
On July 1, 49 years ago, I solemnly swore under the banner of the party: I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China...

author:Snowy feelings


49 years ago, I took the oath under the party flag

Li Yizhong

Joining the party is a major event in life and deserves to be remembered for life. On July 1, 49 years ago, I stood under the bright red banner of the party and swore that I would voluntarily join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution, fulfill the obligations of party members, implement the party's resolutions, strictly abide by the party's discipline, keep the party's secrets, be loyal to the party, work actively, and fight for communism all my life, without hesitating to shed blood and sacrifice......

On July 1, 49 years ago, I solemnly swore under the banner of the party: I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China...

1975 was a turning point in my life, and it was also the third year of enlistment. To be honest, I also know that the probability of returning to my hometown is greater than staying in the team.

It is the wish of every young soldier to ask for progress, and I am the same, according to the party class education and training done by the branch committee, actively move closer to the party organization, and write it into the party application. My comrades-in-arms and I enthusiastically submitted an application for joining the party to the party branch, and later submitted the second and third times, which was like a stone sinking into the sea. I don't think I have reached the standards of party members, so I can only study and work hard, and standardize myself with party member standards and strict requirements.

Fu Jiwen, a member of the branch, came to talk to me, your father is a "rightist"? It's not reflected in the archives. Oh! I see! My father's "rightists" heard my father say that he had been rehabilitated by "a blow of the wind". But every time he does sports, he has to pass a test. When I was a child, I heard my uncle and aunt tell me that my father's "rightist" was added by someone else out of context. My father was in charge of the work of the hospital, and he offended people by talking and doing things to the leaders. However, after I enlisted in the army, I went through political review, and the cadres who received the troops successfully enlisted in the army through exchanges with the localities. Now the revival of the old matter is probably the political censorship of joining the party.

Before enlisting in the army, I was a "barefoot doctor", and after the "Cultural Revolution" was suspended, I followed my father's arrangement to study medicine, learn Chinese medicine and the knowledge of integrated Chinese and Western medicine, get up early and go to bed late every day, study hard by rote, and have the feeling of not hearing anything outside the window and only reading medical books. The young brain is full of Chinese medicine theories and prescriptions. At that time, there was a shortage of books on Chinese medicine and Western medicine, so my father borrowed medical books from my fellow brothers and asked me to read them carefully, and asked me to copy the books while reading. My father bought a large white paper, folded it into the size of a book, drew the distance between the lines with a pencil, and asked me to use a carbon ink pen to copy it, and copy it in black and white paper, which is both clear and beautiful. And the copied book is kept for a long time, you can read it at any time, and then proofread it by my father after copying it, he said that he used his own brain, and the memory cell storage will not forget, this book will be your own in the future, and you don't need to spend money to buy it.

I was sometimes a little clever and carefully observed my father's process of treating patients, diagnosis and treatment. In particular, what kind of medicine is used, how much, and how to suffer. I copied it behind his back and memorized it again, and the next time I encountered a good practice. I also pay attention to my father's diagnosis and medication changes when he sees the same patient. My hometown is located in a remote area, and there is a shortage of doctors and medicines, and after a long time, my father sometimes let me diagnose and treat him. Later, I worked as a barefoot doctor in the brigade cooperative medical room, and I became famous.

The head of the battalion and company of the old army was sick and asked me to use traditional Chinese medicine for treatment, and I learned my father's method to draw a scoop according to the gourd, and corrected and changed the dosage according to the condition, and most of them said that there was some curative effect. The Tibet Autonomous Region Workers' Hospital, next to Norbulingka, Tibet Autonomous Region, has a relatively complete range of Chinese (Tibetan) medicines, and a friend of Gongjue Gyatso, an assistant military doctor at the battalion headquarters, works there, and my prescription is a frequent customer here. When the news reached the regiment headquarters, the head of the regiment also came to me to take a look at the cold medicine for headaches, brain fever, and swollen joints, and the prescription treatment also received some results. I remember that once the regiment commander Cui Guangyu (who participated in the revolution in 1938) ordered the correspondent to ask me to give the chief a diagnosis and treatment. Liu Changxun, the deputy head of the regiment (who participated in the revolution in 1938), Wang Qingshan, the political commissar transferred from the 16th Automobile Regiment, and other leaders fell ill, and I also went to see and treat them, and the response was good.

