
The sons and daughters of China sang in unison, and the ode was dedicated to the Communist Party: Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China!

author:Snowy feelings


An ode to the party

Sincere and steady

The great Communist Party of China,

Thousands of rays of light shine in all directions.

The rejuvenation of China is our own responsibility,

The original mission has not been forgotten.

The sons and daughters of China sang in unison, and the ode was dedicated to the Communist Party: Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China!

Set sail from scratch,

From small to large, weak to strong.

One hundred and three years of wind and rain road,

Able to recruit good fighting spirits.


Searching for the truth and hope,

Pursue the goal and speak the ideal.

Arouse the workers and peasants to make a revolution,

Punish the enemy with a knife and a gun.


Invading Demon Demon,

Call the whole people into battle.

Eight years of all-out anti-Japanese war,

Expelled the Japanese back to the East.


Destroy the general direction of Jiang Liguo,

Poverty alleviation and prosperity are a good proposition.

After going through hardships, the original intention is in,

Stride forward without hesitation.


Selfless, fearless, and open,

There are rules and regulations to consider carefully.

Bravely cut the mildew without fear of pain,

Swear to heal yourself for health.


Anti-corruption is always on the way,

No indulgence or vain.

Pure organization fulfills the wishes of the people,

Qingming was appreciated for his administration.


the desire to revive the Chinese Party,

People yearn for a happy life.

Judging the situation and looking at the world,

Overcoming obstacles and running to Kangzhuang.


A hundred years of preparation to build brilliance,

A new stride shook the sky.

Wisdom in defense of peace,

Stay away from war and find a cure.


A new chapter on the road to rejuvenation,

The banner of rural revitalization is raised.

Guotai Min'an I Huaxia,

Civilized etiquette is our homeland.


The sons and daughters of China sing in unison,

The ode is dedicated to the Communist Party.

The gloom dissipates and people are happy,

Hidemi Yamakawa Inui Lang.


There is no Communist Party

There would be no New China"

One by one dedicated to you

The sons and daughters of China sang in unison, and the ode was dedicated to the Communist Party: Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China!

(All illustrations in this article are provided by the author)

About the Author: 

Sincere and stable: his real name is Zeng Chengwen, a native of Linshui, Sichuan, who enlisted in the army in January 1973. He served in the first company of the cannon battalion of the artillery regiment of the 11th division of the army of the Tibet Military Region and retired in March 1977. In the past, there were news, newsletters, suggestions, opinions, and miscellaneous discussions. I also had a hobby and impulse for literature and poetry, and I broke off my pen for many years and regained my old interests to recall my military career and celebrate my sunset life.

The sons and daughters of China sang in unison, and the ode was dedicated to the Communist Party: Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China!

Author: Sincere and steady

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