
Follow-up to the wake of the whole school after the death of a person: the school teacher responded, the identity of the deceased was exposed, and sure enough, there was a situation

author:Old Don said history

Have you ever heard of the custom of a person dying and keeping a wake in the whole school?

Oops, that's a novelty!

When an elderly person dies in the family, it is usually a wake-up for relatives and children, but I heard that after an old man in Dejiang County, Tongren, Guizhou Province passed away, he actually arranged for the staff of a local middle school and health center to hold a wake, and also set up an eight-day duty schedule!

Is this the first time you've heard of this?

Follow-up to the wake of the whole school after the death of a person: the school teacher responded, the identity of the deceased was exposed, and sure enough, there was a situation

The incident made people call it "too explosive"

On June 28th, two wake-up schedules were suddenly exposed on the Internet, one from the trade union of Dejiang No. 1 Middle School, from June 22nd to June 29th, each teacher group of the school took turns on duty to keep the vigil for eight days!

Another one is from the local health center, and it is also the same time period, and all the staff of the public health department and the medical team take turns to wake the spirit, and all the staff have to go on the last day.

Follow-up to the wake of the whole school after the death of a person: the school teacher responded, the identity of the deceased was exposed, and sure enough, there was a situation
Follow-up to the wake of the whole school after the death of a person: the school teacher responded, the identity of the deceased was exposed, and sure enough, there was a situation

After reading these two tables, I was really stunned! Whose old man is this, can have such a big pomp? We have always advocated simple funerals, is this a bit too much?

Netizens are hotly discussed, and opinions collide

Netizens also had a lot of discussions, some said: "The custom of wakes is found in most areas, but they are all guarded by the descendants of the family, so that schools and health centers are vigils, which is also too ridiculous!" Others said, "Do you still say that it is voluntary, and if it is voluntary, do you use a schedule?" ”

Follow-up to the wake of the whole school after the death of a person: the school teacher responded, the identity of the deceased was exposed, and sure enough, there was a situation

Some people were also curious about why the shift was scheduled, and some netizens explained that it was to prepare meals in advance. Although this explanation makes sense, does it really require the use of so many colleagues in the matter of the wake of the spirit?

Follow-up to the wake of the whole school after the death of a person: the school teacher responded, the identity of the deceased was exposed, and sure enough, there was a situation

There are also local netizens in Dejiang who said that this is a Dejiang custom, mainly to comfort the only child workers.

But it was not mandatory, and no one left their work to hold a vigil.

If the person who posted this video is an outsider, it can be understood, but if it is a local, it is not known what it means.

Follow-up to the wake of the whole school after the death of a person: the school teacher responded, the identity of the deceased was exposed, and sure enough, there was a situation
Follow-up to the wake of the whole school after the death of a person: the school teacher responded, the identity of the deceased was exposed, and sure enough, there was a situation

The teacher of the school involved responded: It is just a custom, not a compulsory

The teacher of the school involved also said that this is a local custom, and after the death of an elderly person in a colleague's family, a unit will send a such thing, and it is not mandatory for a colleague to go to the wake.

He also revealed that the deceased was the father of an ordinary teacher at the school, and the elderly also had children working in the health center.

Follow-up to the wake of the whole school after the death of a person: the school teacher responded, the identity of the deceased was exposed, and sure enough, there was a situation

The author's opinion: Although the customs are good, they should not become a burden

After hearing this, I was also full of emotion. It's unbelievable that just the father of an ordinary teacher died and there should be such a big pomp.

In my opinion, whether it is custom or not, we should not use a shift to ask colleagues to go to the vigil. This should be a matter of individual units and adhere to the principle of individual voluntariness, rather than arranging shifts to wake spirits, and should not occupy working hours.

Imagine, if the deceased is an elderly person of an ordinary worker, everyone is voluntary, and it is understandable to arrange a duty schedule. But if it is a leader, it is a bit too much to force two units to be on duty to keep vigil.

This not only made foreign netizens feel the official authority, but also made local netizens feel the pressure.

Follow-up to the wake of the whole school after the death of a person: the school teacher responded, the identity of the deceased was exposed, and sure enough, there was a situation

Conclusion: Customs need to be respected, but simplicity should be promoted

In general, the customs and habits of each place deserve respect, but while respecting, we should also promote simplicity and not let customs become a burden.

The simple handling of funerals is not only respect for the deceased, but also care for the living.

So, what do you think about this? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss!


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