At the beginning of 1974, I went to Nyingchi County, the second battalion headquarters of the old station of the Nixigou Engineering Regiment, planted vegetables, fed pigs and collected firewood, and returned to the 980 construction site in Duilongdeqing County, Lhasa in the autumn, and then joined the fifth company as a soldier. The 5th Company built the 81 Children's School of the Military Region next to Norbulingka. During the New Year's Day of 1975, the deputy commander of the Fifth Company, Luo Sang Shan Zeng, paid his young life to rescue children who fell into the water, and was named a "model of loving the people" by the Central Military Commission, calling on the whole army to learn. The Fifth Company is the unit where the heroes belong, and many reporters from the People's Daily, Jiefangjun Daily, Xizang Daily, and Zhanqi Bao came to interview, report, and take news photos and pictures.

One day when they first arrived at the Fifth Company, Zhan Shihua and Ren Shanjiong, officers of the Cultural Department of the Political Department of the Military Region, came to the Fifth Company to interview and report, and asked two soldiers to copy the manuscript. After the selection of copying the newspaper, it happened that Officer Zhan decided that Chen Dingyi and I would help copy the manuscript.

On July 1, 49 years ago, I solemnly swore under the banner of the party: I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China...

Copying manuscripts was my first exposure to literary writing, and the people and events in the novel opened my eyes. Zhan Shihua and Ren Shanjiong cared about our food, clothing, and housing, and took us to watch movies and watch performances by the military region's song and dance troupe, drama troupe, and the Tibet Autonomous Region Cultural Center. Take us to visit the Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple and other places and take pictures. Gave us precious books when we left.

Later, I was transferred back to the 2nd Battalion Headquarters Health Center and continued to patrol the 980 construction site. From the new barracks department health officer to the old army second battalion headquarters health center; Go to Linzhi Nixi ditch to grow vegetables and feed pigs for firewood; served as a soldier in the fifth company, and during this period, he also went to the cultural department of the military region to copy the manuscript; After that, I returned to the battalion health center. In less than three years, the position has changed back and forth, and then returned to the original point.

One day, Hou Jin, the administrator of the battalion headquarters, first talked to me, and he was the secretary of the party branch directly under the battalion headquarters. He asked straight to the point, have you written into the party application? It was written, but then it was not written. I replied. Administrator Hou is the chief of the 8th company and transferred to the battalion department (the preparation of engineering drawings is special, the 2nd battalion has 4 construction companies in the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th battalions, and 1 mechanical 2nd company, a total of 5 companies). You immediately write an application for joining the party and hand it to me. And handed me the Constitution of the Communist Party of China in red book. What to write right away, how to write it now?

A few days later, Xiao Zhongxing, a member of the branch organization committee, organized youth league members to study the party constitution and encouraged everyone to actively move closer to the party organization and strive to join the party as soon as possible.

Talk to me after the meeting, do you write the party application? He prompted me to write, it is now March, and there are still 2~3 months before the party's birthday on July 1st. I think he knows about his father's "rightist". Therefore, Xiao saw that I didn't have a sentence for a while, so I didn't talk about it again.

One Sunday at dinner, Hou Jin first asked me to go to his accommodation to make a tooth sacrifice, his wife had just come from Shehong County, Sichuan Province to visit relatives, and brought some fresh vegetables into Tibet from within. I said don't worry about it, administrator, my father's legacy hasn't been clarified. Let me be discharged this winter. Then you'll talk about it when you've thought about it! However, I will tell you good news, at the beginning of the year, the party committee of the second battalion has appointed Su Ronghua, deputy battalion commander who is on vacation in Chongqing, to use the vacation to go to your hometown of Quxian to investigate and understand the situation. Hou Jin first continued. Yes! Is there such a thing?

A few days later, Hou Jin first asked the correspondent to inform me to go to his office. What do you think? It's time for you to submit your application to join the party, right? Has the branch committee spoken to you? How many party classes have you listened to? I said I participated every time. They told me about joining the party, and I may not be qualified enough. I've read a few of your original applications, and I'm going to add some additions. Hou Jinxian continued. I was speechless and didn't know what to say. He looked at my second monk and was confused, oops! Why are you an elm head? Hurry up and write. When I returned to the clinic, I had no clue to write and tear, tear and write, and finally, gritted my teeth and wrote and handed it in.

The next day, Hou Jin told me to rewrite first! Yes! I'm going to have to rewrite it. I don't know if I wrote it. He got angry all of a sudden, you are so stupid, you can't write an application for joining the party, where did you read the book?

