
Fan Zeng was in trouble, and the calligraphy and painting stalls were sold wholesale Guo Qingxiang

author:Yantian culture
Fan Zeng was in trouble, and the calligraphy and painting stalls were sold wholesale Guo Qingxiang

(Introduction: When Fan Zeng was in France, he painted 4,000 yuan, calligraphy 1,000 yuan, and wholesaled 300 hundred pieces to Guo Qingxiang.) Many years later, Guo Qingxiang sold these hundreds of paintings and calligraphy and made a lot of money. )

Fan Zeng was in trouble, and the calligraphy and painting stalls were sold wholesale Guo Qingxiang

Guo Qingxiang is a businessman engaged in clothing and furniture.

Guo Qingxiang invested one million yuan to shoot a large-scale documentary "Eighty Treasures" about 80 years old by an old painter about 80 years old under the influence of Mei Qian, a famous director and calligrapher and painter of the Beijing People's Art Theater.

As a result, Guo Qingxiang got acquainted with a group of calligraphers and painters, and let the shrewd Guo Qingxiang see new business opportunities.

As a result, Guo Qingxiang gave up the clothing and furniture business and established "Yue Bao Zhai".

At this time, Guo Qingxiang was still a layman in the collecting world, and when he entered the auction for the first time, he bought back a galloping horse painting of Xu Beihong for 380,000 yuan, which was a fake.

Until he met Chen Yifei, the business of "Yue Bao Zhai" did not improve.

By chance, Guo Qingxiang became friends with Chen Yifei, a famous painter who had just returned from the United States.

Fan Zeng was in trouble, and the calligraphy and painting stalls were sold wholesale Guo Qingxiang

At this time, Fan Zeng was living in France, and he happened to find a property but had no money to pay due to lack of money, so he entrusted his friend, Mi Jingyang of Rong Bao Zhai, to help him sell his paintings.

Under the mixture of Mi Jingyang, Guo Qingxiang ordered 200 paintings at a price of 4,000 yuan each, and another 100 calligraphy paintings at a price of 1,000 yuan each.

It didn't take long for Guo Qingxiang to sell these 300 works and make a lot of money.

This huge income finally made Guo Qingxiang make a name for himself in the collecting world and began to have a status in the rivers and lakes.

At that time, the media and calligraphy and painting experts from all walks of life discussed the lawsuit between Guo Qingxiang and Fan Zeng.

Many people praise Guo Qingxiang's courage, because in the past ten years, the price of Fan Zeng's paintings has not only increased several times, but also ranked among the living Chinese artists who have been published for a long time on the Hurun Art List.

Later, Guo Qingxiang began to lobby the painter Wu Guanzhong, so that he could become the "contracted painter" of Yue Bao Zhai, to put it bluntly, he monopolized all Wu Guanzhong's paintings.

Therefore, Guo Qingxiang unabashedly said in an interview with reporters that he "completely collected Wu Guanzhong's paintings".

Fan Zeng was in trouble, and the calligraphy and painting stalls were sold wholesale Guo Qingxiang

Maybe it was because of the sincerity of the golden stone, or maybe it was because Wu Guanzhong was old, and Wu Guanzhong was finally persuaded by Guo Qingxiang.

In the Joan Miró Hall of the Cultural Center of the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France, Yue Bao Zhai held the largest ink painting and calligraphy exhibition in Wu Guanzhong's artistic career with the theme of "Emotion and Innovation: Wu Guanzhong's Ink Painting Milestone".

So far, "Yue Bao Zhai" has opened the curtain on the comprehensive packaging and operation of Wu Guanzhong's calligraphy and painting works.

Fan Zeng was in trouble, and the calligraphy and painting stalls were sold wholesale Guo Qingxiang

After that, round after round of Wu Guanzhong's calligraphy and painting exhibitions from abroad to China, from Beijing to Dalian, can be said to be overwhelming, and Wu Guanzhong's works have been hot.

The price of Wu Guanzhong's works has risen proportionally in a short period of time.

Once, in an interview with Southern Weekly, 89-year-old Wu Guanzhong used very fiery language to criticize the current painting and calligraphy market.

The reporter said: The market has also given you benefits, and you have become the most expensive painter in the world.

Wu Guanzhong replied: "This price has nothing to do with me, because those profits belong to them." ”

Fan Zeng was in trouble, and the calligraphy and painting stalls were sold wholesale Guo Qingxiang

It is self-evident who is the biggest winner of that show.

With Wu Guanzhong, a heavyweight seeded player, Guo Qingxiang has not long been among the first-line collectors in China.

Operation Wu Guanzhong is the sweetest fruit that Guo Qingxiang has tasted.

With Wu Guanzhong's gratifying record, "Yue Bao Zhai" certainly wants to manipulate more well-known calligraphers and painters.

Because of Wang Jianlin's special preference for the painter Shi Qi, Shi Qi has become another object of hype in "Yue Bao Zhai".

Fan Zeng was in trouble, and the calligraphy and painting stalls were sold wholesale Guo Qingxiang

In just two years, Shi Qi has risen from a third-rate painter to a first-class master in China, and the market price has long overdrawn the level of his paintings.

No matter how high the price of Shi Qi's paintings is, Shi Qi wants to become a painter who takes the lead in "Yue Bao Zhai", which is far from enough.

In 2010, 91-year-old Wu Guanzhong passed away, and the most valuable trump card in the hands of "Yue Bao Zhai" disappeared immediately, and it was Guo Qingxiang's top priority to find a heavyweight calligraphy and painting master who could replace Wu Guanzhong as soon as possible.

Fan Zeng was in trouble, and the calligraphy and painting stalls were sold wholesale Guo Qingxiang

Rong Baozhai, the main agency of Fan Zeng's works, estimates that in the past ten years, Fan Zengguang's public welfare donations have reached 530 million yuan.

At the two disaster relief parties in Wenchuan and Yushu, Fan Zeng donated 20 million yuan. It has created the image of the best in the Chinese art world.

Walking in the rivers and lakes for many years, Fan Zeng has long had a gap with Wu Guanzhong, how could he go to Wu Guanzhong's successor? You are your boss, I am my boss, and Fan Zeng is the boss of the calligraphy and painting world.

Fifteen years have passed since that transaction with Guo Qingxiang, and Fan Zeng has not only returned to his homeland, but has also become a leading figure in the domestic painting and calligraphy industry.

Fan Zeng wrote "The Manifestation of Zhuangzi", Ji Xianlin wrote a preface for it, and in the preface, Ji Lao did not hesitate to praise:

"I know Fan Zeng in a three-step process:

The first step is to think that he is just a painter,

The second step is to think that he is a national scholar,

The third step considers him a thinker.

In all three areas, he has exquisite and profound attainments. ”

Fan Zeng was in trouble, and the calligraphy and painting stalls were sold wholesale Guo Qingxiang

As for the criticism of "assembly line painting", people outside the industry seem to think that it is very reasonable, but people in the industry are secretive, as if this way of painting is indeed a big rebellion.

At that time, Huang Chunyao, a professor at Nanjing Normal University, repeatedly painted dozens of works with the same theme, which were displayed in Chinese embassies in various countries.

Therefore, "assembly line painting" has never been a secret in the world of calligraphy and painting.

Guo Qingxiang cooperated with Fan Zeng in the early years to operate calligraphy and painting.

Guo Qingxiang became famous in a lawsuit with Fan Zeng a few years ago.

It can be described as fame and fortune.

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