
Russia holds the presidency, Putin waits, China and Russia will meet at the highest level, and the Security Council must be reformed

author:Phoenix Satellite TV Jin Liang

Putin has finally waited for the opportunity, Russia will hold the rotating presidency of the Security Council, the SCO summit will be held in Astana, China and Russia will meet at the highest level, and the Security Council must be reformed!

From the 1st of this month, Russia will hold the rotating presidency of the UN Security Council for a period of one month, and Russia plans to discuss several issues in the Security Council, the first of which is how to reform the Security Council, and Russia is ready to propose the establishment of a new global "security equation" to promote the reform of the Security Council. Earlier, at the BRICS Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, the BRICS Foreign Ministers supported the promotion of a comprehensive reform of the UN Security Council. Russia is ready to take advantage of its rotating presidency of the Council to raise the issue of Security Council reform.

Russia holds the presidency, Putin waits, China and Russia will meet at the highest level, and the Security Council must be reformed

The other is to discuss the Middle East and the debate on cooperation between the United Nations and regional organizations (CSTO, CIS and SCO). Since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Russia has been isolated by the US-EU bloc, and the United States has repeatedly refused to issue visas to the Russian delegation in an attempt to keep Russia out of the UN, while Kiev has repeatedly proposed to expel Russia from the UN Security Council. The UN Secretary-General has repeatedly condemned Russia's "aggression" against Ukraine, and the authority and fairness of the UN have declined, and Russia has proposed to reform the Security Council in the hope of establishing a more just UN platform.

However, reforming the Council will not be an easy task. Russia will only be able to implement its ideas if it has the support of other members of the Security Council. Currently, the SCO summit will be held in Astana, and Putin is ready to engage with the leaders of various countries on the sidelines of the summit. The Chinese side will attend the SCO summit at the highest level and visit Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. In other words, Putin is likely to reach out to the highest levels of China to discuss the reform of the UN Security Council.

Russia holds the presidency, Putin waits, China and Russia will meet at the highest level, and the Security Council must be reformed

The reform of the Security Council involves the interests of major powers and the strategic balance of the world, and Russia has always hoped that the reform of the Security Council will be expanded and the number of permanent members of the Security Council will be increased. In order to win over India, the United States also supports India's "normalization." While India has the support of both the United States and Russia, China's attitude is particularly crucial.

On the issue of Security Council reform and India's accession to the Standing Commons, China has put forward proposals in which China calls for the reform to effectively increase the voice of developing countries, give more small and medium-sized countries the opportunity to participate in decision-making, give importance to maintaining international solidarity and cooperation, seek the broadest possible consensus through full consultations among member states, and benefit all member states from the reform, rather than serving the selfish interests of a few countries. In other words, China supports the reform of the Security Council, but the reform is not to increase the voice of some major countries, nor to give preference to some major powers, but to enhance the voice of those who are weak.

Russia holds the presidency, Putin waits, China and Russia will meet at the highest level, and the Security Council must be reformed

India has been criticizing China for blocking its "normalization", but if China does not nod in agreement, it will be difficult for India to become normal. After all, India is a member of the BRICS and a member of the SCO, and Putin wants to reform the Security Council and approve India's accession to the Standing Committee, in fact, he hopes to win over an ally in order to break the international isolation of the US bloc from Russia.

On the one hand, the Sino-Indian border issue has not been resolved, and India insists on tough confrontation, so how can China relax on the issue of becoming normal. On the other hand, despite India's rapid development, it is full of internal contradictions and lacks the responsibility and ability to be a major country. Although Putin supports India, India can only be on an equal footing with China, Russia and the United States only if it gets China's key vote!