it can quench your thirst and moisten your heart, far better than those drinks that look gorgeous but have no substance.

It is said that the fewer friends, the better the life, and now I understand that this is really great wisdom

Historically, there is no shortage of such examples. Tao Yuanming in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, indifferent to fame and fortune all his life, away from officialdom, returned to the countryside, he did not have many friends, but they were all like-minded confidants. He once wrote in "Returning to the Garden and Pastoral Home": "There is no suitable rhyme, and the nature loves the hills and mountains." It's not just his yearning for nature, it's his longing for true friendship – not too much, but with sincerity.

In modern life, it is not difficult for us to find that those who are truly comfortable and happy do not have a huge circle of friends, but have one or two close friends who can confide in their hearts and share joy. As the American writer Henry David Thoreau said in his book Walden, "A man is rich in proportion to what he can give up." This sentence enlightens us that reducing meaningless social interactions and streamlining the circle of friends can make our lives more fulfilling and meaningful.

It is said that the fewer friends, the better the life, and now I understand that this is really great wisdom

Of course, this is not to promote isolationism, but to advocate a more rational and healthy view of dating. In the fast-paced modern life, we need more quality than quantity of friends. As the English philosopher Bacon said, "A true friend will be there when you need it, not when you are in the limelight." Such friends are the precious wealth in our life journey.

How can you have such a friend? The key is self-improvement and sincerity. First of all, we need to constantly improve ourselves and become an interesting and valuable person, so that we can attract people who are also good. Secondly, treat friends sincerely, do not care about gains and losses, and do not be hypocritical and flattering, only in this way can we establish a long-term and stable friendship.

It is said that the fewer friends, the better the life, and now I understand that this is really great wisdom

At the same time, we must also learn to be alone and enjoy solitude. The French writer Camus once said: "A person's value should be judged by what he contributes, not by what he obtains." "When we are alone, we can think better about life, improve ourselves, and prepare a better version of ourselves for every friend we meet in the future.

Finally, to quote a classic line from the movie "The Godfather": "I will give him a condition that he cannot refuse." "In terms of making friends, we should also do the same, constantly improve ourselves, and make ourselves a friend that others can't refuse. In this way, even if you don't have many friends, you can be sure that each one of them is a treasure in life.

In short, "the fewer friends, the better you live", does not advocate loneliness, but emphasizes quality. In the chaotic world, let's learn to sift through and cherish every sincere friendship, and at the same time, enjoy the growth and tranquility brought by solitude.

It is said that the fewer friends, the better the life, and now I understand that this is really great wisdom

In solitude, we can find our true selves and better understand the types of friends we need. Such moments are fertile ground for spiritual growth and the cornerstone of deep friendships. May we all find a balance between solitude and friendship, so that life is beautiful because it is simple and colorful because of sincere friendship.

In this way, life will be more exciting.