
60,000 polling stations have been built, Iran's election has been reversed, pro-American polls are leading, and China has already laid out its plans

author:Phoenix Satellite TV Jin Liang

In order to elect the president, Iran built 60,000 polling stations, the candidates competed fiercely, the election was reversed, and the pro-American candidates actually led the anti-American faction, if the pro-American faction took power in Iran, it would affect the pattern of the Middle East, fortunately, China has already laid out!

At 8 a.m. local time on June 28, the Iranian people pinched their precious ballots and walked to the polling stations, ready to elect a new president. This time, Iran has set up a total of 60,000 polling stations at home and abroad, and more than 61 million voters have the right to vote, so who can become Iran's new president?

60,000 polling stations have been built, Iran's election has been reversed, pro-American polls are leading, and China has already laid out its plans

On June 29, Iran's Ministry of Internal Affairs announced that in the first round of the election, among 14.07 million votes, former Iranian Health Minister Pezeshkian ranked first, with 5.95 million votes; Iran's former chief nuclear negotiator, Jalili, came in second with 5.56 million votes. But since no one received a majority of votes, a second round of voting will take place on July 5, which means that the top two vote-getters, Pezeshkian and Jalili, will run for the new president.

However, the two candidates' political views are completely different, and the second round of the election is full of uncertain changes. Pezeshkian, a moderate reformist with illusions and a favorable view of the American bloc, had advocated peace talks with the West before his campaign, easing the autonomy of Kurds and other minorities in Iran, and returning to the nuclear deal to dialogue with the West. His ideas are similar to those of former Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, who hopes to ease tensions with the West and create an environment for peaceful development for Iran through strategic patience.

Jalili's proposition has always been tough, and he calls for resisting the West by forceful means to safeguard Iran's national interests, in other words, to resist the suppression of Western hegemony through economic and military confrontation with the West, so as to win strategic living space for Iran.

60,000 polling stations have been built, Iran's election has been reversed, pro-American polls are leading, and China has already laid out its plans

One is moderate, the other is tough, who will win? Originally, there were four candidates participating in the Iranian presidential election, they were Pezeshkian, Speaker of the Parliament Kalibaf, Jalili and former Interior Minister Pul Mohammadi. Many Iranians expected Kalibav to become president, but Pezeshkian and Jalili turned out to be contenders for the election. Judging by the polls, the pro-Americans lead the anti-Americans!

Next, a second round of voting will be held, and the final decision will be in the hands of Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, regardless of who wins or loses. Iran is a theocratic country, and Khamenei has more power and status than the president, and in the past few decades, Khamenei has been firmly in the Diaoyutai regardless of who is the president of Iran. Before the election, Khamenei said, "The elected person and his team must not be a person who opposes the country or has a favorable opinion of the United States." "This basically sets the tone for the new president of Iran. In other words, the new president will need Khamenei's approval before he can take power in Iran.

China is well aware that Iran is an important country in the Middle East and a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and maintaining good relations with Iran is conducive to China's strategic planning, which can ensure the stability of China-EU trade routes and safeguard China's economic security interests.

60,000 polling stations have been built, Iran's election has been reversed, pro-American polls are leading, and China has already laid out its plans

Earlier, Iran's Acting Foreign Minister Bagheri said at the BRICS meeting in Russia that he hoped to strengthen bilateral relations with China, expressed support for the one-China principle, and supported China's actions to safeguard territorial sovereignty. During his meeting with him, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that China supports the Iranian government and Iranian people in adhering to established domestic and foreign principles and policies, and upholding sovereignty, independence and development.

China's meaning is very simple, no matter how Iran elects its president, expect Iran and China to move in the same direction, in the current context of Iran being encircled by the United States and Europe, China's support is definitely conducive to Iran's breaking out of the encirclement, and Iran will certainly not change its relationship with China. The United States regards China, Iran, Russia, and North Korea as strategic rivals, and if China, Russia, Iran and North Korea unite, the American siege will be useless, and I hope that Iran can elect a bold president!

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