
降价后更划算,入手性能机看准Redmi K70 Pro

降价后更划算,入手性能机看准Redmi K70 Pro

Android China

2024-07-01 16:33Edge official account

The summer vacation of each year is a critical period when the price of the previous generation flagship platform is gradually decreasing. Some models with flagship performance released at the end of last year and the beginning of this year will also usher in new good prices during this time period, such as Redmi K70 Pro has recently ushered in a wave of big promotions, and the starting price has dropped to 2799 yuan, becoming one of the most competitive third-generation Snapdragon 8 models at present.

降价后更划算,入手性能机看准Redmi K70 Pro

As Redmi's flagship series, the Redmi K70 series still continues the previous configuration ideas, and is equipped with the third-generation Snapdragon 8 flagship platform on the Pro version, which is quite powerful. It also comes with an icy cooling system and Rage Engine 3.0, which is officially said to deliver excellent gaming performance, and in our actual experience, it did achieve good frame rate results.

降价后更划算,入手性能机看准Redmi K70 Pro

In addition to good performance, the comprehensive configuration of the Redmi K70 Pro is also quite good, the Light and Shadow Hunter 800 custom sensor also performs well in dynamic range, and there is an eye protection screen with a peak brightness of up to 4000nits, and the resolution is also at the 1440P level; At the same time, in terms of appearance, the Redmi K70 series has also returned to the metal middle frame, with a straight screen, and the texture has also returned to a high point.

降价后更划算,入手性能机看准Redmi K70 Pro

At the time of its debut, the Redmi K70 Pro was priced at 3299 yuan, which was actually very competitive at that time; After ushering in a new discount, the price of 2799 yuan will undoubtedly make it more prominent, and friends who like the third-generation Snapdragon 8 platform can consider this more fragrant Redmi flagship.

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  • 降价后更划算,入手性能机看准Redmi K70 Pro
  • 降价后更划算,入手性能机看准Redmi K70 Pro
  • 降价后更划算,入手性能机看准Redmi K70 Pro

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