
"One Village, One Product" draws a blueprint for common prosperity

author:Qujiang release
"One Village, One Product" draws a blueprint for common prosperity

In the past few days, the villagers of Shangtang Village, Houxi Town, Qujiang District, have been busy fishing for crayfish. "This year's crayfish output will reach 500,000 catties, a year-on-year increase of 150%. According to the calculation of 15 yuan per catty, the output value is nearly 8 million yuan. Zhou Yaogen, secretary of the Party branch and director of the villagers of Shangtang Village, said happily.

"One Village, One Product" draws a blueprint for common prosperity

Since the beginning of this year, Qujiang District has deeply implemented the "one town, one industry, one village, one product" characteristic common prosperity action, adhered to the integrated promotion of grassroots party building and the "ten million project" in the new era, played a good role in the combination of organization and guidance, cadre empowerment, party building and joint construction, dug deep into local "native product" resources, sorted out and formed a map of "one town, one industry" and a list of "one village, one product", integrated 150 million yuan of agriculture-related project funds of the department, and built 130 common wealth workshops to promote the quality and efficiency of industrial development.

Houxi Town deepens the party building and joint construction mechanism, attracts Tianxi Agriculture, Baichang Science and Technology and other enterprises, relies on the Provincial Freshwater Fisheries Research Institute, innovates the industrial model of "Party Branch + Strong Village Company + Farmers + Scientific Research Unit + Operating Company + Social Capital", builds a 10,000-acre rice and fishery comprehensive planting and breeding co-prosperity base in Shangtang Village and Xiatang Village, develops the rice-shrimp and rice-crab comprehensive planting and breeding industry, integrates multiple forces to build a rural co-prosperity consortium project in the area, and successfully creates a provincial key base for comprehensive planting and breeding of rice and fishery in Zhejiang Province.

The industry has a backbone, and the villagers have participated. Houxi Town set up a "shrimp soldier and crab general" common wealth workshop, led by the village collective, encourage and guide farmers to participate in industrial development through land transfer, contract planting, industrial labor and other ways, in accordance with the "fixed salary, entrepreneurship fund, land rent, dividend shares" of the "four gold" mechanism for secondary distribution, can increase the land rent for the collective of Baotuan Village by more than 4 million yuan every year, drive more than 200 people to work, pay a fixed salary of more than 250 yuan per year, and entrepreneurial villagers can get a guaranteed entrepreneurship fund of 180,000 yuan every year.

"One Village, One Product" draws a blueprint for common prosperity

Recently, at the 5th Tea Culture Festival of Lingyang Township, the township signed a cooperation agreement with the Lingshang Yinsu brand Suji operation strategic cooperation project and the tea fairy valley tea deep processing project. Lingyang Township tea planting area of more than 8,000 acres, annual sales of more than 50 million yuan, the township party members and cadres actively planned, on the basis of tea planting, production and sales, the development of derivative products, the tea scientific research, science and tea culture tourism projects combined, keep an eye on the "local culture + characteristic agricultural tourism" development opportunities, built and operated a number of high-quality homestays, in the local Xianxia Lake initially formed a global tourism accommodation. "We will give full play to the role of party building and joint construction, do a good job in the new article of Chaxinglingyang, and improve the recognition of the business card of 'Drifting Across the Mountains'." Zhou Wenlin, deputy head of Lingyang Township, said.

"Next, we will be based on the new situation and new requirements of rural revitalization, continue to do a good job in the 'party building + characteristic industries' article, give full play to the strength of rural work instructors, science and technology commissioners and other personnel, and create a number of characteristic towns and villages with distinctive advantages, close integration of production and villages, and significant agricultural income." The relevant person in charge of the Organization Department of the Qujiang District Party Committee said.

Source丨Zhejiang Daily

Editor丨Jiang Yifan

First instance丨Yu Huixian

Second Instance丨Shu Qin

Third trial丨Zhou Zhixian

"One Village, One Product" draws a blueprint for common prosperity
"One Village, One Product" draws a blueprint for common prosperity

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