Time flies so fast, April is approaching, I wrote the application for joining the party, handed him again in his hands, he shook his head like a rattle and said, no! You have to write it according to the requirements of the party constitution I gave you. Finally, he came up with a sentence that you have to get to the point. You see, I wrote you a copy too, you take a closer look. The content is roughly the same as what I wrote, the language is concise, and the motivation for joining the party is clear. And it wrote out what was in my heart, as if I was doing a year-end summary. Hou Jinxian was a well-known pen in the camp, with smooth writing and good handwriting (the application for joining the party is now kept in my file). Especially the Pang Zhonghua font he wrote, so that the people in the battalion headquarters did not admire. I hastened to say thank you! It turned out that the organization cared so much about me and gave so much for me. Hou Jin said first, you can sign it. The branch meeting discussed your application for joining the party on Saturday, and there were 2 introducers to join the party, and you went to Xiao Zhongxing, a member of the organization committee, and Fu Jiwen, a member of the propaganda committee.

On Saturday, April 5, 1975, the meeting of the party branch directly under the second battalion headquarters was held as scheduled, and the participants were Ni Deguang (battalion commander), Xie Xianyuan (deputy battalion commander), Su Ronghua (deputy battalion commander); Mao Guiyong (instructor), Liu Rongguo (deputy instructor); Feng Yuhua (Director of the Health Institute); Li Mingfu (assistant in the material room); Xiao Zhongxing (Accountant of Finance Office); Shen Xianquan (Surveying and Mapping Office Technician); Ren Zhongxing (secretary of the battalion department); Gongjue Gyatso (assistant military doctor); Zhang Fumei (hygienist), Fu Jiwen (hygienist), Quan Zhongming (communication squad leader); Deng Yiquan (battalion clerk); Qiu Guijun (material clerk); Wang Daixiang (sergeant) and so on. Hou Jinxian, secretary of the branch, presided over and introduced the topics of the branch meeting. The following is read by Li Yizhong to join the party; I read the application form for joining the party word by word, and asked everyone to help give more opinions. Then the introducers Xiao Zhongxing and Fu Jiwen introduced to the conference about my volunteer to join the party; Su Ronghua introduced the explanation of the investigation in Qu County, and concluded: When my father was in charge of X Hospital, he was wrongly classified as a "rightist" because of his work and interpersonal relationships, and the local government gave him a "wind blow" in the 60s. This was followed by a certificate of conclusion stamped in red by the local government. When the secretary of the Hou branch asked me to express my position, my excitement was indescribable, and he said one sentence after another: I must study and work hard, and no matter whether the party organization can approve me to join the party, I must strictly demand myself according to the standards of the Communist Party, and never let down the training and education of the party organization. Special thanks to the organization, for the sake of me, a small soldier, specially sent Deputy Battalion Commander Su to visit and investigate my father's "rightists", which made me feel that the party organization has not given up on me, and it will depend on my actual actions in the future! In the end, Secretary Hou asked me to leave the conference room, and the party members had to hold a vote.

A month later, Hou Jinxian, secretary of the branch, informed me that after being voted and approved by all party members at the branch meeting, and submitted to the party committee of the second battalion and the party committee of the engineering regiment for approval, it was agreed to admit me as a full member of the Communist Party of China, and the party age was implemented from the date of approval of the branch meeting (there was no preparatory period at that time).

On July 1, 1975, I accompanied the new party members who joined the party and took a bus to the conference room of the party committee of the Communist Youth League to hold a collective oath-taking ceremony for joining the party.

Wang Qingshan, secretary of the CYL party committee and political commissar, made a brief speech, urging new party members to obey the party's call, obey the organizational arrangements, use the party constitution to demand themselves at all times and places, set an example, study hard and work actively, put the interests of the party and the people above everything else, and be ready to sacrifice themselves and even their lives for the party and the people at all times.

Standing in front of the bright red party flag, my excitement was overflowing, and together with the new party members, I raised my right hand and solemnly swore that I would like to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution, fulfill the obligations of party members, implement the party's resolutions, strictly abide by the party's discipline, keep the party's secrets, be loyal to the party, work actively, fight for communism all my life, and do not hesitate to sacrifice my own life......

On July 1, 49 years ago, I solemnly swore under the banner of the party: I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China...

(The illustrations in this article are all from the Internet)

About the Author: 

Li Yizhong: He joined the army in December 1972 and worked in Unit 56190 of the Tibet Military Region, the Third Field Hospital, and the 41st Hospital of the People's Liberation Army. He has participated in many medical care missions in military districts, military divisions, border troops and border posts. He often participates in the rescue and treatment work of various border guards.

On July 1, 49 years ago, I solemnly swore under the banner of the party: I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China...

Author: Li Yizhong

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